Target Separation and Classification using Cloud Radar Doppler-Spectra Matthias Bauer-Pfundstein, METEK GmbH Ulrich Görsdorf, Meteorologisches Observatorium.


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Presentation transcript:

Target Separation and Classification using Cloud Radar Doppler-Spectra Matthias Bauer-Pfundstein, METEK GmbH Ulrich Görsdorf, Meteorologisches Observatorium Lindenberg DWD Germany 11B.2

Target Separation and Classification using 11.B2 Cloud Radar Doppler-Spectra MIRA36 Band Cloud Radar Vertically pointing (ground based, no scanning unit) Ka-Band 35.5 GHz  8.6 mm Magnetron, 30 kW Pulse Power 1/1000 Rang resolution 30 m (w.o. pulse comp.) Dual polarization receiver km and 10 s Averaging PRF = 5 kHz  +/- 11 m/s

Target Separation and Classification using 11.B2 Cloud Radar Doppler-Spectra Water Cloud Plankton Maybe Clouds Rain Ice Cloud

Target Separation and Classification using 11.B2 Cloud Radar Doppler-Spectra Mix Melting Layer High LDR Rain Low LDR Different LDR High LDR in Plankton LDR Un-Detetable

Target Separation and Classification using 11.B2 Cloud Radar Doppler-Spectra Structure of the Algorithms Multi Peak Moment Estimation: spcs2dmp Remove Noise + Ground Clutter Find Peaks, Separate in doubt Calculate for each Peak: SNR, VEL, RMS, LDR Classification: mmclx Per peak Classification if possible based on: –Individual Moments SNR, VEL, RMS, LDR –General Weather + Melting Height 3-D Cluster for Classification of the rest Melting height detection from hydro meteor data (more details in the extended abstracts)

Target Separation and Classification using 11.B2 Cloud Radar Doppler-Spectra Detection Threshold Co-Spectrum Cross-Spectrum Small LDR Big LDR RainPlankton Vertical Doppler-Velocity [m/s] SNR-Spectrum [dB] Range Gate 20 (840 m) 12:54:40 – 12:54:50 July Lindenberg

Target Separation and Classification using 11.B2 Cloud Radar Doppler-Spectra Vertical Doppler-Velocity [m/s] SNR-Spectrum [dB] Range Gate 94 (3060 m) 12:54:40 – 12:54:50 July Lindenberg Rain Drizzle

Target Separation and Classification using 11.B2 Cloud Radar Doppler-Spectra Vertical Doppler-Velocity [m/s] SNR-Spectrum [dB] Range Gate 103 (3330 m) 12:54:40 – 12:54:50 July Lindenberg Big LDR Melting LayerDrizzle Small LDR

Target Separation and Classification using 11.B2 Cloud Radar Doppler-Spectra

Target Separation and Classification using 11.B2 Cloud Radar Doppler-Spectra Clean Rain Cloud not Plankton Melting Height External Detected not Detected

Target Separation and Classification using 11.B2 Cloud Radar Doppler-Spectra

Target Separation and Classification using 11.B2 Cloud Radar Doppler-Spectra

Target Separation and Classification using 11.B2 Cloud Radar Doppler-Spectra

Target Separation and Classification using 11.B2 Cloud Radar Doppler-Spectra

Target Separation and Classification using 11.B2 Cloud Radar Doppler-Spectra

Target Separation and Classification using 11.B2 Cloud Radar Doppler-Spectra

Target Separation and Classification using 11.B2 Cloud Radar Doppler-Spectra Cloud Base seen by Ceilometer Cloud Top seen by Cloud Radar

Target Separation and Classification using 11.B2 Cloud Radar Doppler-Spectra

Target Separation and Classification using 11.B2 Cloud Radar Doppler-Spectra Super-Cooled Water

Target Separation and Classification using 11.B2 Cloud Radar Doppler-Spectra Conclusions / Outlook Plankton detection works good (in most cases). Melting layer detection has to be improved. Separation between rain and cloud has to be improved. More target types. Investigate double peaks with different LDR Governmentally founded 2 year research project by METEK and the ZIB in Berlin.

Target Separation and Classification using 11.B2 Cloud Radar Doppler-Spectra Thanks for attention and Thanks for all who have contributed to this contribution