Hi-GAL PI: Sergio Molinari (Rome) + Hi-GAL team … (~150 researchers) The Herschel View of the Galactic Center John Bally1 Hi-GAL PI: Sergio Molinari (Rome) + Hi-GAL team … (~150 researchers) 1Center for Astrophysics and Space Astronomy (CASA) Department of Astrophysical and Planetary Sciences (APS) University of Colorado, Boulder
Sgr B2 Sgr B1 G0.25 GCB 50 km/s Sgr A 20 km/s 8 m 70 m 350 m
Outline Herschel Hi-GAL: 70, 160, 250, 350, 500 m The Central Molecular Zone: Context Dust Cold dust, (warm gas); Column density Star Formation Distribution, Asymmetries, Rate Galactic Center Bubble: Relation to: Sofue-Handa Lobe, Fermi/LAT, … Nature of 70 m sources Star Formation vs. SMBH activity: Feeding vs. Shielding
Herschel Space Observatory: (May 2009 - April 2013) D = 3.5 meter @ L2 PACS: 70, 100, 160 m SPIRE: 250, 350, 500 m HIFI: THz heterodyne Herschel Galactic Plane Survey (Hi-GAL)
Herschel Galactic Plane Survey (Hi-GAL) PI: Sergio Molinari (Rome) + 150 co-Is ~900 hrs Galactic Plane [360o X 2o] 720 square degree survey = 70, 160, 250, 350, 500 m = 6 , 11, 15 , 22 , 35 arcsec resolution Hi-GAL - inner Galaxy 120o year 1 Hi-GAL360 - outer Galaxy 120o year 2 2-GAL - 60o segments at l = 90o, 270o year 3 Images & Catalogs in preparation (release in late 2013) ~ 500,000 band-merged compact sources (YSOs, compact HII regions, post-MS stars, PNe, …)
(tri-axial) potential: x1 vs. x2 The CMZ: Orbits in a Bar (tri-axial) potential: x1 vs. x2 Inner Lindblad Resonance (ILR) R ~ 450 pc ? Epicyclic frequency Bar rotation frequency ~ 2:1 1.3 kpc
Barred Spiral : NGC1097 HST 1 kpc starburst ring
Orbits: x1 - elongated along bar x2 - elongated orthogonal to bar V l Bally 2010 cartoon Rodriguez-Fernandez 2006, 2008; model Molinari et al. (2011) ring
24 m (Hinz 2008; Yusef-Zadeh 2009) Bania’s Clump 2 l = 1.3 Sgr B2 / B1 Sgr A Sgr C 24 m (Hinz 2008; Yusef-Zadeh 2009)
Bania’s Clump 2 l = 1.3 Sgr B2 / B1 Sgr A Sgr C
Bania’s Clump 2 l = 1.3 Sgr B2 / B1 Sgr A Sgr C
Bania’s Clump 2 l = 1.3 Sgr B2 / B1 Sgr A Sgr C
Bania’s Clump 2 l = 1.3 Sgr B2 / B1 Sgr A Sgr C
Bania’s Clump 2 l = 1.3 Sgr B2 / B1 Sgr A Sgr C
(Bolocam Galactic Plane Survey Ginsburg et al. 2012) Bania’s Clump 2 l = 1.3 Sgr B2 / B1 Sgr A Sgr C 1100 m (Bolocam Galactic Plane Survey Ginsburg et al. 2012)
Bania’s Clump 2 l = 1.3 Sgr B2 / B1 Sgr A Sgr C 20 cm (Yusef-Zadeh 2009)
24 m (Hinz 2008; Yusef-Zadeh 2009) Bania’s Clump 2 l = 1.3 Sgr B2 / B1 Sgr A Sgr C 24 m (Hinz 2008; Yusef-Zadeh 2009)
Bania’s Clump 2 l = 1.3 Sgr B2 / B1 Sgr A Sgr C
Central Molecular Zone 24 m, 70 m, 350 m
Central Molecular Zone 24 m, 70 m, 350 m
Central Molecular Zone 20 cm, 70 m, 350 m
Central Molecular Zone 20 cm, 70 m, 350 m
Central Molecular Zone 20 cm, 70 m, 350 m
2/3 gas, dust: @ Pos. longitudes 2/3 24 m sources: @ Neg. longitudes 24 m 350 m 2/3 gas, dust: @ Pos. longitudes 2/3 24 m sources: @ Neg. longitudes 1o => R ~ 150 pc, torbit ~ 8 Myr Sgr B2 Sgr A* Inert, stable CMZ Starburst region
Central Molecular Zone (CMZ) - x10 - x100 denser, more turbulent than disk GMCs Traced by HCN, HNCO, CS, SiO, NH3, etc. V > 20 km/s Asymmetry: Gas & cold dust: 2/3 at POSITIVE longitude, velocity 24 m sources: 2/3 at NEGATIVE longitude Note: torbit ~ 6 Myr r100 pc V100 km/s-1 (+ 3 to 30 Myr)
Dust T, N(H2) Battersby (2011, A&A, 535, 128) algorithm cold ~ 14 K warm ~ 50 K N(H2) 2 x 1021 to 2 x 1024 cm-2
N(H2) from dust (Rome algorithm) Sgr A (CNR)
Tdust cold ~ 14 K warm ~ 50 K (Rome algorithm) Sgr A (CNR)
The Molinari et al. (2011) ~100 pc ring Sgr A (CNR)
The Molinari et al. (2011) R ~100 pc ring Region of Starburst activity in CMZ But … Sgr B2 Proper Motion ~ 80 km/s => R ~ 150 to 200 pc?
