Tutorial: Obchodní akademie Topic: References Prepared by : Mgr. Zdeněk Hrdina Projekt Anglicky v odborných předmětech, CZ.1.07/1.3.09/ je spolufinancován Evropským sociálním fondem a státním rozpočtem České republiky.
By „reference“ we mean the situation in which we use in a particular cell data from another cell Example: The B4 cell contains a formula referencing to cells B2 and B3 If we change the values in cells B2 or B3, the value in the B4 cell will change as well
1) = B2 – referencing the B2 cell from the same sheet and workbook 2) =list2!B2 – referencing the B2 cell located on the sheet called „list2“ 3) ='[sesit.xls]list1'!B2 – referencing the B2 cell located on the sheet called „list1” in a workbook called „sesit.xls”
We can enter references in lower-case or upper-case letters, Excel always converts them to upper-case letters Names of sheets and workbooks that are made up of more than one word need to be enclosed in single quotation marks
relative – when copying a formula, it adapts to the new position mixed – when copying a formula, only the column or the row adapts and the second element of the reference stays the same ◦ row absolute – the row doesn’t change but the column does ◦ column absolute – the column doesn’t change but the row does absolute – when copying a formula, it stays the same.
Relative reference – the same as in the first example - e.g. B2 Mixed reference ◦ row-absolute - B$2 ◦ column-absolute - $B2 Absolute reference - $B$2
1) directly from the keyboard ◦ Czech keyboard – Alt Gr + ů ◦ American keyboard – Shift + 4 2) using the F4 key – reapeated pressing of the F4 key toggles between the possible variants of a given reference ◦ before pressing the F4 key it is necessary to click on the formula
By correctly using the mentioned types of references we can save time and make our work more effective.
Complete the table with formulas and correct types of references so that the copying of formulas into the other cells is as effective as possible zadani.xlsx zadani.xlsx
BARILLA, Jiří, Pavel SIMR a Květuše SÝKOROVÁ. Microsoft Excel 2010: Podrobná uživatelská příručka. Brno: Computer Press, ISBN Microsoft Office. Relativní a absolutní odkazy - MS Excel [online] [ ].