NSS Subject Selection Guidelines 1/12 Time-line of F.4 Subject Selection F.3 Parents Mock F.4 subject selection Exercise Nov 14 – Apr 15Formulation of F.4 Curriculum F.4 Subject Selection Seminar Filling in F.4 Subject Selection Form Application for change of F.4 elective subjects Aug 2015Release of Subject SelectionResults Appeal for change of elective subjects 1st week of SepRelease of appeal results
NSS Subject Selection Guidelines 212 F4 ( ) Subject Selection Guidelines
F4 (15-16) Subject Selection Guidelines 1.Each student has to take FOUR core subjects and THREE elective subjects out of a choice of 10 4 Core Subjects English Chinese Mathematics Liberal Studies Elective Subject Combinations Any THREE from Phy, Chem, Bio, Econ, BAFS, Hist, Chist, Geog, ICT, ERS NSS Subject Selection Guidelines 3/12
F4 (15-16) Subject Selection Guidelines 3-5Too many students for a particular elective subjects Selection based on F.3 Mid-term and Final Term results of corresponding subjects (1 st term: 30%; 2 nd term: 70%) BASF, Econ and ICT: English & Mathematics NSS Subject Selection Guidelines 4/12
F4 (15-16) Subject Selection Guidelines 6.Taking Mathematics Extended Part (M1 & M2) Selection based on overall F.4 performance Course starts in F.5 NSS Subject Selection Guidelines 5/12
F4 (15-16) Subject Selection Guidelines 7.4 th Elective Music Wan Chai District School Network – Senior Secondary Music Partnership Programme 灣仔區學校網絡 - 高中音樂課程協作計劃 lesson on Saturday morning at Hotung Sec. School NSS Subject Selection Guidelines 6/12
F4 (15-16) Subject Selection Guidelines 8.Applied Learning as third elective drop one elective in F.5 take lessons after school written application NSS Subject Selection Guidelines 7/12
F4 (15-16) Subject Selection Guidelines 9. Other Languages (e.g. French, German, Japanese, Spanish, Hindu & Urhu) May take as an additional elective on their own Sit for international examination jointly organized by HKEAA and overseas examination bodies Written application on or before 30 Sept NSS Subject Selection Guidelines 8/12
F4 (15-16) Subject Selection Guidelines 10. Private study other than Other Languages No NSS Subject Selection Guidelines 9/12
F4 (15-16) Subject Selection Guidelines 11.Dropping elective subjects Apply after F.5 first/ final term examination NSS Subject Selection Guidelines 10/12
F4 (15-16) Subject Selection Guidelines 12.Subject selection form May, 2015 NSS Subject Selection Guidelines 11/12
F4 (15-16) Subject Selection Guidelines 12. Deadline for changing elective subject (Friday) 13. Deadline for appeal (Friday) NSS Subject Selection Guidelines 12/12