Time Evaluation Additional Slides Adrian Miners 1
SAP HR Overview SAP ERP SAP Portal Personnel Administration Organisation Management Payroll PA30 PT_CLSTB1/2 PC_PAYRESULTPPOME ESS / MSS Time Recording
Sources of Help HELP.SAP.com SDN.SAP.COM Go to Enter your query: ‘Time Management PCR’s site:sdn.sap.com’ HR305, HR306 and HR310 Training Manuals This book of additional slides 3
Time Management: Personnel Subarea Groupings 4
Time Management: Employee Subgroup Groupings 5
Time Management: Other Groupings 6
Time Management: What, who, how... 7
Transaction Codes PTMW: Time Mangers Workplace PA61: Maintain Time Data PA30: HR Master Data PT60: Time Evaluation PECLUSTER: Cluster Directory PT_CLSTB2: Cluster B2 (PCL2) PT_CLSTB1: Cluster B1 (PCL1) PE01: Schema PE02: Rules PE03: Features PE04: Functions and Operations PDSY: Documentation 8
Tables V_T552V: Dynamic Assignment of Daily Work Schedule Assignment V_T554C: Employee Grouping for Absence Valuation V_T555A: Time Types V_T555E: Error Messages V_T555Z: Time Type Determination (TIMTP) V_T559P: Time Balance Rule Group V_T705A: Absence Reasons V_T510S: Time Wagetype Selection V_554S_E: Absence, Processing, Time Type Classes T553A: Day Type Rules V_001P_ALL: Personnel Subarea Groupings V_503_ALL: Employee Subgroup Groupings V_T550A: Daily Work Schedule V_T510V: Processing Types V_512W_O: Wage types V_T559P: Limits V_T559L: Quotas 9
Reports RPTIME00: Time Evaluation RPTERL00: Time Evaluation Messages RPTDOW00: Time Accounts RPTCC106: Upload Time Events SAPCDT45: Post Time Events RPTCC101: Download Mini Master Data RPTDOW00: Evaluate Time Balances RPUCTF00:Change Attributes for Schemas and Personnel Calculation Rules 10
Data Flow Terminal Clock-in Clock-out Absence Reasons 3 rd Part Time Recording System CC1TEV HR-PDC Interface (SAP Enhancement HRPTIM05 – IMG: Time MGT > Personnel Time Events > General Settings > Enhancements) PT80 TEVEN (IT2011 / SE16N) Upload Time Events (RPTCC106) Post Time Events (SAPCDT45) Download Mini Master Data RPTCC101 IT0002, IT0050, IT0007, Etc Cluster B1 (NT1) SAP Time Evaluation Control Record IMG: Time Eval > Gen. Settings > Set Modifier for Earliest.... Time Evaluation (P2011) Cluster B2 (PT) Stored on a monthly basis = Time Evaluation Period IT0003 PA61ESS 11
Our Employee Employee Number: ## Personnel Area: 1400 Subarea: BLANK Country Grouping: 01 Employee Group: 1 Employee Subgroup: DU Work Schedule: FLEX 12
Important Groupings V_001P_All Personnel Subarea Groupings WHERE DO THEY WORK? V_503_ALL Employee Subgroup Groupings WHAT TYPE OF EMPLOYEE ARE THEY? Time Quota01Time Quota1 Work Schedule01Work Schedule2 Holiday08Calc Rule3 AB/A#01Prim W/T3 TREC01 AB/AT CTG01 SUB/AVAIL01 DWS01 13
Personnel Calculation Rule: MODT 14
Important Groupings Ctd: Personnel Calculation Rule: MODT 15
Infotype Card Number Lost Card List of clock ins & outs Access to which terminals Grouping for reasons PIN Errors, notes, etc Data transfer Time Evaluation Rule Group If different from MODT Can be used if different from Time Evaluation calculations Approval not required for Overtime
Other Important Groupings: Infotype0050 Employee Subgroup Grouping For Time Evaluation Rule Grouping for Absence Reasons Time Event Type Group 17 QUOMO: Quota Type Selection Rule Group =01
Work Schedules 18
Daily Work Schedule 19
