Air Force Space Command Guardians of the High Frontier I n t e g r i t y - S e r v i c e - E x c e l l e n c e Welcome to Detachment 1, 21 CONS Industry Day Copenhagen, Denmark UNCLASSIFIED Lt Col (s) Severin J. Blenkush II Commander
Overview Detachment 1, 21 st CONS Agenda Purpose Special Thanks Det 1 Background and Mission Det 1 Personnel Organization Chart Logistical Flow to Thule
Agenda Thule Air Base Industry Day Agenda: 1:00Registration 1:15Opening Remarks 1:25Detachment 1 Brief 1:40Thule Brief 1:55The Vet Brief 2:10Break 2:30 Royal Arctic 2:50Air Greenland 3:10Greenland Contractors 3:30Question & Answer session 4:00Networking
Purpose Det 1 Industry Day is intended to increase awareness of business opportunities in supplying goods and services to Thule Air Base, Greenland
Special Thanks To our distinguished guests –Sandra Kaiser, Deputy Chief of Mission –Col Ed Fienga, Commander, 821 st Air Base Group –Niels Junker, Minister Counselor, The Royal Danish Embassy, Washington D.C. –Mikaela Engel, Chief Consultant, Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs To our industrial partner representatives –Poul Eric Østergaard Jensen, Greenland Contractors –Hans Peter Hansen, Air Greenland –Niels C. Schierbeck, Royal Arctic To those who “chipped in” to help Det 1 out –Charlotte Kirk Elkjær and Suzanne Kürstein, American Danish Business Forum –Poul Eric Østergaard Jensen and Poul Jensen, Greenland Contractors –Brian Sweigaard-Jensen, Arla Foods –Jørn Bundgaard-Møller, Scandinavian Export –Søren Blaabjerg, Royal Danish Vendors –Bjarne Lilholm Jensen, Carlsberg Breweries
Background and Mission 1962 Aide Memoir between the US & Kingdom of Denmark with respect to the Thule Defense Area “…ensuring as great a Danish participation as possible…” –1963, Procurement Office established in Copenhagen –DoD’s only acquisition office in an Embassy Part of 21 st Contracting Squadron, Peterson AFB, CO Provides acquisition support to Thule Air Base –Base Maintenance Contract (BMC) –Construction and Architect Engineering (A&E) –Airlift –Sealift
Det 1 Personnel
Det 1, 21 CONS Organization Chart
Logistical Flow to Thule Copenhagen Charters: 1 Every Fourth Week (direct flight) 1 Every Second Week (via Kangerlussuaq) US: 2 Weekly L Weekly DC-8 1 Cargo and 1 or 2 Fuel Tankers per Summer ~2 Danish Cargo Ships per Summer