Processor Design Computer Architecture CS 215
CPU Design Control Unit Generates the control signals in the correct order to effect the correct data path activity Data Path Set of interconnections and auxiliary registers Needed to accomplish overall changes an instruction makes CPU Control Unit Data Path Control signals out Control unit inputs
1-Bus Microarchitecture
Abstract Vs. Concrete RTN How would accomplish the following instruction using this architecture? add(:=op=12) R[ra] R[rb]+R[rc]:
Abstract Vs. Concrete RTN add(:=op=12) R[ra] R[rb]+ R[rc]: StepRTN
Abstract Vs. Concrete RTN: addi StepRTN T0.MA PC: C PC + 4; T1.MD M[MA]; PC C; T2.IR MD; T3.A R[rb]; T4.C A + c2 {sign ext.}; T5.R[ra] C;
Abstract Vs. Concrete RTN: ld StepRTN T0-T2 Instruction fetch T3.A (rb=0 0: rb 0 R[rb]); T4.C A + #IR ); T5.MA C; T6.MD M[MA]; T7.R[ra] MD;
Abstract Vs. Concrete RTN: st StepRTN T0-T2 Instruction fetch T3.A (rb=0 0: rb 0 R[rb]); T4.C A + #IR ); T5.MA C; T6.MD R[ra]; T7.M[MA] MD;
Abstract Vs. Concrete RTN: br StepRTN T0-T2 Instruction fetch T3.CON cond(R[rc]); T4.CON PC R[rb];
Abstract Vs. Concrete RTN: shr StepConcrete RTN T0-T2 Instruction fetch T3.n IR ; T4.(n=0) (n R[rc] ; T5.C R[rb]; T6.Shr (:= (n≠0) (C 0#C : n n-1; Shr) ); T7.R[ra] C;
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ra, rb, rc fields General purpose registers Control signals 5x32 decoder
Try this! Problem Extend the SRC instruction set by adding the XOR command (op=19), similar to the AND command Note: The ALU cannot be altered by adding XOR Develop both an abstract and concrete RTN for the instruction
Instruction Register
Memory Interface
Control sequences: Instruction Fetch StepConcrete RTNControl Sequence T0.MA PC: C PC+4;PC out, MA in, Inc4, C in T1.MD M[MA]: PC C;Read, C out, PC in, Wait T2.IR MD;MD out, IR in T3.Instruction_execution
Control sequences: add StepConcrete RTNControl Sequence T0.MA PC: C PC+4;PC out, MA in, Inc4, C in, Read T1.MD M[MA]: PC C;C out, PC in, Wait T2.IR MD;MD out, IR in T3.A R[rb];Grb, R out, A in T4.C A + R[rc];Grc, R out, ADD, C in T5.R[ra] C;C out, Gra, R in, End
Control sequences: addi StepConcrete RTNControl Sequence T0.MA PC: C PC + 4; PC out, MA in, Inc4, C in T1.MD M[MA]; PC C;C out, PC in, Wait, Read T2.IR MD;MD out, IR in T3.A R[rb];Grb, R out, A in T4.C A + c2 {sign ext.};c2 out, ADD, C in T5.R[ra] C;C out, Gra, R in, End
Control sequences: st StepConcrete RTNControl Sequence T0-T2Instruction fetch Instruction fetch T3.A (rb=0) 0: rb 0 R[rb];Grb, BA out, A in T4.C A + c2 {sign ext.};c2 out, ADD, C in T5.MA C;C out, MA in T6.MD R[ra];Gra, R out, MD in, Write T7.M[MA] MD;Wait, End } address arithmetic
Control sequences: shr StepConcrete RTNControl Sequence T0-T2Instruction fetchInstruction fetch T3.n IR 4..0 ;c1 out, Ld T4.(n=0) (n R[rc] 4..0 );n=0 (Grc, R out, Ld) T5.C R[rb];Grb, R out, C=B, C in T6.Shr (:=(n≠0) n 0 (C out, SHR, C in, (C 0#C :Decr, Goto6) n n-1; Shr) ); T7.R[ra] C;C out, Gra, R in, End
Control sequences: br StepConcrete RTNControl Sequence T0-T2Instruction fetchInstruction fetch T3.CON cond(R[rc]);Grc, R out, CON in T4.CON PC R[rb];Grb, R out, CON PC in, End
Clocking & Timing
Control Unit
2-Bus SRC
3-Bus SRC
Machine Reset From a need to initialize processor to a known, defined state Control Step Counter 0 PC Known Value RTN instruction_interpretation := ( Run Strt (Run 1: PC, R[0..31] 0); Run Rst (IR M[PC]: PC PC + 4; instruction_execution): Run Rst ( Rst 0: PC 0); instruction_interpretation):
Types of Exceptions System Reset Machine Check Exceptions Memory error checking Data Access Exceptions Instruction Access Exceptions Alignment Exceptions
Types of Exceptions Program Exceptions Illegal instruction Unimplemented instruction Privileged instruction Arithmetic errors (sometimes)
Types of Exceptions Miscellaneous Hardware Exceptions Countdown to zero Trace & Debugging Exceptions Nonmaskable Exceptions Cannot be ignored Power outage Interrupts (External)
Exception Process Interrupt signal asserted Determine if interrupt should be serviced; Finish current instruction, if possible
Exception Process instruction_interpretation := ( Run Strt Run 1: Run (ireq IE) (IR M[PC]: PC PC + 4; instruction_execution): Run (ireq IE) (IPC PC : II Isrc_info : iack 1: IE 0: PC Ivect ; iack 0); instruction_interpretation);