IPv6 and Microsoft Windows (as of April 14, 2002) IPv6 Workshop Bill Cerveny
Supported Platforms Windows 2000 with Service Pack 1 installed Must install IPv6 “Technology Preview” Installing with Service Pack 2: see rm/tpipv6/faq.asp rm/tpipv6/faq.asp Windows XP Integral part of the operating system Must be turned on
Turning on IPv6 support in Windows XP C:\Documents and Settings\Bill>ipv6 install Installing... Succeeded.
Installation Verification via “ipv6 if” C:\Documents and Settings\Bill>ipv6 if Interface 5: Ethernet: Local Area Connection 2 uses Neighbor Discovery uses Router Discovery link-layer address: f0-64-b2 preferred global 3ffe:3700:1f05:e0:d847:c169:caa0:cab2, life 6d23h56m11s/23h 53m49s (anonymous) preferred global 3ffe:3700:1f05:e0:250:4ff:fef0:64b2, life 29d23h58m54s/6d23 h58m54s (public) preferred link-local fe80::250:4ff:fef0:64b2, life infinite multicast interface-local ff01::1, 1 refs, not reportable multicast link-local ff02::1, 1 refs, not reportable multicast link-local ff02::1:fff0:64b2, 2 refs, last reporter multicast link-local ff02::1:ffa0:cab2, 1 refs, last reporter
Installation Verification via “ipv6 if” (con’t) link MTU 1500 (true link MTU 1500) current hop limit 64 reachable time 23000ms (base 30000ms) retransmission interval 1000ms DAD transmits 1 Interface 4: Ethernet: Local Area Connection cable unplugged uses Neighbor Discovery uses Router Discovery link-layer address: d2-5c-1b preferred link-local fe80::260:8ff:fed2:5c1b, life infinite multicast interface-local ff01::1, 1 refs, not reportable multicast link-local ff02::1, 1 refs, not reportable multicast link-local ff02::1:ffd2:5c1b, 1 refs, last reporter
Installation Verification via “ipv6 if”(con’t) link MTU 1500 (true link MTU 1500) current hop limit 128 reachable time 25000ms (base 30000ms) retransmission interval 1000ms DAD transmits 1 Interface 3: 6to4 Tunneling Pseudo-Interface does not use Neighbor Discovery does not use Router Discovery preferred global 2002:d1d3:ed55::d1d3:ed55, life infinite link MTU 1280 (true link MTU 65515) current hop limit 128 reachable time 32000ms (base 30000ms) retransmission interval 1000ms DAD transmits 0
Installation Verification via “ipv6 if”(con’t) Interface 2: Automatic Tunneling Pseudo-Interface does not use Neighbor Discovery does not use Router Discovery router link-layer address: EUI-64 embedded IPv4 address: preferred link-local fe80::5efe: , life infinite preferred global :: , life infinite link MTU 1280 (true link MTU 65515) current hop limit 128 reachable time 43000ms (base 30000ms) retransmission interval 1000ms DAD transmits 0
Installation Verification via “ipv6 if”(cont) Interface 1: Loopback Pseudo-Interface does not use Neighbor Discovery does not use Router Discovery link-layer address: preferred link-local ::1, life infinite preferred link-local fe80::1, life infinite link MTU 1500 (true link MTU ) current hop limit 128 reachable time 21500ms (base 30000ms) retransmission interval 1000ms DAD transmits 0
Windows XP ping6 C:\Documents and Settings\Bill>ping6 Pinging kame220.kame.net [3ffe:501:4819:2000:280:adff:fe71:81fc] from 3ffe:3700:1f05:e0:d847:c169:caa0:cab2 with 32 bytes of data: Reply from 3ffe:501:4819:2000:280:adff:fe71:81fc: bytes=32 time=249ms Reply from 3ffe:501:4819:2000:280:adff:fe71:81fc: bytes=32 time=232ms Reply from 3ffe:501:4819:2000:280:adff:fe71:81fc: bytes=32 time=249ms Reply from 3ffe:501:4819:2000:280:adff:fe71:81fc: bytes=32 time=229ms Ping statistics for 3ffe:501:4819:2000:280:adff:fe71:81fc: Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss), Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Minimum = 229ms, Maximum = 249ms, Average = 239ms
IPv6 tracert C:\Documents and Settings\Bill>tracert6 Tracing route to kame220.kame.net [3ffe:501:4819:2000:280:adff:fe71:81fc] from 3ffe:3700:1f05:e0:d847:c169:caa0:cab2 over a maximum of 30 hops: 1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms 3ffe:3700:1f05:e0:: ms 19 ms 19 ms 3ffe:3700:ff:24a:: ms 95 ms 95 ms snva-ipls.ipv6.abilene.ucaid.edu [3ffe:3700:f f:509::2] 4 76 ms 97 ms 76 ms cisco1.sanjose.wide.ad.jp [2001:200:0:6c03::1 ] ms 229 ms 231 ms cisco1.notemachi.wide.ad.jp [2001:200:0:6c01: 290:27ff:fe3a:d8] ms 232 ms 230 ms pc3.yagami.wide.ad.jp [2001:200:0:1c04::1000: 2000] ms 229 ms 250 ms gr2000.k2c.wide.ad.jp [2001:200:0:4819::2000: 1] ms 251 ms 234 ms apple.kame.net [3ffe:501:4819:2000:280:adff:f e71:81fc] Trace complete.
