Review for Cervicals Exam 1
When & Where See Calendar for dates and locations
Bring: Pencil Parallel Eraser Brain (not optional)
Total Points: 30
First Section: worth 5 points Stick Figures be able to: –Take a listing – produce lateral and A-P stick figures (3 of these). –Take a lateral and A-P stick figure – produce level and listing (2 of these). –See next 2 slides for examples.
First Section: example Given the Listing Draw the Lateral stick figure (or write visual indicator, include levels as needed) Draw the A-P stick figure PRS C2 PLI-T T3
First Section: example Given the Listing Draw the Lateral stick figure (or write visual indicator, include levels as needed) Draw the A-P stick figure PRS C2 PLI-T T3 Stacking T1-T3 Reverse Wedge T3-T4 Hourglassing T3, etc…
First Section: example Given LateralGiven A-P Determine & record Level & Listing C7 T1
First Section: example Given LateralGiven A-P Determine & record Level & Listing C1 ASLA C7 T1 C7 PR
2 nd Section: Multiple Choice worth 10 points 10 Multiple choice questions, 1 point each 1 question on Cartesian Co-ordinate System
2 nd Section: Multiple Choice Other questions will cover: –Given patient evaluation findings decide what level/ listing to adjust.
2 nd Section: Multiple Choice Other questions will cover: –Given palpation findings: What seen on x-ray (so know the names of the lines) What level and listing are described
2 nd Section: Multiple Choice Other questions will cover: –Given spinography findings: What palpation findings would correlate with them What level and listing are described
2 nd Section: Multiple Choice Other questions will cover: –Given a level & listing: What palpation findings would correlate with them What spinography findings would correlate with them
2 nd Section: Multiple Choice Other questions will cover: – Patient evaluation findings, ie: Range of Motion (know normals to recognize abnormals) Reflexes – chord levels involved (abnormal vs. normal findings)
2 nd Section: Multiple Choice Other questions will cover: – Patient evaluation findings, ie: Orthopedic tests –Positives & indications
2 nd Section: Multiple Choice Derifield Leg Check for Cervical Spine: –Right Cervical Syndrome (RCS) –Left Cervical Syndrome (LCS) –Bilateral Cervical Syndrome (BCS) –No Cervical Syndrome (NCS)
2 nd Section: Multiple Choice Derifield Leg Check for Cervical Spine: –What the finding is and how it relates to the position of the vertebra that finding is at.
3 rd Section : worth 5 points Lateral Cervical X-ray –Will be given size of film to know how far to extend lines. –Put lines on (in the appropriate places.
3 rd Section: Lateral Cervical X-ray –Interpretation of lines cont’d. Place listing on line it belongs to and to the correct side of that line, ie. AS or AI C1 on APL to the anterior –C2 to 7 only list if crossing (follow rules for multiple levels crossing)
4 th Section: worth 5 points A-POM & A-P Cervical X-ray –Put lines on (on the appropriate segments) only those we’re interested in continuing the listing from the Lateral film.
4 th Section : A-POM & A-P Cervical X-ray –For example from Lateral: If Occ = PS, C1 = AI, C5 = P Put lines on Occiput, C1, C2, C5, and C6 to get rest of listings
4 th Section : A-POM & A-P Cervical X-ray –Write the listing for that segment on the side of laterality on the line for the segment (listing line).
5 th Section: worth 5 points Lateral & A-P Thoracic X-ray –Lateral Thoracic: Given a level to look at, you determine one visual indicator of posteriority present at that level.
5 th Section : Lateral & A-P Thoracic X-ray –A-P Thoracic: Take the level given for the Lateral Thoracic visual indicator: you complete the analysis for that segment (listing line, base line, spinous laterality).
5 th Section : Lateral & A-P Thoracic X-ray –A-P Thoracic cont’d: Write the listing for the segment concerned on the LL and on the side of spinous laterality.
Recommendations: Spend no more than 5 minutes for each of the sections 1, 3-5 (total 20 minutes) Use rest of time to go over the multiple choice questions
Recommendations: Check WEBSITE for questions/answers for the weeks covering the material dealing for the first exam Remember no set up material on the exam (everything from day one to the 1 st practical is fair game)
Call me If you have questions you can’t find the answers to. Please only call between 7am and 8pm My number is in the book