Welcome to St.Lukes for our service of morning worship There is a hearing induction loop: switch your hearing aid to “T”. Please turn off pagers and phones.
Daniel: Living in a Foreign Land
Be with us, Spirit of God; nothing can separate us from your love Be with us, Spirit of God; nothing can separate us from your love. Breathe on us, breath of God; fill us with your saving power. Speak in us, wisdom of God; bring strength, healing and peace. <A short time of Silence> Opening Prayer
The Lord is here; His Spirit is with us. Opening Prayer
Daniel: Living in a Foreign Land
Forth in your name, O Lord, I go, My daily labour to pursue:
You, only you, resolved to know In all I think or speak or do; In your name I go Lord.
The task your wisdom has assigned, O let me cheerfully fulfill;
In all my works your presence find, And prove your good and perfect will; In your name I go
Jesus be glorified in me (x2) In all I do in all I say Jesus be glorified in me (x2)
Be glorified in me (x4)
Preserve me from my calling’s snare And hide my simple hearts above
In your name I go Above the thorns of choking care The gilded bates of worldly love In your name I go
You may I set at my right hand, Whose eyes my inmost being know,
And labour on at your command, And offer all my works to you. In your name I go.
Jesus be glorified in me (x2) In all I do in all I say Jesus be glorified in me (x2)
Be glorified in me (x4)
Give me to bear your burden light, And every moment watch and pray,
And things eternal keep in sight, And hasten to your glorious day. In your name I go.
For you delightfully employ Whatever bounteous grace has given;
And run my course with steady joy, And closely walk with you to heaven. In your name I go.
Jesus be glorified in me (x2) In all I do in all I say Jesus be glorified in me (x2)
Over all the earth You reign on high Every mountain stream every sunset sky
But my one request Lord my only aim is that you reign in me again.
Lord reign in me Reign in my heart Over all my dreams In my darkest hour
You are the Lord of all I am So won’t you reign in me again
Over every thought over every word Won’t my life reflect the beauty of my Lord
Cos you mean more to me than any earthly thing So won’t you reign in me again.
Before the throne of God above I have a strong, a perfect plea;
A great High Priest, Whose name is Love, Who ever lives and pleads for me.
My name is graven on His hands, My name is written in His heart;
I know that while in heaven He stands No tongue can bid me thence depart.
When Satan tempts me to despair, And tells me of the guilt within,
Upward I look, and see Him there Who made an end of all my sin.
Because the sinless Saviour died, My sinful soul is counted free; For God, the Just, is satisfied To look on Him and pardon me.
Behold Him there! The Risen Lamb! My perfect, spotless, Righteousness,
The great unchangeable I AM The King of glory and of grace!
One with Himself, I cannot die; My soul is purchased by His blood;
My life is hid with Christ on high, With Christ, my Saviour and my God.
Daniel: Living in a Foreign Land
The word of God is living and active The word of God is living and active. It judges the thoughts and intentions of the heart. All is open and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we give account. We confess our sins in penitence and faith. cf Hebrews 4.12 Invitation to Confession
God our Father, we come to you in sorrow for our sins. For turning away from you, and ignoring your will for our lives; Father, forgive us: save us and help us. Confession
For behaving just as we wish, without thinking of you; Father, forgive us: save us and help us. Confession
For failing you by what we do, and think and say; Father, forgive us: save us and help us. Confession
For letting ourselves be drawn away from you by temptations in the world about us; Father, forgive us: save us and help us. Confession
For living as if we were ashamed to belong to your Son; Father, forgive us: save us and help us. Confession
May the Father of all mercies cleanse us from our sins, and restore us in his image to the praise and glory of his name, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen Confession
“Peace is not something you wish for; It's something you make, Something you do, Something you are, And something you give away.” Robert Fulgum
The Peace
Daniel 1 (page ????)
Daniel: Living in a Foreign Land
All I once held dear, built my life upon, All this world reveres, and wars to own,
All I once thought gain I have counted loss; Spent and worthless now, compared to this.
Knowing You, Jesus, knowing You there is no greater thing,
You're my all, You're the best, You're my joy, my righteousness, And I love You, Lord.
All my heart's desire is to know You more, To be found in You and known as Yours.
To possess by faith what I could not earn, All surpassing gift of righteousness.
Knowing You, Jesus, knowing You there is no greater thing,
You're my all, You're the best, You're my joy, my righteousness, And I love You, Lord.
Oh to know the power of Your risen life, And to know You in your sufferings.
To become like You In Your death, my Lord, So with You to live and never die.
Knowing You, Jesus, knowing You there is no greater thing,
You're my all, You're the best, You're my joy, my righteousness, And I love You, Lord.
God in my living there in my breathing, God in my waking, God in my sleeping.
God in my resting, there in my working, God in my thinking, God in my speaking.
Be my everything, be my everything; be my everything, be my everything.
God in my hoping, there in my dreaming, God in my watching, God in my waiting.
God in my laughing, there in my weeping, God in my hurting, God in my healing.
Be my everything, be my everything; be my everything, be my everything.
Christ in me, Christ in me, Christ in me, the hope of glory Christ in me, Christ in me, Christ in me, the hope of glory. You are everything. Christ in me, Christ in me, Christ in me, the hope of glory.
Be my everything. Be my everything. (Repeat x3) You are everything Be my everything. Be my everything. (Repeat x3) You are everything. Jesus, everything.
Daniel: Living in a Foreign Land
Persecuted and Imprisoned Christians The Kengas family, Trish Prayers for the world Warzones –Iraq, Afghanistan, Others World Leaders – wisdom, courage, faith Persecuted and Imprisoned Christians The opening of doors for the Gospel The Kengas family, Trish
Prayers for our country Gordon Brown & the government The Church of England The work of God in Bolton The Holbach family, Keith Wills
Prayers for our church Clergy and Lay leaders The work of the drop in The PCC & standing committee Ongoing team ministry discussions Those we know who are ill or grieving Our mission and witness in our parish The work on the charity shop
O ur Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us.
Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours now and for ever. Amen.
Daniel: Living in a Foreign Land
Immortal, invisible, God only wise, In light inaccessible hid from our eyes,
Most blessèd, most glorious, the Ancient of Days, Almighty, victorious, Thy great name we praise.
Unresting, unhasting, and silent as light, Nor wanting, nor wasting, Thou rulest in might;
Thy justice like mountains high soaring above Thy clouds which are fountains of goodness and love.
To all life Thou givest, to both great and small; In all life Thou livest, the true life of all;
We blossom and flourish as leaves on the tree, And wither and perish; but naught changeth Thee.
Great Father of glory, pure Father of light, Thine angels adore Thee, all veiling their sight;
All laud we would render: O help us to see ’Tis only the splendour of light hideth Thee.
Immortal, invisible, God only wise, In light inaccessible hid from our eyes,
Most blessèd, most glorious, the Ancient of Days, Almighty, victorious, Thy great name we praise.
Daniel: Living in a Foreign Land
The Sending Almighty God, by your command time runs its course; forgive our impatience, perfect our faith, and, while we wait for the fulfilment of your promises, grant us to have a good hope because of your word; through Jesus Christ our Lord. The Sending
Please join us for tea, coffee and fellowship After the service
Daniel: Living in a Foreign Land