Fluids and Combustion Facility (FCF) 1 GRC Project Manager: MSI/Robert Corban Chief Engineer: Dennis Rohn Safety Mission Assurance Lead: Bipin Patel NASA Customer: SLPSRA Key Contractor(s): ZIN Technologies Inc. Project Mission Statement: Operate and Sustain the Combustion Integrated Rack (CIR) and the Fluids Integrated Rack (FIR) on the International Space Station (ISS) thru GRC’s Telescience Support Center. GRC Scope: Planning, Operation and Coordination of FCF and associated payloads Mission Integration and Planning Telescience Support Center operations and maintenance Sustaining engineering on FCF Flight racks, spares, and GIU Project Life Cycle Schedule (Operations) MilestonesCIR LaunchCIR OpsFIR LaunchFIR OpsFIR CVBCIR FLEXFIR ARISFIR PACEFIR ACECIR FLEX2Final Report Actual/ Baseline11/20082/20098/20091/20107/201011/20119/201110/ N/A FIR Flight Rack on ISS CIR Flight Rack on ISS
2 Fluids and Combustion Facility Sustaining Eng. Project Manager: Robert Corban WBS Status Variances COST: Minor Variances. SCHEDULE: CIR Operations on-going with weekly time being provided. FIR operations on-hold till ACE sample launched. Spare completion schedule being established for CY12. Key Issue/ConcernPotential ImpactAction Plan Resolution Date Observed issues with LLUV and Radiometer in CIR, with potential drop static charging. Limited Science Return 1.Potential sources of Static Charge√ 2.Determine potential replacement hardware√ 3.Plan replacement hardware (radiometers) √ 4.Install new Radiometers onto MDCA√ 12/2011 CLOSE Radiometer installed & tested Data Management operational time will be excessive for future planned payloads (i.e, ACME) Limited Science Return 1.Perform options Assessment for future planning 2.Develop proposal for additional funding to support upgrades to enhance science return. 3.Implement some of the “low hanging fruit” options in FY12 – put in new SOW for CY12. 4/2012 Options brainstormed; determining best options. CostScheduleTechnicalMgmt. Current MonthGGGG Prior MonthGGGG Key Issues
3 Fluids and Combustion Facility Sustaining Eng. Project Manager: Robert Corban WBS Accomplishments Successful install of the Radiometer into the CIR. Completed FLEX operations (final data points completed when new fuel launched). Completed PACE-2 w/ epi- and trans-illumination light sources SpaceDOC DO-101 CY12 SOW for ZIN completed Planned Work Environmental testing of GCIP CIR & FIR Filter Characterization GCIP Interface Test CIR Droplet Deployment Viscosity Test Kevin Window/Rod Jones Visit Complete the MDCA Control Box spare unit
Milestone Summary Next Milestone Risk HTV-3 Manifest SAR ERB (Feb 2012) Milestones (CY12)BaselineProjectedActualSchedule Variance HTV-3 Manifest SARMar 12 Working SAR date with Dennis Rohn ATCU Fan/EEU SparesApr 12 Assembly complete by March; then Environmental MDCA Avionics Package spareMay 12 ZIN Proposed Equipment; May delay or eliminate some items. TSC Video UpgradeJun 12 Assembly complete by March; then Environmental CIR’s Gas Chromatograph (GCIP)Jun 12 Interface Testing on CIR GIU in next 2 weeks LMM GIU upgradesAug 12 LLL-UV & Common IAM sparesNov 12 MDCA Color Camera replacementNov 12 DCM (2) & ICM sparesDec 12 LMM Control Box SpareDec 12 Delay in Part Deliveries Project is less than 1 month behind planProject is less than 2 months behind planProject is greater than 2 months behind plan Schedule Color Key 4 Project Milestone Schedule CY 2012 JFMAMJJASOND ATCU Fan/ EEU Spares DCMs & ICM GCIPTSC Video Upgrade LMM GIU Upgrade HTV-3 SAR IAM Spar e MDCA Avionics Pckg Spare LMM Control Box MDCA Color Camera
FCF Operations (over last two months) 5 Increment WeekCIRFIR 29/3016 (1-4)No Ops 29/3015 (12-28)Data DownlinkNo Ops 2914 (12-21)Fuel Reservoir Replacement (FLEX-2); Radiometer Replacement PACE-2 Sample; Completed PACE- 2 (Tissue Samples) above/below illuminations 2913 (12-14)FLEX Data Points (5); Bottle Replacement (FLEX-2) PACE-2 Sample (leaf, fly letter) 2912 (12-7)FLEX Data Points (6); Bottle Replacement PACE-2 Sample w Oil 2911 (11-30)FLEX Data Points (12)Configure LMM for PACE-2 (LED); PACE-2 Sample 2910 (11-22)FLEX Data Points (8); Bottle Replacement No Ops 299 (11-16)Bottle ReplacementNo Ops
