CSE 8383 Superscalar Processor 1 Abdullah A Alasmari & Eid S. Alharbi
CSE 8383 Superscalar Processor 2 Outlines Pipeline & Hazards Superscalar Instruction issue policy Register renaming MIPS R10000 Advanced Superscalar Summary
CSE 8383 Superscalar Processor 3 Pipeline & Hazards Pipeline CPI = Ideal pipeline CPI + Structural Stalls + Data Hazard Stalls + Control Stalls Ideal pipeline CPI: measure of the maximum performance attainable by the implementation Structural hazards: HW cannot support this combination of instructions Data hazards: Instruction depends on result of prior instruction still in the pipeline Control hazards: Caused by delay between the fetching of instructions and decisions about changes in control flow (branches and jumps)
CSE 8383 Superscalar Processor 4 Hazards Structural Hazards: Have as many functional units as needed Data Hazards solutions: Execute instructions in order. Use score-board to eliminate data hazards by stalling instructions Execute instructions out or order, as soon as operands are available, but graduate them in order. Use register renaming to avoid WAR and WAW data hazards Control Hazards solutions: Use branch prediction: Make sure that the branch is resolved before registers are modified
CSE 8383 Superscalar Processor 5 Branch prediction What do we need to predict for a jump/branch? jump: the target address, which can be stored in the same instruction or computed from the current PC plus a displacement Return from subroutine ret: the return address, which is obtained from the stack (increasing the SP and reading from memory) conditional branch: the target address, which is usually computed from the current PC plus a displacement Is the branch going to branch or continue with next instruction?
CSE 8383 Superscalar Processor 6 Outlines Pipeline & Hazards Superscalar Instruction issue policy Register renaming MIPS R10000 Advanced Superscalar Summary
CSE 8383 Superscalar Processor 7 Multiple Instruction Issue Multiple instructions issued each cycle better performance increase instruction throughput decrease in CPI (below 1) greater hardware complexity. harder code scheduling job for the compiler Superscalar processors instructions are scheduled by the hardware different numbers of instructions may be issued simultaneously VLIW (“very long instruction word”) processors instructions are scheduled by the compiler a fixed number of operations are formatted as one big instruction
CSE 8383 Superscalar Processor 8 What is Superscalar? A machine designed to improve the performance execution of scalar instructions; where one instruction per cycle. Superscalar architecture allows several instructions to be issued and completed per clock cycle consists of a number of pipeline that are working in parallel Common instructions (arithmetic, load/store, conditional branch) can be initiated and executed independently in different pipelines Executed in an order different from the program order Equally applicable to RISC & CISC, In practice usually RISC
CSE 8383 Superscalar Processor 9 Superscalar Execution IMReg ALU DMReg IMReg ALU DMRegIMReg ALU DMRegIMReg ALU DMRegIMReg ALU DMRegIMReg ALU DMReg
CSE 8383 Superscalar Processor 10 Superscalar Execution IMReg ALU DMReg IMReg ALU DMRegIMReg ALU DMRegIMReg ALU DMRegIMReg ALU DMRegIMReg ALU DMReg
CSE 8383 Superscalar Processor 11 How Does it Work? Require: instruction fetch fetching of multiple instructions at once dynamic branch prediction & fetching beyond conditional branches instruction issue methods for determining which instructions can be issued next the ability to issue multiple instructions in parallel instruction commit methods for committing several instructions in fetch order duplicate & more complex hardware
