Environmental Governance and Economic Resilience John L Roberts CFTC Adviser on Sustainable Development at the Indian Ocean Commission Associate Professor Department of Economics and Statistics University of Mauritius
Environmental Governance and Economic resilience Scope of Paper Explores from recent published studies the links between: Economic vulnerability and resilience Environmental vulnerability and resilience Well-being and the ecological footprint Environmental governance
Environmental Governance and Economic resilience Content and Sources The Briguglio framework The NEF Happy Planet Index: 2006 The Ecological Footprint: 2006 EPI: Yale and Columbia: 2006, pilot The environmental UN MDGs 2006
Environmental Governance and Economic resilience Summary of issues How to improve economic and environmental resilience? What is the trade off with Well-being? What is the trade off with Human Development? What is the ecological price of economic resilience? Does environmental performance increase with economic growth?
Environmental Governance and Economic resilience Reports of Action Environmental Systems Environmental Stress Human vulnerability Social and Institutional Capacity Global Stewardship Coastal and marine management (Bahrain) Combating desertification and deforestation (Cyprus) Mine clearance in Quinta Nanque forest (Guinea Bissau) Solar energy for remote islands: (Seychelles) Tuna tagging and marine area monitoring (WIO IOC) Species conservation (Comoros) Waste Management to EU standards (Malta) Malaria and HIV/AIDS prevention and management (Sao Tome and Principe) Sugar cane bio- energy technology - biomass and ethanol (Mauritius) International co- operation on GHGs: Refrigeration retrofitting (Bahrain) Irrigation and water management (Cape Verde) Waste (reducing, reusing and recycling) (Singapore) Eradication of brucellosis – milk standards (Cyprus) Environmental governance system: (Malta) GHC inventory and risk assessment (Sao Tome and Principe)
Environmental Governance and Economic resilience Limitations of MDGs as tools for planning Missing data Arbitrary baselines and inequitable targets Conflict with global and national priorities Lack of coverage of key areas for SIDS ( climate change and sea level rise, disasters, waste management, tourism, coastal and marine, biodiversity, demographic change, ncds, governance and security, competitiveness) Development disparities between and within countries Absence of an economics framework Absence of denominators
AIMS Countries: Safe water 1990, 2004, 2006 Percent Provision of Safe water, Target by percent and numbers of persons Sources; UN Stats, Div and UNICEF 2006 AIMS TargetStatus Latest 2006Status 2006 Target number persons x 1000 Bahrain………Missing data Cape Verde…73…Missing data80Missing data Comoros939497On track86Off track 81 Cyprus100 Achieved100Achieved 0 Guinea Bissau…59…Missing data59Missing data Maldives968398Off track83Off track 48 Malta100 Achieved100Achieved 0 Mauritius100 Achieved100Achieved 0 Sao Tome & Principe…79…Missing data79Missing data Seychelles88 94Off track88Off track 5 Singapore100 Achieved100Achieved 0
Environmental Governance and Economic resilience Using Denominators: AIMS country Targets 730,000 malnourished people to be fed – 79% in Guinea Bissau (G1, T4, I 5) 6,960 infant lives to be saved – 90% in Comoros and GB (G4, T 5, I 14) 1,939 sq kms of forest to be re-established- 95% in Guinea Bissau (G7, T 9, I 25) 9.1 m tonnes of CO2 to be cut- 92% in Bahrain, Cyprus and Mauritius (G 7, T 9, I 28) 133,000 people to be given safe water- 97% in Comoros and Maldives (Goal 7, T 9 I 30)
Environmental Governance and Economic resilience Building the evidence base for SIDS Move on from indices and reports of action to models based on critical assessments of costs and effectiveness of investment Impact on natural capital Implications for social well-being Distribution of costs and benefits Constraints, relevance, adaptability, timescales Priorities at global, regional, national & local levels Performance of interventions (Efficiency, equity and sustainability) The neglected issue of demographic change (All SIDS from 55million-63 million population +15%)