Journeys to Healing Rosemount Bible Church: April 26, 2009 Michael Tso, M.D. His Mansion Ministries
Addiction occurs as a result of our need to worship and to satisfy the thirst of our hearts to worship. (Michael Tso, et al)
Tolerance Withdrawal Compulsive Behavior
Pain Instability Lack of Acceptance
Fragmentation Families Sexuality Control
The Challenge: Ask God if there is something or someone who has captured your heart in such a way that is supplanted the worship of God in your life?
The Need in Canada
How do we address pain in our own lives and in the lives of others?
Radical acceptance of self AND by others in community
Our Community Residential Healing Community started 38 years ago Working farm on 360 forested acres in SW New Hampshire 90 members, residents, 60 staff including children Residents are years old. Physical/sexual trauma, drug/alcohol addictions, pornography/sex addictions, mental health disorders, eating disorders, and more. All services are provided free of charge
Healing in the Context of Community
18 His Mansion Ministries Healing in the Context of Community Growing in Stature Program A Ministry of Habilitation Reality A Broken, wounded, addicted young adult 12 Month Program of Habilitation Goal Growing Committed Disciples of Jesus
Twelve Month Program Growing in Stature Classes InductionFoundationsInner HealingDiscipleship 30 Days16 Weeks Goal: Learn the program and choose whether to commit Question: Do I want change? Experience: Hope Goal: Recognize self- destructive behaviors and what is required to produce lasting change. Question: Why do I do the very things I don’t want to do? Experience: Develop trust and intimacy with God and Others Goal: Heal the wounds of the Inner Being Question: How will God heal me? Experience: Receive healing from Jesus so you can trust Him without reservation Goal: Dedicated Disciple of Jesus Question: Does My Life reflect Jesus? Experience: Walk out Your Relationship with God and Serve Others Work Crew/Bible Teaching/Counseling
Healing in the context of Community Group Counseling Individual Counseling Physical Labor Living and Eating in Community Growth in Stature Classes Worship Bible Class Medication GOAL: growing Committed Disciple of Jesus
His Mansion Institute (HMI) Preparation: Training prospective, new, and current staff will be a major component of HMI. Practicum: Providing college students and eventually graduate students an opportunity to earn academic credit for learning, training and service done at His Mansion through HMI, and preparing for work in the healing and helping professions. Replicate: Providing training and support for individuals, churches and ministries who want to develop a His Mansion type ministry in their context. Research: Evaluating what we do for continuous quality improvement of our program at His Mansion.
Growing Great Leaders as Broken People for a Broken World -His Mansion Institute
Seeing and Living beyond SELF