Automated Method Eliminates X Bugs in RTL and Gates Kai-hui Chang, Yen-ting Liu and Chris Browy
2 Abstract Due to physical design resource planning and low power requirements, registers may be left uninitialized creating Xs (unknowns) in the design. However, logic simulation cannot handle Xs accurately due to X- optimism and X-pessimism problems, masking such X bugs in simulation-based verification flows. In this work we propose a comprehensive methodology and several innovative techniques that can identify unforseen X problems at the RTL and remove false Xs popping up in gate-level simulation. The methodology is currently in production use and has helped resolve X issues for dozens of chips. By finding X bugs prior to tape out, expensive respins caused by masked Xs can be avoided.
3 Cause and Effect of Xs in Designs X is used to represent an unknown value in logic simulation – The value can be either 0 or 1 Common causes of X – Inputs, registers, or memory not initialized and X corruption on power down cycle Dangers of X – Xs may cause nondeterministic operation Simulator problems with X – X semantics are inaccurate (optimism, pessimism) – Leads to RTL vs gate-level simulation mismatch – X problems are either masked or there are too many false alarms Unless fully examined, Xs may exist after tape out causing expensive respins from designs that don’t work
4 X-Optimism and X-Pessimism in Logic Simulation X-pessimism – Xs are propagated even though 0/1 value is known – Ambiguous results lead to more X-assignments than are unnecessary Output = ( a & b ) | ( ~a & c ); Example of X-pessimism 1’b01’b1 1’b01’b1 1’bx1’b1 1’bx Simulation mismatch X-Optimism – 0/1 value propagated instead of X – Interpretation of X causes only one conditional branch to be considered Example of X-Optimism if (sel) reg1 = 0; else reg1 = 1; 1’b0If branch else branch1’b1 1’bxHardware Simulation mismatch
5 Existing Solutions and Limitations Techniques to find Xs at the RTL – VCS and VRQ Xprop generate Xs for X-optimism May create too many false alarms – Formal tools can identify real Xs Scalability is an issue and writing constraints can be difficult Techniques to eliminate Xs at the gate level – Random deposit replaces Xs with 0/1 values May mask bugs – Structural analysis using Perl/C scripts May miss false Xs not in the template – Replace an X with 0/1 and run simulations Requires lots of simulation Need a better comprehensive methodology to handle Xs!
6 X-Prescreener (Optional) selects tests from testsuite for X analysis Finding X Bugs in RTL module foo(a, b, c, o1, o2, o3); input a, b, c; output o, o2, o3; reg o2, o3; assign o=a & b; b, c) o2= a | c; … RTL model with X bugs masked by X-optimism XOPT Formal detects X bugs in reg-reg, reg-output paths XOPT Sim (Optional) heuristically exposes X problems by biasing execution paths module foo(a, b, c, o1, o2, o3); input a, b, c; output o, o2, o3; reg o2, o3; assign o=a & b; b, c) o2= a | c; … X optimism Start RTL model with X bugs exposed, sequential X paths trace back to X source Logic synthesis No X bugs found in RTL Fix RTL
7 Finding X Bugs in Gates Gate-level netlist with false Xs removed and X bugs exposed Safe Deposit Analysis (Optional) formally identifies non- controlling Xs to reduce false Xs SimXACT formally removes all combinational false Xs Gate-level netlist with X bugs hidden among false Xs Done Start Gate-level netlist with false Xs removed and no X bugs exposed Fix RTL
8 Case Study: Network Processor X-VerificationLevelSetupResults XOPT FormalRTLAuto-partitioned functional unit into 6 blocks ~300K flops total Found 11 X bugs that required RTL change and no false alarms ~6 hours runtime Safe DepositGatesAnalyzed 1 block ~4K DFFs/latches ~1K safely deposited eliminating ¼ X source DFFs ~1 min runtime SimXACTGatesRan 10+ functional units separately ~5M DFFs/latches total a few thousand false Xs fixed (force/deposit) including a few hundred gated-clock X-pessimism ~2 hours runtime/unit analyzed X bugs will be missed if random deposit was used
9 X-Prescreener (New Innovation) Figures out which tests may expose X problems and should run through X analysis – Running X analysis takes time and effort X-Prescreener is a simulator add-on that monitors X activities when running tests – It collects X activities and aggregates similar X conditions encountered in different tests – Then automatically selects subset to cover all the X conditions X-Prescreener provides engineers valuable information on which tests should be used for X analysis
10 Finding X Bugs at the RTL and Gate Level RTL XOPT Formal – Uses symbolic simulation to formally prove whether Xs will cause reg- reg, reg-output non-determinism for real traces [DAC’09] – Spatial and temporal partitioning improves scalability [DATE’10] – Analysis based on the principle of most astonishment to reduce formal effort [IEEE D&T’11] RTL XOPT Sim – Heuristically deposits non-X values to replace Xs when they are encountered at if/case conditions in logic simulation – Deposit values are derived from formal analysis to bias logic simulation toward exploring new execution paths and expose X bugs Gate level: Safe Deposit Analysis and SimXACT – Gate level simulation can detect X bugs but the bugs are hidden among false Xs − our solution eliminates false Xs to expose real bugs
11 Safe Deposit Analysis (New Innovation) Safe deposit analysis identifies non-controlling Xs – Those Xs will be eliminated by the reset sequence and can be replaced with 0/1 without masking any bug – Fewer Xs will generate fewer false Xs, thus reducing analysis effort Example – The X symbol “x1” from Reg1 is non-controlling (masked by downstream logic) and can be safely replaced with 0/1 Reg1 Reg2 Reg3 Reg4 Output1 x1 x2 0 !x2 (x1&0) | x2 = x2 x2 1 0
12 SimXACT Analysis [DAC’12, US Patent ] SimXACT analysis generates auxiliary behavior code to fix combinational false Xs or g8.o or g2.o) if (g8.o === 1’bx && g1.o === 1’b1 && g2.o === 1’b1) force g6.o= 1’b0; else release g6.o; False Xs will be eliminated by the “fix”, allowing gate-level simulation to produce correct results a reset OR (g1) reg2 OR (g2) AND (g5) AND (g4) reg1 INV (g3) b x x x x x c AND (g7) 1 x INV (g8) NOR (g6) x x
13 Gated-clock False X Fix (New Innovation) False Xs may be generated due to gated-clocks The X at wire “o” is false – if X is treated as 0, “ena” is 0, 0 x will not occur, “r1” stays at 0 – if X is treated as 1, “ena” is 1, “reg1” will latch the 0 at “r1” o should be 0 either way, but logic simulation produces a false X We formally analyze gated-clock structure for false Xs and generate fixes Fix example: icg reg1 clk r1 o ena reg2 r2 ANDAND clk r2o x x x 0x0x 0101 0101 dut.clk) if (dut.reg1.q === 1’bx && dut.r1 == 1’b0 && dut.reg2.q == 1’b1) $deposit(dut.reg1.q, 0);
14 Conclusions We proposed a comprehensive methodology and several innovative techniques to find X problems before tape out X-Prescreener selects a required set of tests to analyze XOPT Formal formally verifies the design to find X bugs XOPT Sim heuristically directs logic simulation toward exposing X bugs Safe Deposit Analysis eliminates non-controlling Xs discovered during reset in gate-level simulation SimXACT eliminates all false Xs in gate-level simulation, exposing real X problems The proposed methodology is in commercial production use and helped resolve X issues in dozens of chips