Workschedule Details Workschedule Rule: FLEX Period Workschedule: Flex Period Workschedule Counting Class: 5 Daily Workschedule Class: Flex / FLEXB = 5 DWS Hours: FLEX = 8 / FLEXB = 4 Day Type Selection Rule: 01 Day Types: – BLANK: WORK/PAID – 1 : OFF/PAID – 2 : OFF / UNPAID – 3 : OFF / SPECIAL 20
Infotype 0007: Planned Working Time Workchedule Rule: FLEX Daily Work Schedule: FLEX Planned Hours8 Hours Planned Working Time (Period in which employee can clock in) Normal Working Time (Planned minus breaks) Used in flex working patterns for missing clock times for Absences / Attendances Begin Tolerance Core Time st Break: (0.25 Hours) Core Time nd Break: (0.75 Hours between these times) End Tolerance Overtime Break: (0.17 Hours) 21
Planned Working Time in more detail Daily Work Schedule: FLEX Overtime Begin Tolerance Fill Time Core Time Core Time Break st Break: (0.25 Hours between these times) Core Time Fill Time Fill Time Break nd Break: (0.75 Hours between these times) Fill Time Core Time Fill Time End Tolerance Overtime Overtime Break Overtime Break: (0.17 Hours) Overtime
Time Identifiers for DWS TABLE TZP 23
Table TZP 24
Table TEVEN 25
Table PT (Time Pairs) & TIP (Daily Input) 26 Table PT (Cluster B2) Table TIP Attendance or Absence status in pair formation (1= at work) PAGE 29 Attendance/Absence reason on entry / exit V_T705A Terminal ID’s Status from Pair Formation (blank = pair is error free) PAGE 27 Status from Time Evaluation (blank = pair has not changed) PAGE 28 Change Status (3 = both times manually input) PAGE 30 Attendance Status of pair in time evaluation PAGE 34 Time Identifier for DWS PAGE 23 *Processing Type / Time Type Class* page Processing Type for Time Evaluation PAGE 31 Time Type PAGE 32 Overtime Compensation Type IT2002/2007 Origin of Time Pair PAGE 33 Pair from PT Absence Details Cost Assignment
Time Types T555A: Grouping of times for calculation of payments and reporting 32 Time Type DescriptionFurther Processing 0000Utility Time Type 1 (Processing Types P + A) Save as a Day Balance? (ZES) Cumulate in Period Balance? (TES) Store in Time Accounts? (SALDO) 0001Utility Time Type 2 (Processing Type P ) 0110Fill Time for Attendance 0210Core Time for Attendance 0510Break Attendance 0003Skeleton Time 0005Flextime Balance 0100Fill Time 0040Overtime Worked
T555Z 35
Common Functions & Operations (PE04) Operations OUTWPSee Rule TL10: Queries Master Data (uses IT0000, 1, 2, 7, 8 & 16) VARSTUses status information from TIP, PSP, Infotypes, Tables to fill variable key HRSCompare hours from current TIP entry ADDBAdd Daily Balance to a specified time type and store in daily balances (TES) ADDZLAdd to Time Wagetypes (ZL) ADDOTAdd overtime to table ZML OUTTIRetrieve Fields from Infotype 0050 Functions GWTGenerate Wage Types for Time Pairs P2002Import Attendances P2001Import Absences ACTIOFunction calls PCR’s 36
T510S 37 Time Wage Type Selection Rule Group MODT MODIF W = 03 Day Grouping for time wage type selection (DAYMO function) 01: No public hol Mon-SAT
GWT M ZML 38 Input ‘M’
GWT M ZML 39 MODT > MODIF w = 03 DAYMO = 01 Condition met!
T510S Rule Groupings Wage Type Processing Type Meets all conditions Max of 2 hours Output
Processing Type / Time Type Class V_554S 42
Function P
T555Y 44
Cluster B1 45
Cluster B1 46
Cluster B2 47
Cluster B2 48
Cluster B2 49
Cluster B2 50
Cluster B2 51 Time Pairs & Tickets
Cluster B2 52
Cluster B2 53
Schema TM00 54
Schema TM00 55
Schema TM00 56