Condoms Click here to go to Final Jeopardy The Pill The Shot The Patch ECAbstinence
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What is the most effective material for male condoms to be made out of? What is latex? T1-20 Click to Return
What is polyurethane? T1-40 Click to Return What material is a female condom made out of?
What is as soon as he gets an erection? T1-60 Click to Return When should a condom be put on a guy’s penis?
What is water-based lubrication? T1-80 Click to Return What are the only type of lubricants that can be used with male condoms?
What are: reduce risk for pregnancy, reduce risk for STDs, prolong time before ejaculation, feel more confident about protection from most risks, etc.? T1-100 Click to Return Name two advantages of using condoms for birth control.
What is every day at about the same time? T2-20 Click to Return How often should the birth control pill be taken?
What are prevents ovulation and thickens the cervical mucus? T2-40 Click to Return Describe two ways the birth control pill works to prevent pregnancy.
What are Planned Parenthoods, Teen Clinics, Health Departments, Adolescent Health Departments at Hospitals, etc.? T2-60 Click to Return Name two places where teens can get birth control pills.
What is one week? T2-80 Click to Return When a girl starts taking the pill, how long does it take for the pill to become effective?
What is reduces cramps, regulates menstrual cycle, reduces acne, etc.? T2-100 Click to Return What are two advantages of using birth control pills?
What is the depo-provera shot? T3-20 Click to Return What is the full name of the shot?
What is prevents ovulation? T3-40 Click to Return How does the shot work to prevent pregnancy?
What is every 12 weeks? T3-60 Click to Return How often does a girl need to get the shot?
What is prevents pregnancy and suppresses the period? T3-80 Click to Return Name two advantages of the shot.
What is progestin? T3-100 Click to Return What hormone is in the shot that causes the body to prevent ovulation?
What is it prevents ovulation as a result of the hormones absorbed through the skin? T4-20 Click to Return How does the patch work?
What is every week? T4-40 Click to Return How often does the patch need to be changed?
What is the Ortho-Evra patch? T4-60 Click to Return What is the proper name of the patch?
What is more than 99% effective? T4-80 Click to Return How effective is the patch at preventing pregnancy if used correctly?
What are regulates menstrual cycle, reduces cramps and prevents pregnancy? T4-100 Click to Return Name two advantages of the patch?
What is pills taken after sexual intercourse to help prevent pregnancy? T5-20 Click to Return What is emergency contraception, also known as “the morning after pill”?
What are prevents ovulation, prevents fertilization or prevent implantation? T5-40 Click to Return How do emergency contraception pills work?
What is up to five days? T5-60 Click to Return How long after sexual intercourse can a female take EC?
What is between 75-89% effective? T5-80 Click to Return How effective are ECs at preventing pregnancy if taken within 5 days after intercourse?
What is age 18 or older? T5-100 Click to Return What age do you need to be in order to buy ECs from a pharmacy over-the-counter?
What is not having vaginal, anal or oral sex with another person? T6-20 Click to Return What is a definition of abstinence that would prevent both pregnancy and STDs?
What is not allowing the semen of a guy to get near or inside the vagina of a girl? T6-40 Click to Return How does abstinence prevent pregnancy?
What is prevents pregnancy, prevents STDs, allows focus on long-term goals, etc.? T6-60 Click to Return What are two advantages of using Abstinence?
What is 100% effective? T6-80 Click to Return If used correctly, how effective is abstinence at preventing pregnancy?
What is TRUE, more than half of all high school students report NEVER having sexual intercourse? T6-100 Click to Return True or False – The majority of teens in high school are abstinent, meaning not having sexual intercourse.
“What’s Most Popular?” What is condoms? Click to Return “Among teens who are sexually active, which method is most popular?”
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