System Block Diagram VCO As A Multiple Signal Oscillator 4 to 1 Power Combiner System Layout System Practical Operation – room 319 “To do” List Gantt
F1 F2 F3 F4 Power Combiner Mini Circuits ZN4PD1-50+ OUT VCO1 ADF-4350 USB EVB (Evaluation Board) VCO2 ADF-4350 USB EVB (Evaluation Board) f f1f1 f f2 f f3 f4 f f f3f2f1
The VCO is able to produce GHz signal Signal A – VCO output divided by 1/2/4/8/16 Signal B – the VCO output VCO signal VCO signal after division
2 VCO’s produces 4 signals - Signal B Signal A Signal C Signal D VCO2VCO1
Bandwidth to 5 GHz 4 to 1 combiner High isolation – 23db typical value Insertion loss - inputdelta (db) 0.5G0.0 1G G0.5 2G G1.3 3G G0.9 4G G1.2
System Output Power in USB-1 USB-2
4 output frequencies – 1.6, 2, 3.2 and 4GHz 1.6GHz First harmony 1.6GHz Second harmony 2GHz Second harmony 2GHz First harmony 3.2GHz First harmony 4GHz First harmony
VCO1 – 1.6 and 3.2GHz VCO2 – 2 and 4GHz
System mechanical assembly VCO Signal spectrum analysis using spectrum analyzer. System output signal spectrum analysis using spectrum analyzer. User manual.
The VCO is the oscillator of the system. Since the scope bandwidth is Limited, We can’t get the “real” signal spectrum. Target - determine the quality of the square wave using spectrum analyzer.
The scope is not enough to determine the signal quality. Characterize the system output signal using spectrum analyzer.