York St John University | PLAYING YOUR CARDS RIGHT: The Psychology Card Sort and WBL PLAYING YOUR CARDS RIGHT: The Psychology Card Sort and WBL Dr Jacqui Akhurst
DEVELOPMENT OF THE CARD SORT HEA Psychology Network employability initiatives Aim: to focus on specific skills and attributes, gained through undergraduate study of psychology (2 nd -3 rd yr) Card Categories: Cognitive Skills; Generic Competencies; Personal Capabilities; Technical Ability; Specific Organisational Practice related to Psychology; Generic Career Planning activities.
EVALUATING THE CARD SORT Completion of online card sort (February). Student feedback on experiences of using the card sort. Repeated completion of online card sort at the end of work placement (June). Reflective accounts.
FINDINGS: CARD SORT Table 1: Cumulative highest ‘Yes’ Student Responses to Card Sort items Highest ‘Yes’ Response FEBHighest ‘Yes’ Response JUN TacticCard%TacticCard% T4Use IT Programmes66.7T5Work Ethically71.4 T1Take Different Views57.6* T3Know my skills68.6 T3Show Sensitivity51.5T4Use IT Programmes62.9 T5Work Ethically51.5T3Show Sensitivity60.0 * T2Manage Time42.4T1Take Different Views48.6 * T4Analyse Data42.4T2Collaborate45.7 * T4Research Phenomena42.4T3Independent work45.7 T3Independent work42.4* T3Approach tasks flexibly 45.7 T2Collaborate42.4 *T5Organis. consulting45.7
FINDINGS – CARD SORT Table 2: Lowest ‘Yes’ Student Responses to Card Sort items Lowest ‘Yes’ Response FEBLowest ‘Yes’ Response JUN TacticCard%Tacti c Card% T2Give Presentations0.0T2Manage Discussions8.6 T2Manage Discussions6.1* T6Prepare for Interviews11.4 T4Lead a Project6.1T1Integrate Findings14.3 T1Evaluate Research9.1T6Analyse Adverts14.3 T1Integrate Findings9.1T6Plan Strategically17.1 T3Solve Problems9.1T2Give Presentations17.1 T1Be Motivated15.2T4Generate Hypotheses17.1 T6Analyse Adverts15.2T3Solve Problems20.0 T4Generate Hypotheses15.2T4Lead a Project22.9 T5Organis. Consulting18.2T1Evaluate Research22.9 T6Plan Strategically18.2T1Be Motivated25.7
STUDENTS’ COMMENTS (questionnaire 1) 64% of students - card sort easy to use / understand. 67% - skill awareness increased following completion of the card sort. 12% noted acquiring other skills not in card sort: writing skills, referencing and those related to personality 33% - card sort identified skills and knowledge previously unaware they had acquired. 48% - did not reflect often, but now aware they should do so. 51% - useful aid to career planning.
STUDENTS’ REFLECTIONS Common themes: Many expressed increased confidence after their placement; and feel more confident in some areas listed by card sort. Other categories commonly identified as having changed positively included ‘decision making’ (7 students), ‘show sensitivity’ (8 students), ‘work independently’ (7 students), and ‘picture a job’ (9 students). A better understanding of different roles and groups, and general understanding of organisations and career paths; feeling more motivated; knowledge of how to ‘work ethically’.
DISCUSSION & RECOMMENDATIONS Students’ perceptions of skills developed in psychology / indication of those needing further development. Study supports ideas about weaving the ‘schooled’ with the everyday – enhances the dialectical growth of concepts and motivating to the student. Regarding the cards: Phrasing of some cards need alteration. Possible addition of further card items? Immediate feedback to students needs to be incorporated.
CONCLUSION Potentially useful tool for programme audits. Encourages students’ reflective practice; may be used as part of PDP. Useful adjunct to WBL. Evaluate wider utility by trialling in other departments of psychology / other disciplines e.g. Health, in the UK. Acknowledgements to the Higher Education Academy Psychology Network for funding this research through the Miniprojects fund. Ref: Akhurst, J. E., & Paton, F. (January, 2007). The psychology card sort: researching student development. Unpublished paper presented at YSJ.