European Language Portfolio Making connections Passport Biography Dossier CA
WHAT IS IT? The PORTFOLIO is: Personal and life-long A unique history of your language learning and intercultural experiences in Informal situations As well as Formal educational settings. An internationally recognized standard enabling people of all ages and backgrounds in Europe to demonstrate their experiences and capabilities in a clear, comprehensible manner. CA
It is a valuable tool when: WHY USE IT? It is a valuable tool when: Looking for a job Applying to universities or other educational institutions Enrolling in language courses Assessing your language skills Reflecting on your past learning and cultural experiences Planning and evaluating your learning progress more effectively Becoming aware of and preparing for your future learning needs CA
Section 1: The Language Passport ● The development of the portfolio was supported by the Council of Europe’s Language Policy Division. It is a practical application of the 'Common European Framework of Reference for Languages'. HOW TO USE IT? It is designed to be regularly updated by the learner and contains 3 color-coded sections: Section 1: The Language Passport ● Section 2: The Language Biography ●● Section 3: The Dossier ●●● CA
Section 1 : Language Passport Here you document and summarize your formal and informal language experiences by completing the following: a) “Self-Assessment Grid” to help you complete your “Profile of Language Skills”. This assessment scale (A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2) developed by the Council of Europe provides all Europeans with a common set of standards. CA
b) “Summary of language learning and intercultural experiences” This allows you to summarize any language courses, mobility stays or use of a language for work or study purposes in a format that is easily interpreted and accessible to interested parties, e.g. employers, authorities, teachers, etc. CA
c) “Certificates and Diplomas” This form allows you to document all your formal qualifications CA
Section 2 : Language and Cultural Biography Here you record your personal language and intercultural experiences by completing the following: “My language learning biography” (form #1) To reflect on your personal experiences, capabilities, and goals. To evaluate your personal history of language learning To draw conclusions about your particular learning style and needs CA
b) “My significant intercultural experiences” (form #2) To explain your personal intercultural background and experiences CA
c) “Self-Assessment Checklist”(3.1-3.6) & “My objectives” (4) To discover what you can already do To set your future objectives CA
d) “My learning journal” (form #5) To construct an on-going step-by-step evaluation and progress report CA
Section 3: Dossier for Presentation This section allows you to: Compile and insert various examples of work you have done or are presently doing to demonstrate your capabilities and your progress in the target language(s). Adapt your samples to a specific situation, e.g. applying for a job, or changing university. CA
To learn more You can visit the Council of Europe’s website at : CA