Supplemental Fig. 1 Oxidatve stress test for norflurazon (NF) resistance. WT and transgenic rice seeds (F4, F7, and F11) were sterilized and sown on half-strength MS media containing various concentrations (0 to 1 µM) of technical-grade norflurazon. Photographs were taken 10 days after sowing. Shoot height of germinated plants was measured 10 days after sowing (lower panel). Representative data from three independent experiments are presented as means ± SE. Supplemental data NF concentration (μM ) F4 WT F11 F7 F4 WT F11 F7 F4 WT F11 F7 F4 WT F11 F7 F4 WT F11 F7 Shoot height ( mm )
Supplemental Fig. 2 Oxidatve stress test for paraquat (PQ) resistance. WT and transgenic rice seeds (F4, F7, and F11) were sterilized and sown on half-strength MS media containing various concentrations (0 to 0.5 µM) of technical-grade paraquat. Photographs were taken 10 days after sowing. Shoot height of germinated plants was measured 10 days after sowing (lower panel). Representative data from three independent experiments are presented as means ± SE. PQ concentration (μM ) F4 WT F11 F7 F4 WT F11 F7 F4 WT F11 F7 F4 WT F11 F7 F4 WT F11 F7 Shoot height ( mm )
Supplemental Fig. 3 Oxidatve stress test for salt resistance. WT and transgenic rice seeds (F4, F7, and F11) were sterilized and sown on half-strength MS media containing various concentrations (0 to 250 µM) of NaCl. Photographs were taken 10 days after sowing. Shoot height of germinated plants was measured 10 days after sowing (lower panel). Representative data from three independent experiments are presented as means ± SE. NaCl concentration (μM ) Shoot height ( mm ) F4 WT F11F7 F4 WT F11F7 F4 WT F11F7 F4 WT F11F7
Supplemental Fig. 4 Oxidatve stress test for polyethylene glycol (PEG) resistance. WT and transgenic rice seeds (F4, F7, and F11) were sterilized and sown on half-strength MS media containing various concentrations (0 to 15 µM) of PEG. Photographs were taken 10 days after sowing. Shoot height of germinated plants was measured 10 days after sowing (lower panel). Representative data from three independent experiments are presented as means ± SE. PEG concentration (μM ) F4 WT F11 F7 F4 WT F11 F7 F4 WT F11 F7 F4 WT F11 F7 Shoot height ( mm )