IPv6 configuration commands ipv6 rc – View the route cache ipv6 nc – View the neighbor cache ipv6 if – View interface information ipv6 ifc – Configure interface attributes ipv6 rtu – Add IPv6 route ipv6 adu – Configure IPv6 with manual addresses
ipv6 rc (route cache) C:\Documents and Settings\Bill>ipv6 rc 3ffe:501:4819:2000:280:adff:fe71:81fc via 5/fe80::260:2fff:fea3:c098 src 5/3ffe:3700:1f05:e0:d847:c169:caa0:cab2 PMTU :200:0:4819:280:adff:fe71:81fc via 5/fe80::260:2fff:fea3:c098 src 5/3ffe:3700:1f05:e0:d847:c169:caa0:cab2 PMTU :c058:6301::c058:6301 via 3/2002:c058:6301::c058:6301 (stale) src 3/2002:d1d3:ed55::d1d3:ed55 PMTU :836b:213c::836b:213c via 3/2002:836b:213c::836b:213c (stale) src 3/2002:d1d3:ed55::d1d3:ed55 PMTU 1280
ipv6 nc (neighbor cache) C:\Documents and Settings\Bill>ipv6 nc 5: fe80::260:2fff:fea3:c f-a3-c0-98 stale (router) 5: fe80::250:4ff:fef0:64b f0-64-b2 permanent 5: 3ffe:3700:1f05:e0:250:4ff:fef0:64b f0-64-b2 permanent 5: 3ffe:3700:1f05:e0:d847:c169:caa0:cab f0-64-b2 permanent 4: fe80::260:8ff:fed2:5c1b d2-5c-1b permanent 3: 2002:c058:6301::c058: permanent 3: 2002:836b:213c::836b:213c permanent 3: 2002:d1d3:ed55::d1d3:ed permanent 3: 2002:836b:213c:1:e0:8f08:f020: permanent 3: 2001:708:0:1::624 incomplete 2: :: permanent 2: fe80::5efe: permanent 1: fe80::1 permanent 1: ::1 permanent
Operating System Applications with IPv6 Functionality Included Internet Explorer telnet ftp ftpd Microsoft Network Monitor
Coming Soon.net Server, now in beta and to be released in 2H2002: IPv6 compliant IIS IPv6 compliant Micosoft Media Server “Anything that runs over MS RPC should just work.” Alledgedly every Microsoft application group is working on IPv6 compliance, but timetables are uncertain.
Open Software with IPv6 Support within Windows XP NTemacs Teraterm Pro with SSH Cygwin with IPv6 extensions Apache with IPv6 extensions for win32 NcFTP Windump Emacs
Open Source Porting Problems Sylpheed supports IPv6 with FreeBSD and Linux, but doesn’t appear to work with Windows XP Mozilla supports IPv6 on FreeBSD and Linux, but not for Windows. This is apparently because Windows XP doesn’t support IPv4- mapped IPv6 addresses Mozilla developer said there is some interest in making mozilla IPv6-capable on Windows XP Look for a Windows single stack network architecture in 2003
Applications to be investigated … Wanderlust - “Yet another message interface on Emacsen” e.html#IMAGES
Microsoft “Bleeding Edge” Statement “The IPv6 software supplied in this release contains prerelease code and is not intended for commercial use. This software is available for research, development and testing only and must never be used in a production environment. Microsoft is not responsible for your use of the code or for the results from your use of the code, and Microsoft does not provide any level of technical support for IPv6 in this release. Peer support is available from the microsoft.public.platformssdk.networking.ipv6 newsgroup found at msnews.microsoft.com”