CSE 8383 Superscalar Processor 12 Assumptions Single FP adder takes 2 cycles Single FP multipler takes 5 cycles Can issue add & multiply together Must issue in-order v: addt $f10, $f2, $f4 w: mult $f10, $f10, $f6 x: addt $f12, $f10, $f8 y: addt $f4, $f4, $f6 z: addt $f10, $f4, $f8 (Single adder, data dependence) (In order) v w x y (inorder) z Data Flow ++ * + $f2$f4$f6 $f4 $f10 $f8 y v x z Critical Path = 9 cycles + w z $f12 $f10 Superscalar Execution Example
CSE 8383 Superscalar Processor 13 Adding Advanced Features Out Of Order Issue Can start y as soon as adder available Must hold back z until $f10 not busy & adder available With Register Renaming v w x y z v w x y z v: addt $f10, $f2, $f4 w: mult $f10, $f10, $f6 x: addt $f12, $f10, $f8 y: addt $f4, $f4, $f6 z: addt $f10, $f4, $f8 v: addt $f10a, $f2, $f4 w: mult $f10a, $f10a, $f6 x: addt $f12, $f10a, $f8 y: addt $f4, $f4, $f6 z: addt $f10, $f4, $f8 ++ * + $f2$f4$f6 $f4 $f10 $f8 y v x z Critical Path = 9 cycles + w z $f12 $f10
CSE 8383 Superscalar Processor 14 Outlines Pipeline & Hazards Superscalar Instruction issue policy Register renaming MIPS R10000 Advanced Superscalar Summary
CSE 8383 Superscalar Processor 15 The Process of Instruction Issue K-issue, dynamically scheduled superscalar processor IPreF: Prefetches instructions for superscalar IF: Conceptually, IF examines each instruction in the Issue Packet for hazards in program order IS1: Decides how many instruction from the packet can be issued simultaneously IS2: Examines the selected instructions in IS1 with already issued instructions for hazards IPreF IF EXIS1IS2 Issue Packets: 0≤ I ≤ K
CSE 8383 Superscalar Processor 16 Instruction Issue Policy Instruction Issue Policy refers to the protocol used to issue instruction The three types of ordering are Order in which instructions are fetched Order in which instructions are executed Order in which instructions change registers and memory
CSE 8383 Superscalar Processor 17 Instruction Issue Policy The simplest policy is to execute and complete instruction in their sequential order To improve parallelism, the processor has to look ahead and try to find independent instructions to execute in parallel Thus, instructions will be executed in an order different from the strictly sequential one, with the restriction that the result must be correct Execution policies: i. In-order issue with in-order completion ii. In-order issue with out-order completion iii. Out-of-order issue with out-of-order completion
CSE 8383 Superscalar Processor 18 In-Order Issue with In-Order Completion Instructions are issued in the exact order that would correspond to sequential execution [In-order Issue] and result are written in the same order [In-order Completion]
CSE 8383 Superscalar Processor 19 In-Order Issue with Out-of-Order Completion Result are written in different order An output dependency exists if two instructions are writing into the same location Output dependency R3 R3:= R3 + R5; (I1) R4:= R3 + 1; (I2) R3 R3:= R5 + 1; (I3) R7:= R3 + R4; (I4) If I3 completes before I1, the result from I1 will be wrong.
CSE 8383 Superscalar Processor 20 Out-of-Order Issue with Out-of-Order Completion With in-order issue, no new instruction can be issued when processor has detected a conflict and is stalled, until after the conflict has been resolved As such, the processor is not allowed to look ahead for further instructions, which could be executed in parallel Out-of-order issue tries to resolve the above problem by taking a set of decoded instructions into an instruction window (buffer) When a functional unit becomes available, an instruction from the window may be issued to the execute stage Any instruction may be issued, provided that: i. it needs a particular functional unit that is available ii. no conflict or dependencies blocking this instruction