6 Project Manager’s Top Challenges 1.Increasing CIR (and FIR) data management efficiency (ACME needed for sure) 2.Maintaining trained and certified CIR and FIR Operations Team 3.Keep TSC operational and properly maintained with minimal staffing (CoNNeCT operations may impact need for more staffing) 4.Delay of ACME may led to year gap in CIR operations 5.Radiation and aging impacts to FCF electronics for long-term life 6.MDCA and LMM lack of sparing for long-term operations (FCF Sustaining Engineering inheriting the risk) 7.Crew installation of Fuel Reservoirs and lock down of Racks not always correctly followed. 8.Elimination of Bench Reviews at JSC puts strain on resources to complete IPLAT/HFIT requirements (potential PIRN to have ALL requirements closed prior to Ship could have significant impact and may not be practical). 9.ISS Facilities going to JSC organizations. Unclear if any impact to this transfer will occur.
Top 10 Risks LIKELIHOODLIKELIHOOD 5 4 F1 3 F2, F3 2 F4, F CONSEQUENCES Risk IDRisk TitleRisk StatementLCApproach F1 Technical Corban 10/04/2011 FCFSE: DCM LCTF failure Given the DCM LCTF fails on the CIR flight rack; then there is an inability to accomplish full FLEX2 science. 43Mitigate: Manifest DCM LCTF S/N2001 on the next DO period of performance. Add procurement and assembly of a 2 nd spare LCTF DCM to the DO period of performance. Status: Plans to add procurement and assembly of a 2 nd spare to the DO Close Date: 07/31/2012 F2 Technical Corban 10/18/2010 FCFSE: Unknown cause DCM failure Given that the LCTF DCM had a communication failure on the CIR aboard ISS without a known cause; there is a risk of subsequent DCM failures on remaining DCMs will occur. 33Mitigate: The flight spare on the ground is in the process of being certified for flight. This unit will need to be manifested as a flight spare to mitigate this risk. Status: There is currently additional troubleshooting going on as more issues have arisen and need to be better understood to resolve. Close Date : 02/29/2012 F3 Technical Corban 10/04/2011 FCFSE: LMM GIU does not fully emulate the flight unit Given that the LMM GIU does not fully emulate the flight unit;; the possibility exists that future LMM flight experiments will not operate correctly. 33 Mitigate: Plan is to review LMM GIU non-flight design issues and add task to update LMM GIU to the next DO period of performance. Status: Task has been added t the DO to upgrade to LMM GIU. Close Date: 07/02/2012 F4 Technical Corban 02/10/2010 FCFSE: Lack of critical spares aboard ISS Given that there is a lack of critical spares aboard the ISS; then there is the possibility that a lack of meeting all science requirements will occur. 23 Mitigate: A priority list for flight critical spares has been established. ZIN has shipped and manifested flight White Light EPCU IOP FSAP. Additional flight h/w for ULF5 include: IPSU-A FCU Q-Imaging camera and IPSU (Remora). ZIN is in the process of verifying additional spare h/w (FIR &CIR velocity probe White Light lamps IPSU-A FCU and an IAM. Status: Working to add next set of spares to DO; will include spare fiber-optic cable to backfill for suspect cable on-orbit Close Date: 04/06/2012 F5 Technical Corban 02/10/2010 FCFSE: IOP removable hard drive shelf life Given that the IOP removable hard drives have a limited shelf life; possibility that these hard drives won't work over time and the racks won’t be able to provide support for their payloads to perform science ops. 23 Watch: Awaiting to see if funding issues will be resolved. Status: Funding for new design functional model IOP hard drives in the current DO. Close Date: 12/31/2012 CriticalityL x C Trend High Decreasing (Improving) Increasing (Worsening) Unchanged * New since last month Med Low Approaches: Mitigate, Watch, Accept, Research 7