Performance-based Operations Aviation Rulemaking Committee (PARC) Communications Working Group (CWG) Presented to: IPACG/39 FIT/26 By: Koji Nakaitani Tom Kraft Date: 3-7 February 2014
PARC and CWG Feb 2004 – Performance-Based Operations Aviation Rulemaking Committee (PARC) Chartered under FAA Administrator’s authority Formerly FAA Order 1110.139 Updated June 2010 as internal document Focus on implementation and operational guidance Includes PBN and PBCS Provides industry recommendations to FAA Considers global harmonization and standardization Jan 2005 – Communications Working Group (CWG) established under PARC
PARC CWG Process and Results Works from Project Plans to Evaluate communication technologies that are foreseen to be viable in meeting the needs of the aviation community Provide executive summaries on the project (who, what, when, where, why and how) End product – Recommendation Reports to FAA Coordinates with ICAO and regions/other States to ensure global harmonization embraces GOLD and SVGM PARC CWG has been effective in applying communication technologies to meet needs of aviation community
PARC CWG Members and Affiliates 238 members/affiliates from 65 different organizations Approximately 40 attend 2-3 meetings per year Aer Lingus AeroConnex LLC Air New Zealand Airbus Aireon Airservices Australia Air Tran ACNZ Alaska Airlines ALPA Altran American Airlines All Nippon ARINC Atlas Air CASA Australia Aviacom Avinor Avionica Blue Sky Network Boeing Bombardier British Airways Cargolux Cobham SATCOM Delta Air Lines EMS FAA Fed Ex FLYTH Gannet GE Aviation Gulfstream Hawaiian Airlines Honeywell IATA ICAO ICG Inmarsat Iridium Isavia JRANSA JCAB Jet Blue L3 Lufthanza Miami Air Int’l MITRE (USAF) Nav Canada NBAA QANTAS Rockwell Collins SAS Satcom DIrect SITA Southwest Airlines Thales UK UK NATS United Airlines Universal Avionics UPS Airlines USAF Volpe World Airways WIFS
Completed Projects Jul 2006 – Roadmap for data link Sep 2007 – DRAFT Roadmap for Performance-based Communications Sep 2012 – FANS 1/A over Iridium (FOI) and Performance-Based Communication and Surveillance (PBCS) Recommendations Mar 2011 – FANS 1/A over High Frequency Data Link (FOH) Recommendations Sep 2012 - FANS 1/A over Inmarsat-4 Classic Aero (FOICA) Recommendations
Related ICAO Headquarters Activity Document Description of proposal for amendment Panel Target date Annex 6 Includes provisions for performance based communication (PBC) and performance based surveillance (PBS) concerning operational authorizations and air operator participation in performance monitoring programs. OPSP and OPLINKP Nov 2016 Annex 11 Includes provisions for PBC and PBS, including prescription of RCP and RSP specifications, associated performance monitoring at the ANSP and regional levels, and inter-regional sharing of data from performance monitoring programs (modeled after RVSM provisions for height keeping performance monitoring). OPLINKP Doc 4444 Includes provisions for flight planning of PBC and PBS capability (e.g. P1 or P2 in item 10 of flight plan). Includes separation standards that identifies RCP and RSP specifications, as appropriate, to be prescribed. SASP and OPLINKP Doc 9869 Renamed from Manual on RCP to PBCS Manual. First phase - Includes provisions for PBCS based on GOLD, 2nd Edition, Chapter 3 (ANSP data link provision and operator readiness), Appendix B (RCP specifications), Appendix C (RSP specifications) and Appendix D (data link performance monitoring). Also includes similar for SATVOICE, based on SVGM, 1st Edition. 4th QTR, 2014 GOLD Will be converted to an ICAO document. Will include guidance from an operational perspective. Technical material will be moved to Doc 9869 and removed from GOLD. SVGM Will be converted to an ICAO document. Will include guidance from an operational perspective. Technical material will be moved to Doc 9869, merged with performance-based technical material for data link, and removed from SVGM.
