HOLIDAY SHOPPING SPREE Charter School for Applied Technologies students will be shopping for the holiday season!
Introduction The entire 7 th grade at the Charter School for Applied Technologies will be shopping this holiday season! It doesn’t matter what your background is or in what you believe. It is always a great feeling to give back to your favorite people.
7th Grade Task Your task is to select gifts for all members of your family coming as close to, without exceeding $2, You will search the internet to find the gifts. Sales tax will be calculated for each purchase. Have fun shopping! Cccs: 4.1, 4.2, 4.5
7th Grade Process Identify each member of your household by name and age. The age is important so that your gift is appropriate. Any person over 18 years of age should be identified by “adult”. Search the internet using a variety of websites. Be sure to use the Snipping Tool to insert an image of your gift to your Excel spreadsheet in order to prove your price. Click here for resources
7th Grade Process (cont.) Use the Holiday Shopping Budget worksheet to do your research. Make a table of your gifts using Microsoft Excel. Include the name of the item, who it’s for, original price, 8.75% sales tax. Round each price to the nearest penny. Click here for resources
Resources Click for 7 th grade process
Snipping Tool 2.0 Snipping tool allows you to select images or text on websites using a freehand tool or rectangle tool You can copy the image to the clipboard and paste into any document or spreadsheet to take notes on the page
Snipping Tool Snipping Tool captures a screen shot of any object on your screen, like a paragraph in a document, a picture you’re editing, or a section of a Web page Click the Start button and go to Accessories folder in the program list. Click Snipping Tool in the Programs section at the top of the Start menu.
Snipping Tool Then select the area of your screen that you want to capture. It's automatically copied to the Clipboard and the Snipping Tool mark-up window. From the mark-up window, you can write on, draw on, highlight, save, or the snip.
7th Grade Evaluation Novice (7)Apprentice (8)Practitioner (9)Expert(10) Table (X3) Used the table to provide information on the holiday shopping project. Some of the required information is missing The table includes most of the required information The table includes all of the required information. The table includes all of practitioner plus accurate total calculations for each family member. Budgeting (X2) Shows little attempt to come up with a solution to planning a budget and total exceeds or comes within $1000 Reveals an unsuccessful attempt to plan a budget and total comes within $500 Features acceptable solutions to planning a budget and total comes within $250 Effectively uses a budget to plan expenditures and total comes within $100 Calculation (X3) Features significant mathematical errors in calculations on tax and savings in the use of coupons Features some mathematical errors in calculations on tax and savings in the use of coupons Correctly calculates the tax and savings in the use of coupons All of practitioner plus uses Excel formulas to calculate Booklet (X2) Your booklet is handed in with components missing. Your booklet is neat and bound. Some items and prices need verification. Your project is ordered, neat, and bound. It includes verification of all items and prices. All of practitioner plus strong evidence of additional technology used.