Reconstructed trams : T3R.PLF Power electronic controlled
Petr Sýkora pro X14EPT2 Vznik typu T3R.PLF Trams of the type T3 were producted in more pieces– The resistance current control was changed in electronic puls current control. They are many variants – Example is type T3R.PLF
Petr Sýkora pro X14EPT3 Transport parameters 22 sittig places 105 standing places Place for baby cars and for disabled people cars Flore elevation above platform 350 / 860 mm v max 65 km/h Information systém for passengers
Petr Sýkora pro X14EPT4 Mechanics Car length mm Car width 2480 mm Car high 3190 mm Empty car mass 20,5 t
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6 Vozová skříň Car body quite new. Partly low floor
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8 Bogie and drive Bogie the same as in T3 Drive arrangement the same as in T3 Higher motor output Body spring arrangement the same like in T3
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10 Brakes Electrodynamic brakes motor are loaded into resistances –Main brake Elektromechanical disk brake on the traction motor shaft –Pressure on braking plates by springs / electromagnet release of braking by electromagnet. It serves for parking and emergency case. Elektromagnetical friction rail brake Emergency
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Petr Sýkora pro X14EPT12 Elektric equipment and axiliary drives Cooling ventilators are driven by asynchronous motors supplied by frequency convertors Car network 24V= from battery. Charched from electronic convertor
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Petr Sýkora pro X14EPT14 Electric equipment – traction drive Traction DC motors are the same but have insulation in class H. Output is higher44 kW TM are supplied with electronic pulse converters –Energy saving –Easier mentanance ~ minimum kontacts
Petr Sýkora pro X14EPT15 TV Progress Electronic converter with 6 transistors for current pulse control. IGBT transistors. Converter controls traction motor current and excitation current in both revolutions (back and head) in driving and braking regimes.
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Petr Sýkora pro X14EPT17 Scheme of power convertor part T1 ÷ T6 ~ IGBT with revers diods Lb ~ Excitation winding K ~ Motor anchor Ib ~ Excitation current measurement Ik ~ Anchor current measurement +/- ~ DC cercuit voltage Symetry with respect K for opposite driving direction. Both directions are possible.
Petr Sýkora pro X14EPT18 Driving regime – driving with power T4 switched. Driving direction T5 pulsates and controls traction current Symetry in case of opposite driving direction. In such a case T1 will be continuasly switched on
Petr Sýkora pro X14EPT19 Driving regime – free driving T5 switches off and T6 opens. The current quickly dissapears. Symetry in case of opposite driving direction.
Petr Sýkora pro X14EPT20 Driving regime – field weakaning T3 swithes on and pulsates Symetry in case of opposite driving direction.
Petr Sýkora pro X14EPT21 Driving regime - excitation T1 switches on and pulsates Symetry in case of opposite driving direction. T1 is switched on and T4 pulsates
Petr Sýkora pro X14EPT22 Braking regime – anchor is short circuited against excitation winding T4 je switched off. T1 is switched on. Traction motor is quickly excited. Symetry in case of opposite driving direction.
Petr Sýkora pro X14EPT23 Braking regime – energy recovering T1 is switched off and the anchor current recovers the enrgy into DC circuit and from DC cercuit into trolley, if it is possible. Otherwise the energy is burned in the braking resistance. Symetry in case of opposite driving direction.
Petr Sýkora pro X14EPT24 Braking regime– exciting current is never sudenly switched off When T1 switches off the exciting current is maintained with diodes in T3 and T2
Petr Sýkora pro X14EPT25 References Patent CZ 8766 U1