Martin zur Nedden, HU Berlin 1 b-tagging / Single-Top Meeting, March 2010 b-tagging Performance Studies: Status Report from Berlin Regular single top meeging.


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Presentation transcript:

Martin zur Nedden, HU Berlin 1 b-tagging / Single-Top Meeting, March 2010 b-tagging Performance Studies: Status Report from Berlin Regular single top meeging March 16 th 2010 Carsten Kendziorra, Martin zur Nedden Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Martin zur Nedden, HU Berlin 2 b-tagging / Single-Top Meeting, March 2010 B-tagging perfomance ● studies done with Athena release 15.6 ● MC 08, 10 TeV data samples ● MC generators used / samples: – Pythia for single top t-channel – for ttbar – Alpgen for W+jets ● basic analysis object selection (electron, muon, jets) ● no specific cuts for single top or t-tbar ● no trigger selection

Martin zur Nedden, HU Berlin 3 b-tagging / Single-Top Meeting, March 2010 Performance Studies ● all jet algorithms: (cone, antiKt, AtlFast) – AntiK14H1Tower and Con4H1Tower ● all taggers: (JetProb, TrackCount, BaseLine, IP1/2/3D, SV0/1/2) – TrackCounting and BaseLine (SV1 && IP3D) ● making basic selection cuts – medium electrons, isolated: author = 1 or 3, etcone20 20 GeV, |η| 1.52) – combined stacco muons, isolated etcone20 20 GeV, |η| < 2.5 – jets, overlap removal under construction p T > 30 GeV, |η| < 5.0

Martin zur Nedden, HU Berlin 4 b-tagging / Single-Top Meeting, March 2010 Structure of the b-tagging performance Tool

Martin zur Nedden, HU Berlin 5 b-tagging / Single-Top Meeting, March 2010 Weights (single top t-channel sample) Track counting Tagger BaseLine Tagger μν eνeν

Martin zur Nedden, HU Berlin 6 b-tagging / Single-Top Meeting, March 2010 Correlations of Efficiency and Weight Track counting Tagger BaseLine Tagger

Martin zur Nedden, HU Berlin 7 b-tagging / Single-Top Meeting, March 2010 Purities Track counting Tagger BaseLine Tagger

Martin zur Nedden, HU Berlin 8 b-tagging / Single-Top Meeting, March 2010 Rejection Factors Track counting TaggerBaseLine Tagger

Martin zur Nedden, HU Berlin 9 b-tagging / Single-Top Meeting, March 2010 Results for Track Counting Tagger sample weight cut cone4/ antiKt Efficiency cone4/ antiKt rej. Factor cone4/ antiKt purity cone4/ antiKt single top / / / / / / / / W + jets 2.15 / / / / / / / 22 7 / / / / / 0.023

Martin zur Nedden, HU Berlin 10 b-tagging / Single-Top Meeting, March 2010 Results for Track Baseline Tagger sample weight cut cone4/ antiKt Efficiency cone4/ antiKt rej. Factor cone4/ antiKt purity cone4/ antiKt single top / / / / / / / / / / W + jets 3.65 / / / / / / / / / / / / 0.012

Martin zur Nedden, HU Berlin 11 b-tagging / Single-Top Meeting, March 2010 Summary and Outlook ● implement overlap removal ● include trigger selection ● look also at JetProb and SV0 taggers ● redo the study wiht 7 TeV MC ● look with the tool into first data, compare weights of data and MC ● strategies for efficiency determination with data – tag and probe method? ● study impact parameters and secondary vertices with first data – understand the taggers – develop a b-tag veto ● Overview talk by Carsten at the next informal b-tag meeting at 7 th of April