Processing Finance Corrections October 27, 2014
What’s the Difference? JD1 Processed by Department using Banner form FGAJVCM Only for corrections between one index number NOT for revenue/income accounts (start with 5xxxx) NOT for capital accounts (start with 63xxx) NOT for payroll corrections (start with 61xxx) Finance Correction Processed by UBS using Finance Correction form Corrections between multiple index numbers Okay for any account numbers NOT for payroll corrections
Slide the bar over to get to Description field
Directions for FGAJVCM Document Number Leave Document Number blank, press for Next Block Transaction Date Transaction Date, press to default to today’s date. Note: At fiscal year end, to create a June 30 entry, you will have to enter the date as 30-JUN-2015 Document Total Document Total, enter the sum of all debits & credits (disregard the sign +/-). Each entry will need at least two lines. For example, if you are correcting a $20 entry, your document total will be $40
Directions for FGAJVCM (con’t) Type to Type: enter JD1 Bank to Bank: enter 94 for Next Block past Seq field. The sequence number will default as you enter lines of data. Type Type will fill in as JD1 because you entered it above. Index to Index: enter the index number you want to correct (original transaction). Acct to Acct: enter the account number of the transaction you want to correct (original transaction).
Directions for FGAJVCM (con’t) Amount to Amount: enter amount to be corrected (use positive numbers only) Debit/Credit to Debit/Credit: enter + or – (this will be the opposite sign of the original entry, for example if Banner FGITRND shows a + in the Increase/Decrease column, you will enter a – in FGAJVCM)
Directions for FGAJVCM (con’t) Description to Description: enter up to 35 characters (for example, ‘Staples to 62299’ or ‘BI to 62198’) Press F10 key to save Press F6 key to copy entry and move to next line Press F4 key to paste. This will help you from having to reenter information that is the same. Document Number Your Document Number will now be visible at the top. WRITE THIS NUMBER DOWN Repeat steps for each line. On your last line, end after pressing F10
Directions for FGAJVCM (con’t) Review your information by going to Options, Access Transaction Summary Info
Directions for FGAJVCM (con’t) If all is well, print the screen for your records Press X to exit back to main screen Go to Options, Access Completion Press Complete. This will forward your document to the posting process. You should see your transaction in Banner within a few minutes.
FGAJVCM - What if something is wrong? Use your arrow keys to tab to the line that needs to be corrected Make your changes Press F10 to save Repeat steps for review If your Document Total or Date needs to be changed, Roll Back to the top and correct. to get back into the Journal Voucher Detail, then Complete
FGAJVCM - Still not able to post? Sometimes Banner gets stuck Don’t worry, we can fix it Write down your document number, exit FGAJVCM and go back to Banner menu screen Reenter FGAJVCM and pull up your document Make sure it is correct and try to complete again
FGAJVCM - STILL not working? Don’t panic, call me, Christina x3653 If I can’t unstick it, we can have Tracy delete the transaction and we can start over.
Helpful tips for completing JD1s Make sure you are correcting to and from the same index number Check your signs (+/-) in Banner to be sure you’re correcting in ‘the right direction’ Make sure your entered amounts all added together equal the Document Total Make sure your transaction is in balance – debits and credits (plusses and minuses) are equal Plan your entry using the JD1 template available on the UBS website here:
Finance Corrections
Completing a Finance Correction Form Please use the PDF form provided on the UBS website and TYPE it Handwritten forms are often hard for us to read and cause delays in processing Include your name and contact information Be sure to sign your form, we cannot process without a signature Current Coding Under ‘Current Coding’ enter the original transaction information, including the Banner document number and date Transaction Description Under ‘Transaction Description’ enter the Banner description. This help us identify the correct transaction Amount Under ‘Amount’ enter the amount you are correcting. This does not need to be the entire amount of the original transaction. If the amount was a credit, use a negative amount. This is a trigger for UBS to look to see if we need to enter as a debit or credit Requested Coding Under ‘Requested Coding’ enter the index and account you want to move the transaction to JUSTIFICATION JUSTIFICATION IS REQUIRED FOR ALL REQUESTS, NOT JUST OSP CORRECTIONS
Finance Correction Form (con’t) Route your form to UBS for entry. We will route internally for OSP and other approval signatures, if required, before processing Backup documentation is helpful if you are: Moving revenue Moving credits to expense accounts (negative amounts) Moving to/from a capital account code (63xxx) Moving lump sums rather than individual transactions (yes, it is okay to do this as long as we have detailed backup) PLEASE DON’T WAIT UNTIL JUNE TO SUBMIT YOUR CORRECTIONS. PLEASE DON’T WAIT UNTIL JUNE TO SUBMIT YOUR CORRECTIONS. This should be part of your monthly reconciliation process.
Corrections: Using CatBooks
First, find the transaction number(s) that you need to change
CatBooks: Finance Corrections Enter the transaction number and “Lookup” - the Banner information will populate. Enter the new Index and/or Account Code and “Insert”.
CatBooks: Finance Corrections Enter your Justification and “Commit Transactions and Print” Route to UBS for processing
CatBooks: Finance Corrections The debit and credits have now posted into CatBooks
CatBooks: JD1s Enter the transaction number and “Lookup” - the Banner information will populate. Enter the new Account Code and “Insert”.
CatBooks: JD1s “Commit Transactions and Print” returns a PDF. Use this form to assist you for your Banner entry in FGAJVCM.
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