The Lyman- halo of B : Evidence for infall of extended HI Joshua Adams & Gary Hill University of Texas, Austin Department of Astronomy 3D2008 ESO Workshop Garching,
Overview High Redshift Radio Galaxy (HzRG) Lyman- halo science motivation New integral field spectroscopy data on B New Monte Carlo resonant scattering model Future observations and model discrimination
Why bother with HzRG halos? “While LABs are known to exist around radio- loud quasars, they are attributable to known jets and supernova-driven outflows, and we do not attempt to model them here.” Dijkstra et al. (2006b) “(The LSBHs) which extends across the entire object and beyond the edge of the radio lobes shows no apparent association with radio structures.” Villar-Martin et al. (2002)
Massive galaxy and cluster formation/feedback MRC , Venemans et al., 2007Rawlings and Jarvis, 2004
HzRG Lyman background van Ojik et al. (1997) find spatially resolved line profile structure in 11/18 HzRGs Villar-Martin et al. (2003) find LSBHs in 10/10 HzRGs + at least 4 more known Similarly, 5 quasars (Christensen et al. (2006),Weidinger et al. (2004)) show extended emission Unknown relation, if any, to LABs
Existing B data Reuland et al Exciting new spectral feature Inclination of northern radio jet is >30˚ and <45˚ (Carilli 1995) 21 cm HI absorption at z= with FWHM=120 km/s and N=3x10 21 cm -2 (Uson et al and others) Normal line ratios for pure AGN photoionization in Ly- , CIV 1549, and HeII 1640 (Villar-Martín et al. 2007)
Existing B data Reuland et al., 2003
VIRUS-P instrument Large fibers with 2.7m focal reducer: 4.2” diameter 105x105arcsec 2 field, fill factor 1/3, 247 fibers Å, R~1000
No resampling in reductions Does not introduce correlated noise Allows sky subtraction free of any features and reaches noise limits Liner interpolation Bspline, similar to Kelson (2003)
Our VIRUS-P data a b c Radio data from Carilli 1995
Our VIRUS-P data Primary emission: ± 2.0 Å 600 ± 90 km/s FWHM Secondary emission: 15% as strong ± 1.7 Å 630 ± 270 km/s FWHM
Failing explanations for B2… Optically Thin Infall –No bimodal line profile allowed –Too small FWHMs MRC , Villar-Martin et al., 2007 Q , Weidinger et al., 2004
Failing explanations for B2… Outflow (Reuland et al. 2007) –Where is the 21cm HI population in Ly- ? –Why is there no line profile bimodality in the NE? Wilman et al., 2005
Our model: resonant scattering Monte Carlo Resonant Scattering code with 7x10 5 photons per simulation Biconal emission geometry per the Alignment Effect (McCarthy 1993) Isothermal NFW profile, baseline simulation uses 6x10 12 M s halo with r v =134 kpc and r i =97 kpc
Model Geometry Tunable parameters: 1) total halo mass 2) ionization radius 3)velocity strength 4)velocity power law with radius
Monte Carlo radiative transfer Pick a random optical depth from exponential deviate in random direction Transform to scattering particle’s rest frame Obtain scatterer’s parallel velocity from the following pdf: Obtain scatterer’s Maxwellian perpendicular velocity Obtain scattering direction from dipole distribution Transform back to observer’s frame Repeat
Resonant scatter trends Blue Red Far Cone Near Cone
Resonant scatter trends Blue Red Far Cone Near Cone
Resonant scatter trends Blue Red Far Cone Near Cone
Our VIRUS-P data + model a b c Radio data from Carilli 1995
Our VIRUS-P data + model
Surface brightness
Conclusions A resonant scatter model explains –The spatial distributions of the bimodal profile –The relative intensities of the bimodal profile –The relative wavelengths of the bimodal profile –The surface brightness profile –The 21cm data We predict a very large HI mass, M s VLBI radio spectral imaging can falsify our model Are B and other HzRGs displaying –Strong AGN feedback (outflow) or –Large (cluster?) galaxy formation (infall)
The 21cm Data,mk pic ObservationOur Model N (cm -2 )3x x10 21 FWHM (km/s) V (km/s)-121
A trial system: B Carilli (1995) derives a low inclination angle for the radio jets –Hot spot A is bright and polarized –High projection explains steep spectral index in north –High projection explains lack of alignment effect
Systemic redshift estimates
Litmus Test on Infall: Skew
Infall or Outflow Dijkstra et al. (2006b) Wilman et al. (2005)
General Resonant Scatter Results Dijkstra et al. (2006a) “Dip” Due To Doppler To Line Center Against A Velocity In Neutral Hydrogen Velocity Magnitude May Come From Red Bump Position/Relative Magnitude Velocity Shape May Come From Wavelength Dependent Surface Brightness Profile
Existing B data Undetected in CO(4-3) and CO(5-4), along with 13 other HzRGs (van Ojik et al., 1997) and in CO(4-3), CO(5-4), and CO(8-7) in Evans et al., 1996 Spitzer data (Seymour et al., 2007) gives f stel =0.28 and M stel = M s
Code Tests Emergent Spectra From Static Sphere Redistribution Function with Dipole Phase Function