RAD’s Ethernet Access Over PDH/SONET/SDH Solutions Products Update
Slide 2 confidential Agenda Market Trends Product Family Topology & Target Customers Products Update Egate-100 RICi-16 RICi-E1/T1 RICi-155GE & RICi-622GE Typical Applications Summary Q&A
Slide 3 confidential ETHoPDH/SONET/SDH Market Trends Customers demand higher bandwidth capacity Fiber to the business reaches 15% of companies Cellular use TDM link and FE links at the same site 2 main applications: IP DSLAMs backhauling WiMAX BTS backhauling
Slide 4 confidential Ethernet Access over PDH 8 * E1/T1 FE Egate-20 Egate-100 GE PSN Ethernet N*E1/T1 E3/T3 Ethernet RICi-4/8 Ethernet RICi-E1/T1 E1/T1 RICi-E3/T3 FE PSN Eth/IP/MPLS Provider’s Node Customer Premises Ethernet RICi-16 FE Customer Premises E3/T3 N* E1/T1 STM-1/OC-3/3*DS3 N*E1/T1 Ethernet RICi-16 Customer Premises RICi-E3/T3 SDH/ SONET
Slide 5 confidential Ethernet over SONET/SDH STM-1/OC-3 GbE Customer RIC-155GE RICi-155GE STM-1/OC-3 RIC-155GE RICi-155GE Central Site SDH/ SONET GbE STM-4/OC-12 RICi-622GE 4 x STM-1/OC-3 GbE Customer RICi-622GE GbE Customer RICi-155GE GbE RICi-155GE 4 Units PSN Eth/IP/MPLS
Slide 6 confidential Target Market
Slide 7 confidential IP DSLAM and WiMAX Backhauling over SDH/SONET “on-net” Generate new revenues by expanding customer base on existing infrastructure Use of simple Layer 2 technology Support for wide range of access data rates SDH/ SONET POP Egate GbE STM-1/ OC-3 POP RICi-4E1/4T1 RICi-8E1/8T1 RICi-16E1/16T1 IP DSLAM FE xDSL RICi-E3/T3 FE BTS POP Wimax n x E1/T1 E3/T3 RICi-155GE RICi-622GE GbE STM-1/ OC-3 STM-4/OC-12c POP RICi-155GE RICi-622GE IP DSLAM FE/GbE xDSL STM-1/OC-3 STM-4/OC-12c PSN
Slide 8 confidential Out-of-Footprint Ethernet Connectivity Alternative carriers increasing service reach with leased lines End-to-end service control and SLA measurements using Ethernet service OAM Different services over a single line Rate versatility – from E1/T1 to to STM-4/OC-12 Bonding solution – 16 x E1/T1 to bridge the bandwidth gap between E1/T1 and E3/T3 ETX-102/ ETX-201/ ETX-202 Customer Premises SDH/ SONET Egate-100 POP PSN ETH/IP/MPLS Network FE/GbE LAN GbE Transport Provider n x E1/T1 Bonding RICi-4 RICi-8 RICi-16 Customer Premises FE LAN Service Provider CH.STM-1/OC-3c (APS) or 3 x DS-3
Slide 9 confidential Egate-100 Product Overview Two CH-STM1/OC-3 optical interfaces: SFP pluggable interface 1+1 APS Three channelized T3 ports BNC Two GbE, optical or electrical interface: SFP pluggable interface for optical interfaces Electrical 10/100/1000BaseT GbE port redundancy (link aggregation- per 802.3ad) NEBS Compliant Two power supplies (AC/DC), hot swappable
Slide 10 confidential Version 3 beta Q New protocol support for RICi-16 using: GFP (G.8040) VCAT (G.7043) LCAS (G.7042) ETH OAM 802.3ah Dedicated 10/100BaseT OOB MNG port New hardware
Slide 11 confidential RICi-16 New Offering Flexible bandwidth allocation with circuit bonding Reduces Opex by using one central management system, flexible service provisioning (64 kbps to n x E1/T1) Capex reduction through leverage of the existing SDH/SONET/PDH links Central Office SDH/ SONET Egate ADM Optimux-1551 GbE 63/84 x E1/T1 BSC RNC RICi-16 n x E1/T1 FE Node B RICi-16 BTS n x T1 FE Node B RICi-16 FE Node B T3 2 x T3
Slide 12 confidential RICi-16 Product Overview PDH interfaces 4,8 or 16 E1/T1 framed ports Two Channelized or Un-Channelized T3 Encapsulation and bonding: GFP (G.8040), VCAT (G.7043) & LCAS (G.7042) Ethernet interfaces 4*10/100BaseT interfaces 1 SFP based 10/100 port- Version 2.1
Slide 13 confidential Generic Frame Procedure (GFP) Advantages Standard protocol Allow interoperability between different vendors Reduced latency, for time-sensitive services Byte by byte transmission (unlike IMA & MLPPP): Fixed overhead (unlike HDLC): Improved line utilization predictable throughput regardless of data transmitted