Galactic Center: 8 m Sgr B2 Sgr A (CNR)
Galactic Center Bubble: 24 m Sgr A (CNR)
Sgr A (CNR) 8 m 70 m 350 m
Galactic Center: 20 cm Sgr A (CNR)
Galactic Center Bubble - Brightest super-bubble in Galaxy at 24 m - D ~ 30 pc - Arches, Pistol clusters, Sgr A East SNR A nested set of Bubbles? Sgr A East: 1 pc GCB: 30 pc Sofue-Handa (84) lobe: 150 pc Fermi-LAT bubble: 5,000 pc A weak `nuclear super-wind’ ? Star-formation -or- SMBH ?
Galactic Center Bubble => Sofue-Handa Lobe => Fermi-LAT Bubble ? Finkbeiner et al. (2010) Caution: Sco-Cen superbubble 150 pc from Sun Sofue- Handa Lobe 3.5 cm (GBT) 2 deg. Law et al. (2009, 2010)
Sgr B2 Continuum CO SED (Etxaluze+ 2013)
Sgr C (G359.44-.10) Kendrew et al. poster 3.6, 4.5, 8 m 280 GHz continuum 2.12 m H2
Bania’s Clump 2 l = 3.2o 106 Mo Most CMZ molecular gas at positive Longitudes, & positive Velocities
Dense Gas with little / no star formation Bania’s Clump 2 (l = 3.2o) & l = 1.3o - 1.5o - Little 8, 24, 70 m emission - Little or no star-formation - Strong thermal SiO => shocks? Location: At end of innermost x1 orbit ? Along length of x1 orbit ? Where x1 and x2 intersect ?
Bania’s Clump 2 24 um, 70 um, 350 um
G0.253+0.016 (the “Brick” or “Lima Bean”) 105 Mo 3 pc, dense cloud in CMZ VERY LITTLE STAR FORMATION ! (the most extreme IRDC in the Galaxy?) 3.6 - 8.0 m (Spitzer) 70 m (Hi-GAL) 450 m (SCUBA) (Longmore et al. 2012) - ALMA Cycle 0 data (Rathborne et al. 2013)
HCO+ J = 1-0 21 km/s 18 km/s 14 km/s ALMA Cycle 0 data Rathborne et al. 2013 Bally et al. 2013
HCO+ J = 1-0 28 km/s 24 km/s 21 km/s ALMA Cycle 0 data Rathborne et al. 2013 Bally et al. 2013
HCO+ J = 1-0 34 km/s 31 km/s 28 km/s ALMA Cycle 0 data Rathborne et al. 2013 Bally et al. 2013
HCO+ J = 1-0 41 km/s 38 km/s 34 km/s ALMA Cycle 0 data Rathborne et al. 2013 Bally et al. 2013
HCO+ J = 1-0 48 km/s 44 km/s 41 km/s ALMA Cycle 0 data Rathborne et al. 2013 Bally et al. 2013
HCO+ J = 1-0 55 km/s 51 km/s 48 km/s ALMA Cycle 0 data Rathborne et al. 2013 Bally et al. 2013
HCO+ J = 1-0 62 km/s 58 km/s 55 km/s ALMA Cycle 0 data Rathborne et al. 2013 Bally et al. 2013
Sgr A & Circum Nuclear Ring (CNR): 70 um, 160 um, 350 um (SHARC/CSO) Black Hole HCN (1-0) + P 50 km/s cloud 20 km/s cloud Feeding star formation in the CNR? Sgr A cluster L-band: (Viehmann 06)
Hot (400 K), dense molecular gas CO in 3 pc ring Sgr A PACS/SPIRE spectrum (Goicoechea+ 2013)
HF & para H2O in CMZ Hot (400 K) CO in 3 pc ring CNR HIFI (Herschel) (Sonnentrucker+ 2013) CNR HIFI (Herschel)/GREAT (SOFIA) (Requena-Torres+ 2013) 50 km/s cloud 20 km/s cloud
Future - ALMA small-scale line / continuum / polarization - SOFIA HAWC++ MIR continuum / polarization / narrow-band GREAT CII, NII, OI, OIII, etc. FORCAST 11 - 37 um continuum - JVLA NH3, SiO, CS, H2CO / high-f continuum / RRLs - CCAT large-scale CI, CO 4-3 / continuum - JWST small-scale 2 - 28 um
Summary ~ 90 - 150 pc ring of cold dust and gas Contains Sgr B2, Sgr B1, Brick, Sgr C Most extreme star formation at r < 100 pc Large V features: l = 1.3o, Bania’s Clump 2 (l = 3.2o), No (or little) star formation: Galactic Center Bubble: 70 m: YSOs or externally heated? Multiple SN, massive star winds, ionization Feeds Sofue-Handa Lobe (~1 deg.) ? Fermi-LAT Bubble (> 20 deg.) ? Star Formation in the CMZ: “Mini-starbursts” in Sgr B2 Asymmetry: Gas-dust at Positive longitude/velocity 24 m sources at Negative longitude 24 m sources: MYSOs, MS-stars - or - externally illuminated OH/IR, RSG, PNe, … <SFR> 0.007 - 0.1 Mo/yr ? Variable?