Asymptomatic hepatitis C prevalence in anti-HCV positive subjects (population based study) Valentina Liakina, Arida Buivydiene, Saule Brasiskiene, Jonas Valantinas Centre of Hepatology, Gastroenterology and Dietetics Clinic of Gastroenterology, Nephrourology and Surgery Faculty of Medicine, Vilnius University
11th Annual Conference of the Baltic Network Against Life-threatening Viral Infections April Vilnius, Lithuania 2 To estimate the prevalence of anti-HCV in various regions of Lithuania To assess the amount of HCV carriers Aims
11th Annual Conference of the Baltic Network Against Life-threatening Viral Infections April Vilnius, Lithuania 33 Survey was performed in volunteers (age from 18 till 76 years) from healthy population who wanted to know their ant-HCV status in Vilnius, Kaunas, Klaipeda, Panevezys, Siauliai, Ignalina, Utena and Zarasai regions of Lithuania were admitted for anonymous anti-HCV testing. The study protocol was approved by Lithuanian Ethics Committee. All participants answered anonymous questionnaire with HCV risk factors. Financial support – ROCHE-Lietuva Methods
11th Annual Conference of the Baltic Network Against Life-threatening Viral Infections April Vilnius, Lithuania 44 Methods Anti-HCV antibodies were detected by: : rapid lateral flow immunochromatography test from peripheral capillary blood (Core HCV-WB; Core Diagnostics, Birmingham B2 5HG, UK) : rapid qualitative immunoassay from saliva samples (OraQuick® HCV Rapid Antibody Tests OraSure Technologies, Inc, Bethlehem PA USA). Anti-HCV positive cases were confirmed by 2-step chemiluminescent microparticle immunoassay on venous blood (Architect System anti-HCV; Abbott, Wiesbaden, Germany). HCV RNA qualitative detection was performed with COBAS AMPLICOR Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) Test, version 2.0 (Roche Diagnostics, Mannheim, Germany). HCV genotypes detection was performed with VERSANT HCV Genotyping assay (LiPA) (Siemens)
11th Annual Conference of the Baltic Network Against Life-threatening Viral Infections April Vilnius, Lithuania 55 Overall 3737, anti-HCV (crude rate) – 85/2,27% RegionRegional population, n Study cohort, n/% Anti-HCV positive cases, n Anti-HCV positivity, % Vilnius / Kaunas / Klaipeda / Siauliai / Panevezys / Ignalina / Utena / Zarasai / Overall /
11th Annual Conference of the Baltic Network Against Life-threatening Viral Infections April Vilnius, Lithuania 6 Anti-HCV prevalence in the European countries Hahne et al. BMC Infect Dis Apr 18;13:181.
11th Annual Conference of the Baltic Network Against Life-threatening Viral Infections April Vilnius, Lithuania 7 Hahne SJM et all, BMC Infectious Diseases 2013;13:181
11th Annual Conference of the Baltic Network Against Life-threatening Viral Infections April Vilnius, Lithuania 8 Hope VD et all, Epidemiol Infec 2014;142:
11th Annual Conference of the Baltic Network Against Life-threatening Viral Infections April Vilnius, Lithuania 99 N=85 Tested for anti-HCV from venous blood N=51 Refuse further testing or were inaccessible N=34 Anti-HCV positive N=44/86.3% Anti-HCV negative N=7/13.7% HCV RNA negative N=15/34.1% HCV RNA positive N=29/65.9%
11th Annual Conference of the Baltic Network Against Life-threatening Viral Infections April Vilnius, Lithuania 10 HCV carriers 1.96% anti-HCV positive subjects and 65,9% of them are HCV carriers 1,29% of population are HCV carriers (38700 subjects)
11th Annual Conference of the Baltic Network Against Life-threatening Viral Infections April Vilnius, Lithuania 11 HCV genotypes in asymptomatic carriers Genotype 1 – 13/45% Genotype 2 – 6/20% Genotype 3 – 10/35% Liakina V et al. Med Sci Monit, 2009; 15(4): PH17-23 Genotype 1 – 65% Genotype 2 – 8.7% Genotipas 3 – 26.3% HCV genotypes in chronic hepatitis cohort
11th Annual Conference of the Baltic Network Against Life-threatening Viral Infections April Vilnius, Lithuania 12 HCV transmission routes ORp Injection drug use – 43 <0,0001 HCV infection in family member – 11 0,0002 Blood transfussions – 6 0,0002 Delivery – 5 0,0224 Tattoo – 4 0,0013 Open trauma – 4 0,0009 Tooth removal/prosthetics – 3 0,0048 Multiple and long-lasting hospitalizations – 3 0,0064
11th Annual Conference of the Baltic Network Against Life-threatening Viral Infections April Vilnius, Lithuania 13 Esteban JI et al. J of Hepatology 2008;48: HCV transmission routes
11th Annual Conference of the Baltic Network Against Life-threatening Viral Infections April Vilnius, Lithuania 14 Blood donations Hemodialysis Surgery Dentistry Abortions Risky sexual behavior Piercing Not confirmed as HCV transmission routes
11th Annual Conference of the Baltic Network Against Life-threatening Viral Infections April Vilnius, Lithuania 15 Conclusions 1.96% of Lithuanian population is anti-HCV positive (as confirmed by venous blood testing) ~ subjects 65,9% anti-HCV positive subjects are HCV RNA positive – HCV carriers ~ subjects The main HCV reservoir is intravenous drug users
11th Annual Conference of the Baltic Network Against Life-threatening Viral Infections April Vilnius, Lithuania 16
11th Annual Conference of the Baltic Network Against Life-threatening Viral Infections April Vilnius, Lithuania 17 Esteban JI et al. J of Hepatology 2008;48: Changes in HCV transmission routes and HCV genotypes distribution