CSE 8383 Superscalar Processor 21 Outlines Pipeline & Hazards Superscalar Instruction issue policy Register renaming MIPS R10000 Advanced Superscalar Summary
CSE 8383 Superscalar Processor 22 Antidependency Read-Write dependency DIV.D F0, F1, F2 (I1) ADD.D F3, F0, F4 (I2) SUB.D F4, F5, F6 (I3) MUL.D F3, F5, F4 (I4) I3 can not complete before I2 starts as I2 needs a value in F4 and I3 changes F4 An antidependency exists if an instruction uses a location as an operand while a following one is writing into that location; if the first one is still using the location when the second one writes into it, an error occurs:
CSE 8383 Superscalar Processor 23 Register Renaming Output dependencies and antidependencies can be treated similarly to true data dependencies as normal conflicts, by delaying the execution of a certain instruction until it can be executed Parallelism could be improved by eliminating output dependencies and antidependencies, which are not real data dependencies These artificial dependencies can be eliminated by automatically allocating new registers to values, when such dependencies has been detected This technique is called register renaming
CSE 8383 Superscalar Processor 24 Register renaming DIV.D F0, F1, F2 ADD.D F3, F0, F4 SUB.D F4, F5, F6 SUB.D T, F5, F6 MUL.D F3, F5, F4 MUL.D S, F5, T F0 F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 5.6 F6 F31 NameOp1DetOp2 Div520F0 Add2.6DivF3 Sub F4 MulSub5.6F3 Register FileReservation Station
CSE 8383 Superscalar Processor 25 Execution Example Assumptions Two-way issue with renaming Rename registers B1,B2, etc. 1 cycle ADD.D latency, 2 cycles MUL.D v: ADD.D $f10, $f2, $f4 w: MUL.D $f10’ $f10, $f6 x: ADD.D $f12, $f10, $f8 y: ADD.D $f4, $f4, $f6 ValueRename 10.0 $f $f $f $f $f $f12 ADD -- Op1Op2Dest -- ResultDest MULT -- Op1Op2Dest -- ResultDest -- B1 -- ValueRenames F Valid -- B2 --F B3 --F B4 --F
CSE 8383 Superscalar Processor 26 Execution Example Cycle 1 Actions Instructions v & w issued v target set to B1 w target set to B2 ValueRename 10.0 $f $f $f $f $f10 B $f12 ADD B1 -- Op1Op2Dest -- ResultDest MULT B140.0B2 -- Op1Op2Dest -- ResultDest v w v: ADD.D $f10, $f2, $f4 w: MUL.D $f10’ $f10, $f6 x: ADD.D $f12, $f10, $f8 y: ADD.D $f4, $f4, $f6 -- B1 $f10 ValueRenames F Valid -- B2 $f10F -- B3 --F B4 --F
CSE 8383 Superscalar Processor 27 Execution Example Cycle 2 Actions Instructions x & y issued x & y targets set to B3 and B4 Instruction v executed ValueRename 10.0 $f $f4 B $f $f $f10 B $f12 B3 ADD B280.0B B4 Op1Op2Dest 30.0B1 ResultDest MULT B2 -- Op1Op2Dest -- ResultDest v wx y v: ADD.D $f10, $f2, $f4 w: MUL.D $f10’ $f10, $f6 x: ADD.D $f12, $f10, $f8 y: ADD.D $f4, $f4, $f B1 $f10 ValueRenames T Valid -- B2 $f10F -- B3 $f12F -- B4 $f4F
CSE 8383 Superscalar Processor 28 Instruction v retired But doesn’t change $f10 Instruction w begins execution Moves through 2 stage pipeline Instruction y executed ValueRename 10.0 $f $f4 B $f $f $f10 B $f12 B3 ADD B280.0B3 -- Op1Op2Dest 60.0B4 ResultDest MULT -- Op1Op2Dest -- ResultDest y x B2 w v: ADD.D $f10, $f2, $f4 w: MUL.D $f10’ $f10, $f6 x: ADD.D $f12, $f10, $f8 y: ADD.D $f4, $f4, $f6 -- B1 -- ValueRenames F Valid -- B2 $f10F -- B3 $f12F 60.0 B4 $f4T Execution Example Cycle 3
