Compact Radio Structure of Fermi-detected Radio-loud NLS1s CHEN YONGJUN, GU MINGFENG Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, CAS
Definition of RL NLS1s H slightly broader than forbidden lines (OIII, NII, SII), but generally < 2000 km/s Relative weakness of OIII: [OIII]/H <3 Presence of emission lines from FeII or higher ionization lines (Goodrich 1989) RL means: f(1.4GHz)/f (B) 10, a criteria from Komossa & Voges 2006) (F 5 /F B ) The narrowest Balmer lines, strongest FeII emission and lowest ratios of [OIII]/H
Fundamental Features for RL NLS1s Reverberation mapping and experimental relation from BLS1s systematically lower black hole mass (e.g. Boroson 2002) (X-ray variability, steller velocity & bulge luminosity) High accretion rates close to or even above the Eddington rate (e.g. Komossa 2006): soft and hard X-ray Host Galaxies: generally spiral First Fermi detected NLS1s: PMN J , 7 with TS > 16, Third class of Gamma-ray AGN
Fermi Detected RLNS1s with TS>16 SourceRed -shift γ rays (ph cm -2 s -1 ) MonTSRadio Morph. 1H *0.061(1.60±0.06)× Core-jet (MOJAVE) SBS (2.3±0.2)× Core-jet (MOJAVE) PMN J * 0.585(3.2±0.2)× Core-jet (MOJAVE) B (2.4±0.3)× Core-jet (VLBA) PKS * 0.409(7.3±2.4)× Core-jet (MOJAVE) FBQS J (7.5±1.6)× Core-jet (VLBA) PKS 2004−447* 0.240(1.0±0.9)× (43) Core-jet (VLBA) * With much larger TS shown in Abdo et al. (2009) TS:
Radio Structure of 1H and SBS MOJAVE PROGRAM
Radio Structure of PMN J and
VLBA OBSERVATION OF B AT 2.3 AND 8.4 GHz Data: NRAO ARCHIVE Epoch: 2010 Nov 9-11, 20 min with 4 SCANS Instrumental Calibrator: Data Reduction: Standard method
VLBA Imaging Results S BandX Band DC DC
Radio Structure of FBQS J PKS From Orienti et al From Doi et al. 2011
Core Nature of The Radio Structures SourceFlux (mJy)Brightness Temperature (K) Spectral Index Log(R) 1H * e SBS e12~ PMN J * e B <5.50e PKS * e FBQS J (1.7 GHz)~1e PKS 2004−447*
Gamma and Radio Nature of 1H 1H emits Gev, and even possibly Tev radiation in a region very close to central black hole MOJAVE shows an obvious one-sided structure with mild brightness temperature A radio remarkable flare ever detected by a factor 3 with flat spectrum Accretion rate: 90% Emission might be mildly Doppler-boosted
Gamma and Radio Nature of SBS -ray luminosity~10 48 erg s -1 Doppler boosted Core-jet structure on pc and unresolvable on kpc scale with superluminal motion 8.2c Very bright core with T B above Comptom limit Flat radio spectrum Radio and -ray emission are both Doppler boosted From D’Ammando et al (2012)
Gamma and Radio Nature of PMN J The first source detected -ray emission and burst with ~10 48 erg s -1 presence relativistic jet (1.5e8 solar mass) Very compact (~10 pc), very bright, core jet structure and strong polarization (3%) Invert radio spectrum, the Comptom dominance is more extreme in SED relative to 3C273 (Forschini et al. 2010) Yang, High accretion rate, Relativistic Jet
Gamma and Radio Nature of B B is detected by fermi with ts 16 The maximum core brightness temperature: 5.50e+10 K Simultaneous core spectral indice: = 0.07 for VLA obs. = 0.07 for VLBA obs. = 0.12 for EVN It’s more like a GPS source with compact structure
VLA-A Structure at Epoch 1992 Dec. 20 FQ =1.43 GHz BEAM = 1.62 X 1.39 at -3.6 X Unresolvable on subarcsec scale S BandX Band
Doppler Boosting? Komossa et al.(2006): = (0.33 GHz and 1.4 GHz) = (1.4 GHz and 4.85 GHz) Roughly agreement with our results Radio structure, spectral indices, core brightness temperature GPS
With Non-simultaneous Data Ghisellini et al. (1993) X-ray data : 2002 Jun VLBA data: 2010 Nov 0.85 The result argues against relativistic hypothesis
Gamma and Radio Nature of B VLA-A and EVN with 5 an observations show compact radio structure, no extended emission was detected Multi-frequency VLBA observation shows a signature of core-jet radio structure Brightness temperature, spectral indices, flux variability and a rough estimate of Doppler factor argue more for GPS hypothesis with relatively strong radio emission
Gamma and Radio Nature of PKS L 0.1−100GeV = 7.8×10 45 erg s −1 Unresolvable on VLA and core jet on vlbi scale Invert radio spectrum 0.66, quite bright with T~4e11K Superluminal motion not detected (multi-epoch) Yang and slightly Doppler boosted From D’Ammando et al (2013)
Gamma and Radio Nature of FBQS J Intermediate -ray luminosity Core-jet on pc and double structure on kpc scale Flat spectrum, intermediate brightness temperature Mildly Dopper-boosted
Gamma and Radio Nature of PKS Relatively small Gamma-ray luminosity with high confidence Unresolvalbe on ATCA scale and core-jet-like structure on pc scale Steep above 8.4 GHz (-0.67) and flatter (- 0.33) below 4.8 GHz Like a CSO source and small Doppler effect is expected as B
SUMMARY For the 7 RL NLSY1s, two are strongly Doppler-boosted, 3 are mildly and 2 are trivially Doppler-boosted Even for Fermi-detected RL NLSy1 sources, some are intrinsically radio and possibly -ray loud, some are Doppler boosted All these Fermi-detected RL NLSY1s are expected to young objects with small black mass and high accretion rates NLSy1s are younger and more Comptom dominant in comparison with Blazar objects