Syrian Refugees in Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey The Third Annual Conference on Effective Partnership & Information Sharing for Better Humanitarian Action Kuwait 12 – 13 September, 2012
Syrian refugee numbers increased 7 times since April-12 Government and/or Internationally-Assisted Syrian Refugees 245, ,952 96,383 78,137 x2 x7 53,531 33,789 x3 x4
Syrian refugees in only three months… Lebanon Jordan Turkey More than tripled in Jordan Iraq More than doubled in Lebanon More than tripled in Turkey More than tripled in Iraq
Turkey Syrian Arab Republic Iraq Jordan Lebanon 245,183 Syrian refugees assisted in Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey as of 5 September ,410 18,681 64,636 81,456 Damascus Homs Aleppo Europe 15,000 Syrian asylum claims North Africa 4,733
75 percent of Syrian refugees are women and children Note: Demographic breakdown is not available for refugees registered in Iraq © UNHCR/J.Ghosn 2012 More than half are children
Hatay 11,164 Gaziantep 12,653 Kilis 13,058 Sanliurfa 26,526 2,938 3,026 1, Turkey Syrian Arab Republic Iraq Jordan Lebanon 7,757 Camp Locations Registered Syrian Refugees by Location Hatay 11,164 Gaziantep 12,653 Kilis 13,058 Sanliurfa 26,526 2,938 3,026 1, Turkey Syrian Arab Republic Iraq Jordan Lebanon 7,757 Camp Locations Registered Syrian Refugees by Location Syrian Arab Republic Turkey According to local authorities, there are about 8,000 Syrian refugees at the borders waiting to be admitted. The authorities further acknowledged that the borders are not closed; however, the admissions are slowed down due to security concerns as many people are going back and forth. Address location data for 882 people is unavailable. 80,410 Syrian Refugees in Turkey as of 29 August 2012 No new figures were announced by the Government of Turkey since August 29.
Syrian Arab Republic Lebanon 64,636 Syrian Refugees in Lebanon as of 5 September 2012 North 30,608 Beirut area 4,066 Bekaa 29,962 Homs Damascus Duma Talkalakh Place of Origin of Registered Syrians * These figures include registered Syrians and those awaiting registration.
Jordan Syrian Arab Republic 8,812 Irbid 20,550 3,154 Amman 11,457 1, ,456 Syrian Refugees in Jordan as of 5 September 2012 Place of Origin of Registered Syrians Zaatari Camp 24,200 The figures on the map show refugee population in Zaatari camp and distribution of Syrian refugees elsewhere in Jordan based on registration data. This does not include location of those assisted awaiting registration outside Zaatari camp for whom no address data is available.
18,681 Syrian Refugees in Iraq as of 4 September 2012 Syrian Arab Republic Iraq Duhok 11,274 2,644 Erbil 491 Suleimaniyah Hassakeh 4,272 Anbar
Coordination UNHCR is lead agency coordinating the UN Inter-agency humanitarian response with 13 UN agencies, 25 international NGOs and 15 local partners. Refugee camps Field presence
Funding DONORS: ADDITIONAL DONORS: Arab Gulf Programme for United Nations Development, CERF, ERF, OCHA, Private Donors Revised RRP total requirements Total funds available as of 15 August 2012 USD 103,8 million USD 193,2 million
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