Sun at Work Thomas Tenkate June 3 rd, 2014 Quebec City, QC
2 Background Skin cancer and heat stress are recognized public health issues. >1.5 M outdoor workers – high exposure, poor protection; limited # of sun safety programs – difficult to implement Objective: build on the work of “Be Sunsible” to develop a nationally-applicable, effective and sustainable sun safety program for outdoor workers that can be implemented by individual workplaces.
3 Partners Ryerson University (Research) Occupational Cancer Research Centre (Research) Alberta Health Services (Practice) Sun Safe Nova Scotia (Practice) Save Your Skin Foundation (Policy) Supporters: CREOD, CAREX Canada, OSSWG, TCPC, CCS (NS), Worksafe BC, BC Federation of Labor, range of employers
4 CLASP Activities Phase 1 (summer 2015): intervention in 4 workplaces in each of 3 provinces (NS/NB, ON, BC) – tailor and implement sun safety programs Phase 2 (2015/16): develop broad reach resources Expected outcomes Interactive website: general resources + workplaces can use to develop their own sun safety program Long-term: ↓ risk of skin cancer & heat stress; ↓ sun exposure of outdoor workers; ↑ sustainability of sun safety measures for outdoor workers
5 Knowledge Translation and Exchange Plan Knowledge users Phase 1: participating workplaces, workplace champion (OHS officer), supervisors, workers Phase 2: employers, workers, OHS professionals, industry associations, unions, policy-makers, regulators, workers comp. KTE goals: (1) ↑ awareness of workers & employers of sun safety; (2) ↑ sun safe behaviors & practices; (3) promote effective sun safety programs
Evaluation Plan 6 RE-AIMSun at Work DimensionLevelTimeEvaluation Activities ReachIndividualT1Focus groups, survey, UV dosimetry OrganizationT1Interviews, focus groups, survey, audit EffectivenessIndividualT2Focus groups, survey AdoptionOrganizationT2Interviews, focus groups, survey, audit ImplementationOrganizationT3Survey – costs of implementation MaintenanceIndividualT3Focus groups, survey, UV dosimetry OrganizationT3Interviews, focus groups, survey, audit Phase 1: Phase 2: website ‘traffic’, website ‘users’ survey, policy & practice stakeholder survey, workshop attendee survey.
7 Sustainability Plan Phase 1: build on existing capacity at workplaces, tailoring programs for specific workplace characteristics – barriers & facilitators, ‘workplace champion’, user-friendly materials, combined skin cancer & heat stress prevention, promote ‘safety culture’. Phase 2: user-friendly & interactive website that provides tools & resources, and allows for self- customization of program materials.
8 Next Steps Current challenges: initial set-up of financial & administrative arrangements, hiring of suitable staff, team-work among partners. Short term (prior to summer 2015): finalize various methodological elements, recruitment of workplaces, baseline assessments, develop tailored program materials.