Trek for Teens Foundation By Youth, For Youth
About Us In 2007, a team of high school students from the Toronto area initiated the Toronto Trek for Teens, as per a project of the Rotary Club of Etobicoke’s Camp Enterprise. Since then, the Trek for Teens Foundation has raised over $15,000 for charities helping homeless youth in Toronto. Our mission is to raise awareness on youth homelessness and funds for our affiliated charities.
Youth Homelessness Over youth are on the streets of Toronto (1999 Government Report): Youth are ages Is it a big city problem? Primary Causes (70%): Domestic Abuse Sexual Abuse Neglect Presentation Name
Fact or Myth MYTh: Most homeless people live on the street. The FACT is: 60% of street youth are staying in one of Toronto’s youth shelters. 25% staying in an apartment (92% were staying with friends and 'couch surfing'). 15% staying on the street of which 4% were living in squats, and 9% in parks, alleys, and doorways.
Fact or Myth MYTH: They Don’t Work The FACT is: Many homeless people are among the working poor. A person earning a minimum wage can’t earn enough to support a family of three or pay inner-city rent. 36% of street youth earn money by panhandling or "squeegeeing". 19% do break and enters or sell drugs. 18% receive social assistance. 17% have paid employment. 10% do sex trade work. Most have worked in the sex trade. 31% including men and women reported engaging in street prostitution, phone or Internet sex, or massage/stripping at least once in their lives.
Fact or Myth Myth: They are to blame for being homeless. The FACT is: Most homeless people are victims. Over 70% have experienced some form of sexual, physical or emotional abuse Approximately 65% come from families with substance abuse problems Approximately 20% are struggling with addictions Approximately 33% suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder
Charities Covenant House: Toronto Horizons for Youth Youth Without Shelter
Who We Help Covenant House: Toronto Canada’s largest youth shelter 24/7 Outreach Crisis Care Long term housing Wide variety of services
Who We Help Youth Without Shelter 50 Beds Long term housing Stay in School Program Wide variety of services
Who We Help Horizons for Youth 24/7 Intake for youth Long term housing 35 Beds Wide variety of services
Videos Ricardo s “Living out of a Suitcase” qdgXA qdgXA
The Big Day Trek for Teens Age range: 13 – 18 Race Battle of the Bands Fair
The Race -Teams consist 3-5 teens -Challenges -Checkpoints -Exemptions -Prizes -Minimum $30 Pledge
Other Events
Small Events Carol to Care Student Leader Run Events
Get Involved! Student Leaders Executive Positions Volunteers Participants Entertainment
Student Leaders Usually groups of 2 – 5 per high school Raise Awareness Resources Provided Student Leader Training Sessions Volunteer or Participate
Responsibilities of a Student Leader To represent the Trek for Teens Foundation To raise awareness and funds for the Trek for Teens Foundation and youth homelessness To actively promote and facilitate involvement in T3 within your school or group Attend May 1 st or 7 th Volunteer Training Days Meet minimum projections To ensure T3 continues in your school or group in upcoming years
Responsibilities of a Student Leader To represent the Trek for Teens Foundation one must: Be informed on everything T3 does Be in contact with a T3 Student Facilitator on a frequent basis Be totally awesome!
Raising Awareness and Getting Students Involved Raise awareness in your school or group Get people involved from your school or group How do you do that?
How to facilitate student involvement: Inform them of relevant information Help them sign up Ensure that they have signed up properly and collect pledge donations to complete their registration
Add everyone you know to the Facebook Group Tweet us! Word of Mouth Make announcements and posters Speak with homeroom classes Go to different clubs and get them to get involved Go to your friends and get them involved Speak (or present) at a ceremony or assembly Give a presentation Start a T3 Facebook Group (for your school) Use the T3 Video at an assembly, presentation etc Get school teams involved Hours for the CAS program (IB) Approach groups based on area of interest Be creative How to facilitate student involvement:
School Presentations Poster Designs Event Information and Details How Can Trek for Teens Help You
How to Register Register by completing 2 easy steps! 1.Fill out the necessary online forms at resources/ 2.Complete the registration by either mailing in the pledges (min. $30 to participate) or submitting them to a Student Leader. Presentation Name
Connect with Us Director of Human Resources → Assistant Director of Human Resources → Website: Facebook: