Board of County Commissioners PUBLIC HEARING October 23, 2007
Board of County Commissioners District #: 1 Case #: RZ Applicant: Dianne Kramer for The Crenshaw School PD Request: A-1 (Citrus Rural District ) to PD (Planned Development District) Proposed Use:School (K-12 private school) Building floor area 105,000 sq. ft. Students (maximum) 600 Employees 55 District #: 1 Case #: RZ Applicant: Dianne Kramer for The Crenshaw School PD Request: A-1 (Citrus Rural District ) to PD (Planned Development District) Proposed Use:School (K-12 private school) Building floor area 105,000 sq. ft. Students (maximum) 600 Employees 55
Board of County Commissioners RZ Zoning Map RZ Zoning Map
Board of County Commissioners RZ Future Land Use Map RZ Future Land Use Map
Board of County Commissioners RZ Horizon West Land Use Map RZ Horizon West Land Use Map
Board of County Commissioners The Crenshaw School Land Use Plan
Board of County Commissioners Action Requested Find the request consistent with the Comprehensive Policy Plan and approve The Crenshaw School PD Land Use Plan dated “Received June 22, 2007,” subject to the ten (10) conditions as stated in the Planning and Zoning Recommendations of the staff report.
Board of County Commissioners Project :Lake Ola Grove Planned Development- Lake Ola Grove PSP District #:2 Proposed Use:15 Single-family dwelling units: - Min. living area: 2500 sq. ft. - Min. lot width: 130 ft. - Min. lot area: 43,560 sq. ft. Project :Lake Ola Grove Planned Development- Lake Ola Grove PSP District #:2 Proposed Use:15 Single-family dwelling units: - Min. living area: 2500 sq. ft. - Min. lot width: 130 ft. - Min. lot area: 43,560 sq. ft.
Board of County Commissioners Lake Ola Grove PD/Lake Ola Grove PSP Location Map Lake Ola Grove PD/Lake Ola Grove PSP Location Map
Board of County Commissioners Lake Ola Grove PD/Lake Ola Grove Preliminary Subdivision Plan Lake Ola Grove PD/Lake Ola Grove Preliminary Subdivision Plan
Board of County Commissioners Approve the Lake Ola Grove Planned Development - Lake Ola Grove Preliminary Subdivision Plan dated “Received August 1, 2007,” subject to the ten (10) conditions in the staff report. Action Requested
Board of County Commissioners Project :Estates at Wekiva Planned Development- Estates at Wekiva PSP and the Joint Use Stormwater Retention Area Agreement District #:2 Proposed Use:33 Single-family dwelling units: - Min. living area: 2000 sq. ft. - Min. lot width: 85 ft. - Min. lot depth: 120 feet Project :Estates at Wekiva Planned Development- Estates at Wekiva PSP and the Joint Use Stormwater Retention Area Agreement District #:2 Proposed Use:33 Single-family dwelling units: - Min. living area: 2000 sq. ft. - Min. lot width: 85 ft. - Min. lot depth: 120 feet
Board of County Commissioners Estates at Wekiva PD/ Estates at Wekiva PSP Location Map Estates at Wekiva PD/ Estates at Wekiva PSP Location Map
Board of County Commissioners Estates at WekivaPD/ Estates at Wekiva Preliminary Subdivision Plan Estates at WekivaPD/ Estates at Wekiva Preliminary Subdivision Plan
Board of County Commissioners Approve the Estates at Wekiva Planned Development - Estates at Wekiva Preliminary Subdivision Plan and the Joint Use Stormwater Retention Area Agreement dated “Received May 30, 2007,” subject to the eight (8) conditions in the staff report. Action Requested
Board of County Commissioners Project :Signature Lakes PD/LUP - Substantial Change Applicant: Lance Bennett of MSCW, Inc., District #:1 Project :Signature Lakes PD/LUP - Substantial Change Applicant: Lance Bennett of MSCW, Inc., District #:1
Board of County Commissioners Request To consider a substantial change to grant the following five (5) waivers to reconcile the Horizon West-approved PD guidelines by the PD Zoning Code: (1) A waiver from Section (f), which requires a 6-foot high masonry, brick, or block wall between multi-family and single-family residences, (2) A waiver from Section (g), to allow multi-family to directly access a right-of-way serving single-family residences, (3) A waiver from Section (i), which requires the multi-family tract to be fenced when directly across from single-family residences, (4) A waiver from Section (a), which requires that the maximum building height be restricted to one story when within 100 feet of single-family residences, and (5) A waiver from Section (e), to allow parking for multi-family to be less than 25 feet from single-family residences and to require a 25-foot Type C landscape buffer. No additional entitlements are being sought with this request.