CSE 8383 Superscalar Processor 29 Execution Example Cycle 4 Instruction w finishes execution Instruction y cannot be retired yet ValueRename 10.0 $f $f4 B $f $f $f10 B $f12 B3 ADD B3 -- Op1Op2Dest -- ResultDest MULT -- Op1Op2Dest 120.0B2 ResultDest w x v: ADD.D $f10, $f2, $f4 w: MUL.D $f10’ $f10, $f6 x: ADD.D $f12, $f10, $f8 y: ADD.D $f4, $f4, $f6 -- B1 -- ValueRenames F Valid B2 $f10T -- B3 $f12F 60.0 B4 $f4T
CSE 8383 Superscalar Processor 30 Execution Example Cycle 5 Instruction w retired update $f10 Instruction y cannot be retired yet Instruction x executed ValueRename 10.0 $f $f4 B $f $f $f $f12 B3 ADD -- Op1Op2Dest 200.0B3 ResultDest MULT -- Op1Op2Dest -- ResultDest x v: ADD.D $f10, $f2, $f4 w: MUL.D $f10’ $f10, $f6 x: ADD.D $f12, $f10, $f8 y: ADD.D $f4, $f4, $f6 -- B1 -- ValueRenames F Valid -- B2 --F B3 $f12T 60.0 B4 $f4T
CSE 8383 Superscalar Processor 31 Execution Example Cycle 6 Instruction x & y retired Update $f12 and $f4 ValueRename 10.0 $f $f $f $f $f10 %f $f12 ADD -- Op1Op2Dest -- ResultDest MULT -- Op1Op2Dest -- ResultDest v: ADD.D $f10, $f2, $f4 w: MUL.D $f10’ $f10, $f6 x: ADD.D $f12, $f10, $f8 y: ADD.D $f4, $f4, $f6 -- B1 -- ValueRenames F Valid -- B2 --F B3 $f12T 60.0 B4 $f4T
CSE 8383 Superscalar Processor 32 Outlines Pipeline & Hazards Superscalar Instruction issue policy Register renaming MIPS R10000 Advanced Superscalar Summary
CSE 8383 Superscalar Processor 33 Example: MIPS R10000 Can decode 4 instructions per cycle Has 5 execution pipelines Uses dynamic scheduling and out-of-order execution Does speculative branching Functional Units Integer ALU1 Integer ALU2 Load/Store Unit Float Adder Float Multiply
CSE 8383 Superscalar Processor 34 Example: MIPS R10000 Instructions cache Decode Branch unit Issue RF FAdd-1 FAdd-2FAdd-3Result Issue RF FMpy-1 FMpy-2FMpy-3Result Issue RF ALU1 Result Issue RF ALU2 Result Issue RF Add-Calc Data Cache Result Queues 7 Pipeline Stages Stage 1 Fetch Stage 2 Decode Stage 3 Issue Stage 4 Execute Stage 5 Execute Stage 6 Execute Stage 7 Store 4 instructions Fetch and DecodeFunctional Unit (Execute instructions) Branch Address (one branch can be handled every cycle) 5 Execution Pipelines
CSE 8383 Superscalar Processor 35 Outlines Pipeline & Hazards Superscalar Instruction issue policy Register renaming MIPS R10000 Advanced Superscalar Summary
CSE 8383 Superscalar Processor 36 Advanced Superscalar Future Architecture Can issue 16 to 32 instructions Consist of 24 to 48 functional units Use advance branch prediction Advantage Enhancing performance Disadvantage Attempting to extract more instruction level parallelism has diminishing returns on performance as the issue width increases Increasing Microprocessor complexity
CSE 8383 Superscalar Processor 37 Outlines Pipeline & Hazards Superscalar Instruction issue policy Register renaming MIPS R10000 Advanced Superscalar Summary
CSE 8383 Superscalar Processor 38 Summary Superscalar is ILP mechanism to enhance the performance by increasing throughput. It is limited by True data dependency Procedural (Control) dependency Resource conflicts Output dependency Antidependency
CSE 8383 Superscalar Processor 39 Summary Pros The hardware solves everything: Hardware detects potential parallelism between instructions; Hardware tries to issue as many instructions as possible in parallel. Hardware solves register renaming. Cons Very complex Much hardware is needed for run-time detection. There is a limit in how far we can go with this technique. Power consumption can be very large! The window of executions limited this limits the capacity to detect potentially parallel instructions