Bão Lụt Số 9 It’s destruction on a small village in Vùng Kinh Tế Mới - xa Phú Lộc, Thừa Thiên, Huế
Already poor and now even poorer - and hungry
Father Lê Văn Nghiêm - out to help the people
Father Nghiem – working hard to help clean up after the storm
There are about 200 families living in this village. They are poor, have no home and used to live on boat. The government relocated them to this place called “Vùng Kinh Tế Mới”, by the sea, where they were given a piece of land to build a home on. When I visited them this past February, 2009, I saw that the homes they built are usually shacks, sometimes without door or windows. Now their homes are destroyed by the last storm. They cannot work on the farms because the farms are flooded. Father Lê Văn Nghiêm, our Messengers of Love representative from Vietnam is calling for help. Their most urgent need is food. Second is warm clothing. Messengers of Love is establishing an Emergency fund to help the flood victims. All donations are tax deductible and will be forwarded on to Father Lê Văn Nghiêm of Phú Lộc to buy food and warm clothing for 200 families of Kinh Tế Mới and other villages in the vicinity that are badly affected by the flood. We cannot help all the people of Vietnam who suffered from this storm, but whatever little things we do, we do it with great love. Please pass on this message to your friends and families and help our relief effort in whatever way you can. Sincerely, Theresa Tran, Messengers of Love President Phone: , Messengers of Love, P.O. Box , Houston, TX 77259
To donate on line, visit our website: To donate by check, make it to: Messengers of Love, put “Bao Lut So 9 Relief Effort” on your check. Send it to one of the two addresses: Messengers of Love, P.O. Box , Houston, TX or St. Bartholomew Catholic Church, c/o Father John Kha Tran th St., Katy, TX Phone: , Messengers of Love is a 501c(3) non profit charity organization dedicated to bringing joy and happiness to the poor and orphaned.