BRGM BP Orléans France Tel : Fax : To improve the municipal solid waste management AWAST European research project Municipalities are continuously obliged to define or re-define, assess or optimise their waste management under the associated pressure from public opinion, guidelines and objectives defined at a national and European level and more and more constraining regulations concerning environmental impacts. Sandvik, K.L., Villeneuve, J., Durance, M.-V., Vedrine, H., "Development of a Mineral Processing Program as a tool for optimal decision in Waste treatment", 1999, Proceedings of the REWAS’99, 5-9 Sept. 1999, Vol 1, pp 55-64, San Sebastian, Spain Wavrer, Ph., Védrine, H., Villeneuve, J., Morvan, B., Noyon, N., "Contribution of a modelling-simulation approach to analyse the performance of MSW sorting composting plants", 2000, Proceedings of the WASTE 2000 Conference, 2-4 October 2000, pp , Stratford-Avon, UK Villeneuve, J., Michel, P., Wavrer, Ph., Brochot, S., Lemiere, B., "La ville de demain et ses déchets : la recherche européenne fabrique les outils d’une meilleure gestion globale des déchets municipaux", 2002, Environnement & Technique, Juin 2002, n°217, pp REFERENCES FP5 P. Michel, J. Villeneuve, Ph. Wavrer, S. Brochot, B. Lemiere BRGM – Environment & Process Division – BP 6009 – 3, av. C. Guillemin – Orléans cedex 2 Sampling 1 Data processing by material balance Data processing by material balance 2 Simulation 5 Modelling 3 SIMULATOR Simulation tool Design & validation Simulation tool Design & validation 4 Objective: a waste-management aid tool AWAST, a European research programme, is aimed at designing a waste-management aid tool based on the analysis of waste treatment methods. The simulation tool supplies matter balance energetic balance economical balance to help decision making. A methodology based on process analysis: Sampling Data reconciliation by material balance Modelling The R&D phase concentrates on developing macro-phenomenological models that are able to predict the operation of the various treatment methods (material flows, energy, costs). The model will be inter-compatible to be used within a global simulator. Research phase: on going NTNU Energos Norway ISWA Germany BRGM Cemagref EDF France LQARS Tratolixo Valorsul Portugal IWA RMA Austria Case studies Lisbonne Stuttgart Orléans 11 partners from 5 countries are associated. A steering commitee will define the scenarios to be examined with the simulator and verify the suitability of this tool for the needs of the local governments. It gathers national environment agencies, municipalities, associations for recycling. Use of results: two levels of assessment of a waste management system STRATEGY FOR SUSTAINABLE WASTE MANAGEMENT Influence of regulatory constraints on the cost of MSW management Help for communication policy at a decisional level and / or for public information Support for training at an operational level MUNICIPALITIES CURRENT CONCERNS Impact of waste composition and/or of treatment operating conditions Influence of modifications of the equipment or its performance (additions, plant optimisation, …) Influence of modifications of the regulatory constraints on the valorisation of the products Improved control on environmental impact Validation phase: started Dedicated simulator for each case study Definition of scenarios for hypothetic simulation INTERFACE Valorisation rate & residual flows Expenses & valorisation of energy Investment & operating costs € Matter description Mathematical models Simulation algorithm Waste treatment system TECHNICAL TOOL Simulation results: T, %, kW, €, etc. SERVING THE EARTH