Related ICAO Regional Activity Asia-Pacific - provisioning for En Route Monitoring Agency (EMA) Support horizontal separations predicated on data-link Monitor data link approvals Monitor actual performance against RCP/RSP North Atlantic – provisioning for 30 NM lateral, 30 NM, 50 NM and 5-minute longitudinal FANS 1/A data link mandate PBCS implementation
PARC CWG Current Activities PBCS implementation Satellite voice (SATVOICE) for ATS communications project FANS 1/A over SwiftBroadband (SBB) safety services project FAA NextGen domestic data link FAA data link recording rules
PBCS – Operational Authorization State prescribes RCP and RSP PBCS provisions for Annex 6 and Annex 11 (adapted from existing provisions for RVSM) Operational authorization Regional/ANSP post-implementation monitoring and operator participation Demonstrate acceptable RCP / RSP for each aircraft type in the fleet If substandard performance, State of the Operator or State of Registry would issue corrective action notice (taking into account the severity of the deficiency and magnitude of the change) Corrective action notice could result in restrictions on use of data link PBCS would allow the operator to still use CPDLC and ADS-C Operators file capability in flight plan, e.g. P2 (RCP240) in Item 10
Boeing and FAA provided report at PARC CWG PBCS – FANS 1/A over VHF Evaluations on FANS 1/A over very high frequency (VHF) performance Aircraft communications addressing and reporting system (ACARS) VHF data link (VDL) Mode 0/A – Plain old ACARS (POA) VDL Mode 2 – ACARS over aviation VHF link control (AVLC) (AOA) FAA advocates VDL Mode 2, however it is accepting use of VDL Mode 0/A in U.S. domestic airspace, at least initially Boeing and FAA provided report at PARC CWG
PBCS – FOICA and FOI FOICA (Inmarsat) and FOI (Iridium) Some common issues typical of FANS 1/A operations CMU / MU Media-ground station switching algorithms (e.g. VHF-SATCOM, satellite to satellite) Multiple ADS contracts with aircraft Next on busy (e.g. media sharing with AOC) Satellite service provisions are changing all the time Major changes can and do affect performance Systems components fail Regional and ANSP monitoring and inter-regional exchange of monitoring results are essential
PBCS – Performance Monitoring Example of ADS-C Report Delivery Time
Inmarsat – What’s Coming Service Status Alphasat I‑4A F4 Launched 25 July 2013, in cooperation with the European Space Agency, which is investigating the use of satellite communications in Europe. Includes Classic Aero and SwiftBroadband services and will complement the existing aeronautical services provided by the I-4. Operational availability expected sometime in 2014 SwiftBroadband Plans to evaluate FANS 1/A over SwiftBroadband Safety. Plans for Hawaiian Airlines to begin in Oakland Oceanic FIR. Cobham, Rockwell Collins, Honeywell, Thales, ARINC and SITA are cooperating with Inmarsat
Inmarsat – What’s Gone/Going Service Status PC Data / Fax Broadcast Data (CN50) Secure Voice (CN11) Decommissioned middle of 2013, coincident with I-3 and I-4 GES harmonization Classic Aero H Plans to decommission by end of 2018, coincident with the estimated I-3 end of service life Classic Aero I / Swift 64 Will be supported at least until end 2018; status beyond 2018 has not been determined
PBCS – JCAB Evaluation of FOI Some restrictions still apply However, similar to FAA systems, JCAB systems have no operational means to determine the type of media the aircraft is using for FANS 1/A operations in the Fukuoka FIR Reduced separations can be applied (or mis-applied) to FOI aircraft that indicate RNP4 in their flight plan Use of flight plan (e.g. P2 indicator in Item 10) would resolve the issue
JCAB needs to extend to middle of 2014 AIRAC AIP SUP NR117/12 - 20 SEP 12 If FOI JCAB needs to extend to middle of 2014
PBCS – FOI Current Status FOI is a viable means to conduct CPDLC RCP 240 and ADS-C RSP 180 operations Some implementations need improvement Improvements to avionics continue Understanding various systems interactions CMU / MU managing sub-networks Including Airline / Operator sub-network preferences SDU / Iridium Ground System protocol interactions
SATVOICE – Operational Evaluation PARC CWG will base its SATVOICE work on ICAO Satellite Voice Guidance Material (SVGM) to facilitate global harmonization of U.S. initiatives Flight plan information to identify SATVOICE equipment and capability Item 10 – M1 (Inmarsat), M2 (MTSAT) or M3 (Iridium) Item 18 – CODE/[aircraft address – hex representation] PARC CWG Established dedicated team to resolve issues with using Iridium Safety Voice service Continues to working with FAA on policy updates
SATVOICE – FAA MMEL Policy – HF FAA Policy Letter PL-106 revision expected early 2014 Update from last meeting
NextGen Domestic Data Link Role of PARC CWG - items to consider AC 120-70 update / Job Aid to include PBCS, FANS 1/A, Link 2000+, Baseline 2 Data link, initial and on-going compliance OpSpec / MSpec / LOA template updates Approaches for part 91 / GA / non-commercial operators Training requirements Airworthiness requirements Input for B2 concept of operations Collaborate with DCIT, SC214-WG78 and OPLINKP Proposed project description in work
FAA data link recording rules Data link advances operational safety Improves conformance monitoring for detecting large height deviations (LHDs) and gross navigational errors (GNEs) Improves controller intervention capability thereby reducing the exposure of LHDs/GNEs Retrofit installations of CPDLC recording capability Excessive costs Hinders the advancement of operational safety Compromises NextGen implementation schedule Preparing justification for recommendations to FAA
Summary PARC CWG recognizes U.S. initiatives must be globally harmonized for effective implementation ICAO HQ and Regions PARC CWG evaluates communication and surveillance technologies against global standards and specifications GOLD / SVGM PARC CWG is committed to performance-based concepts PARC CWG/31 – 25-26 Feb 2014 in Miami, FL