Slide 14 confidential RICi-16 Version 2.10 Beta, January 2008 Channelized T3 (T1(TDM)oT3 & ETHoT1oT3) ETH over nXT1 (n Up to 16) Up to 16 T1 circuits can be mapped over channelized T3 Any mix of the above up to total of 28T1 2xT3 clear channel (VCAT)- support up to ~100Mpbs uplink Multi VCG (up to 16) Support optional FE SFP port NEBS Compliance
Slide 15 confidential RICi-E1, RICi-T1 What's new in the product? (Version 2.10) New standard encapsulation: GFP-G.8040 Extreme temperature: -22–70°C (7.6–158°F) 24 VDC metal box enclosure support extreme temperature Physical E1/T1 port changed Flow control support at 100MHz
Slide 16 confidential RICi-155GE & RICi-622GE RICi-155GE Two STM1/OC-3 STM-1/OC-3 GbE Customer RICi-155GE STM-1/OC-3 RICi-155GE Central Site SDH/ SONET GbE STM-4/OC-12 RICi-622GE 4 x STM-1/OC-3 GbE Customer RICi-622GE GbE Customer RICi-155GE GbE RICi-155GE 4 Units RICi-622GE Two STM4/OC-12 PSN Eth/IP/MPLS
Slide 17 confidential RICi-155GE, RICi-622GE Products Overview Two GbE, optical or electrical interface: SFP pluggable interface for optical interfaces Electrical 10/100/1000BaseT Offers GbE redundancy with 802.3ad Two STM1/OC-3 or STM-4/OC-12 optical interfaces: STM-1/OC-3 bonding for 300Mbps throughput STM-4/OC-12 bonding for 1.2Gbps throughput 1+1 APS 10/100 port- Out Of Band MNG 1U 19” box or 1U 23” box (NEBS Comply) Two power supplies (AC/DC), hot swappable
Slide 18 confidential RICi-155/622GE Benefits Concatenating or Non-Concatenating offers: Non-Concatenating applications Alternative carrier Simple connectivity Concatenating applications Incumbents Allow rate limiting Low order concatenation VC Mbps 79% wasted 10Mbps VC-12 VC-12 (2.176Mbps) 8% wasted 10Mbps VCG Without Concatenation SONET/SDH VCAT
Slide 19 confidential Version 1.0 Features Encapsulation: GFP (G.7041 )/ LAPS (X.86) VCAT (G.7043) & LCAS (G.7042): Redundancy: SONET/SDH: 1+1 (APS) link protection LCAS (G.7042) path protection GbE: 802.3ad (Link Aggregation Protocol) without LACP
Slide 20 confidential Version 1.0 Features Cont. Traffic classification to EVC/Flow according to: Port-based (All-in-one bundling) User port + CE-VID User port + CE-VLAN priority EVC/ EVC.CoS support Policing CIR, EIR (2 Rate 3 Colors) Quality of Service (QoS): 4 Priority Queues ST Mapping to priority according: Flow based VLAN priority (802.1p) Certification: MEF 9 EPL & EVPL MEF 14 EPL & EVPL
Slide 21 confidential Version 1.0 Features- Cont. Management: SNMPv3 Secure Web session (SSL) Secure Telnet session (SSH) Radius authentication system Fault Management: Two way fault propagation NTP
Slide 22 confidential Schedule RICi-155GE: Currently Beta RICi-622GE: Beta Q1/2008
Slide 23 confidential Applications
Slide 24 confidential Remote Site Remote Management Using widely deployed SDH/SONET infrastructure to provide management services Reduced OPEX by managing remote devices when in-band management is not available Low cost, small footprint SDH/ SONET Egate-100 GbE Management Station Headquarters PSN RICi-E1/T1 E1/T1FE CPE Remote Site RICi-E1/T1 E1/T1FE CPE Remote Site RICi-E1/T1 E1/T1FE CPE Service Network CH.STM-1/OC-3c (APS) or 3 x DS-3
Slide 25 confidential Product Line Summary DeviceTDMEthernetCenter Aggregators Egate-100 Ch STM-1/OC-3 Ch 3 x T3 2 x GbE Egate-20 Ch 8 x E1/T14 x FE CPEs RICi-E1/T1 E1/FE1, T1/FT1FE Egate-100 Egate-20 RICi-16 RICi-4E1/T1 RICi-8E1/T1 8 x E1/T1 4 x E1/T1 4 x FEEgate-100 RICi-16 16/8/4 x E1/T1 2 x T3 4 x FE RICi-16 Egate-100 RICi-E3/T3 E3/T3FERICi-E3/T3 RIC-155GE STM-1/OC-3GbERIC-155GE RICi-155/622GE 2 x STM-1/OC-3 2 x STM-4/OC-12 GbERICi-622GE
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