Board of County Commissioners Zoning Map
Board of County Commissioners Future Land Use Map Future Land Use Map
Board of County Commissioners Signature Lakes Land Use Plan Signature Lakes Land Use Plan
Board of County Commissioners Action Requested Find the request consistent with the Comprehensive Policy Plan and approve the substantial change to the Signature Lakes PD/LUP dated “Received August 15, 2007,” subject to the eight (8) conditions in the staff report.
Board of County Commissioners District #: 5 Case #: RZ Applicant: OCPS for Timber Creek Relief High School PD Request: A-2 (Farmland Rural District ) to PD (Planned Development District) Proposed Use: Timber Creek Relief High School District #: 5 Case #: RZ Applicant: OCPS for Timber Creek Relief High School PD Request: A-2 (Farmland Rural District ) to PD (Planned Development District) Proposed Use: Timber Creek Relief High School
Board of County Commissioners RZ Zoning Map RZ Zoning Map
Board of County Commissioners RZ Future Land Use Map RZ Future Land Use Map
Board of County Commissioners Timber Creek Relief High School Land Use Plan
Board of County Commissioners Action Requested Find the request consistent with the Comprehensive Policy Plan and approve the Timber Creek Relief High School PD Land Use Plan dated “Received July 25, 2007,” subject to the eight (8) conditions as stated in the Planning and Zoning Recommendations of the staff report.
Board of County Commissioners District #: 3 Case #: RZ Applicant: Phil Bland for Faith Assembly of God PD Request: A-2 (Farmland Rural District ) to PD (Planned Development District) Proposed Use: Church/School (K ) Church 450, 000 sq. ft. /5,500 seats School 97, 500 sq. ft. /1,300 students Preschool 25,000 sq. ft. /325 students District #: 3 Case #: RZ Applicant: Phil Bland for Faith Assembly of God PD Request: A-2 (Farmland Rural District ) to PD (Planned Development District) Proposed Use: Church/School (K ) Church 450, 000 sq. ft. /5,500 seats School 97, 500 sq. ft. /1,300 students Preschool 25,000 sq. ft. /325 students
Board of County Commissioners RZ Zoning Map RZ Zoning Map
Board of County Commissioners RZ Future Land Use Map RZ Future Land Use Map
Board of County Commissioners Faith Assembly of God Land Use Plan
Board of County Commissioners Action Requested Find the request consistent with the Comprehensive Policy Plan and approve the Faith Assembly of God PD Land Use Plan dated “Received July 13, 2007,” subject to the seven (7) conditions as stated in the Planning and Zoning Recommendations of the staff report.
Board of County Commissioners Project : Ginn PD/LUP - Substantial Change Applicant: Dianne Kramer of Miller, Einhouse, Rymer, and Boyd District #: 4 Request: To consider a substantial change for the following: (1) to re- distribute the approved number of multi-family and single- family units so that the number of multi-family units would increase from 600 units to 768 units and the number of single-family units would decrease from 1,460 to 1,292. The overall density will not increase by the proposed amendment, and the total number of single-family and multi- family units in the Planned Development remains at 2,060 units; and (2) to re-distribute the overall single-family and multi-family acreages. The multi-family acreage located north of State Road 417 (MF-2) would increase from 314 to 482 acres. The single-family acreage for the parcel east of the multi-family parcel will decrease from to acres. Project : Ginn PD/LUP - Substantial Change Applicant: Dianne Kramer of Miller, Einhouse, Rymer, and Boyd District #: 4 Request: To consider a substantial change for the following: (1) to re- distribute the approved number of multi-family and single- family units so that the number of multi-family units would increase from 600 units to 768 units and the number of single-family units would decrease from 1,460 to 1,292. The overall density will not increase by the proposed amendment, and the total number of single-family and multi- family units in the Planned Development remains at 2,060 units; and (2) to re-distribute the overall single-family and multi-family acreages. The multi-family acreage located north of State Road 417 (MF-2) would increase from 314 to 482 acres. The single-family acreage for the parcel east of the multi-family parcel will decrease from to acres.
Board of County Commissioners Zoning Map
Board of County Commissioners Future Land Use Map Future Land Use Map
Board of County Commissioners Ginn Land Use Plan Ginn Land Use Plan
Board of County Commissioners Action Requested Find the request consistent with the Comprehensive Policy Plan and approve the substantial change to the Ginn Property PD/LUP dated “Received April 18, 2007,” subject to the three (3) conditions in the staff report.
Board of County Commissioners PUBLIC HEARING