Photography By: Cierra Jane Maach
Slow Shutter Speed ISO: 100 Shutter: 3”2 Aperture: F36 ISO: 100 Shutter: 3”2 Aperture: F29
Fast Shutter Speed ISO: 400 Shutter: 1/30 Aperture: F14
Small Aperture ISO: 200 Shutter: 1/30 Aperture: F11
Large Aperture ISO: 400 Shutter: 1/60 Aperture: F5.6
Landscape ISO: 100 Shutter: 1/8000 Aperture: F4.5 ISO: 200 Shutter: 1/8000 Aperture: F4.5 ISO: 400 Shutter: 1/8000 Aperture: F4.5 ISO: 1250 Shutter:1/8000 Aperture: F4.5
Distractions This was just a little experiment This was just a little experiment The top is a close up shot of my mother’s mobile phone case The top is a close up shot of my mother’s mobile phone case This as what it looks like from afar This as what it looks like from afar
Dark This was not originally going to be used, but I thought it set a dark tone. What I like about this photo is the lens flare.