Teaching debate Tamási J. Gergely Hungarian Debate Association / International Business School
Why bother? matura examinations require argumentation techniques “success is measured in terms of the ability to carry out a conversation in the (target) language” (Nunan, 1991) speaking is fundamental to human communication
Why debate? Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) at work Focuses on and/or provides grounds for the development of discourse, actional, socio-cultural, strategic, and linguistic competences (Celce-Murcia et. al., 1995) Takes advantage of “gaps” experience, opinion, and knowledge gaps Uses authentic materials in an authentic task
Why debate? (– cont’d –) Provides integrated skills practice reading (= researching the topic) writing (= “flowing” the debate) listening (for gist and specific information) speaking (individual long turns and interactions)
Why debate? (– cont’d –) Provides cross-curricular links history & citizenship studies psychology biology etc. Teaches critical thinking (cf., Pratkanis & Aronson, 1992) and a problem- oriented approach
What is debate? “Debate is disagreement put into a frame.” (Molnár & Tamási, 2003) Disagreement… (cf., gap) … on a certain topic = resolution (motion) (e.g., Resolved: That the government should take steps to decrease juvenile crime.) … between two sides = affirmative vs. negative
What is debate? Frame: sequence of speeches time allocated to speeches/preparation Debate formats: number of people per side (1 vs. 1; 2x2 vs. 2x2) limited preparation vs. unlimited preparation amount of interaction between the two sides (cross-examinations, points of information, just the speeches)
The building blocks definitions problem-solution model advantages (constructive arguments) and disadvantages (counter- arguments) refutation (attacking arguments) and rebuttal (rebuilding arguments)
When to start? Sustained monologue: Putting a case (e.g., in a debate): “Can develop an argument systematically with appropriate highlighting of significant points, and relevant supporting detail.” (CEFR B2+) “Can briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions, plans and actions.” (CEFR B1-)
When to start? (– cont’d –) Formal discussions “Can follow much of what is said that is related to his/her field, provided interlocutors avoid very idiomatic usage and articulate clearly. Can put over a point of view clearly…. Can take part in routine formal discussion of familiar subjects … which involve the exchange of factual information” (CEFR B1)
What to teach? Communicative competence topic-related vocabulary (linguistic competence) functional elements (expressing agreement/disagreement, etc.) = actional competence structuring speeches (= discourse competence) communication strategies (= strategic competence)
What to teach? Develop general language skills note-taking (writing) skimming and scanning (reading) extensive listening speaking (individual long turns & interactions)
What to teach? Building blocks of debate definitions problem-solution model arguments refutations CX (cf.,
Practice, practice, practice debate club at school competitions at home (Hungarian Debate Association) competitions abroad (International Debate Education Association = IDEA)
Further information Homepage of the International Debate Education Association with exercises. Huge searchable database of debate cases (arguments for and against) My