TIENEN 5 MINUTOS Objective: I can say today’s date and write numbers in Spanish Vocab/Ideas: Numbers Numbers 1-31 (review) Vámonos: 1) Write today’s complete date in Spanish 2) Write the day of the week for today 3) What song did we use to remember the numbers 1-10? 4) Which numbers can you spell two different ways in Spanish?
VÁMONOS 1) Write today’s complete date in Spanish 1) Write the day of the week for today 1) What song did we use to remember the numbers 1-10? 2) Which numbers can you spell two different ways in Spanish? How do you spell them? Hoy es el ocho de marzo del 2013 Hoy es el nueve de marzo del 2013 Lunes Martes Ten little indians 16- diez y seis, dieciséis 17- diez y siete, diecisiete 18- diez y ocho, dieciocho 19- diez y nueve, diecinueve
La Fecha: To express the DATE, use the following formula: Hoy es el ______ de _________, 2011 (#) (month) MODELO: Hoy es el 4 de julio, 2011 YOU TRY: March 21 Hoy es el veintiuno de marzo
NÚMEROS 1-31 NUMBERS 1-31 As each number pops up make sure to check that you have them written correctly in your notes! Make sure to pay attention to spelling and accents!
NÚMEROS tres seis uno nueve dos diez ocho cuatro cinco siete
NÚMEROS trece dieciséis once diecinueve doce veinte dieciocho catorce quince diecisiete
NÚMEROS veintiocho veintidós veinticuatro veintinueve veintiuno treinta veintisiete veintiséis treinta y uno veintitrés veinticinco
NÚMEROS NUMBERS As each of the numbers pops up on the screen write down the complete Spanish word along with the number. Make sure to pay attention to spelling and accents! Not all numbers will be there… pay attention!
40 5 cuarenta
50 5 cinquenta
60 5 sesenta
70 5 setenta
80 5 ochenta
90 5 noventa
100 5 cien
Numbers greater than 30: To express a number greater than 30, use the following formula: ______ y ________ (number for the tens place) (number for the ones place) MODELO: 32= treinta y dos YOU TRY: 38 Treinta y ocho
Pizarritas For this next activity each student will need a whiteboard, eraser, and marker. If you do not have a marker, you can do the activity on paper Rules for Pizarritas : ONLY write on the board when you are writing an answer. If you are found “doodling,” you will lose the privilege to use the pizarrita and will complete the activity on paper (it will be collected at the end of class). Erase your answer completely after each question Hold your board high in the air when I say “ demuestrame!” (3-2-1 show me!) Treat all materials respectfully You will be shown a picture that will remind you of a date we ALL know. Write the date in Spanish! Extension: If you finish early, take out your agenda and write the day of the week of the holiday showing on the board this year!
Los números You have 47 seconds to look at the screen and memorize all of the numbers that are there. I will take ONE number away, and you need to tell me EN ESPAÑOL what number that is. We will be using… PIZARRITAS!!! You will write the number EN ESPAÑOL on your whiteboard.
19 diecinueve
12 doce
25 veinticinco
8 ocho
27 veintisiete
31 treinta y uno
10 diez
14 catorce
23 veintitrés
16 dieciséis
EXIT TICKET: Escribe el número that matches the numbers that are written en español below. 1.Cuarenta 2.Setenta 3.Cinquenta 4.Cien 5.Veinte
TAREA Turn in a half-sheet of paper with the following information: 1. Your name 2. Your address (if you have one, if not write none) 3. Your parent’s/guardians names (this is who I should contact to let them know about things you are doing well and upcoming announcements) 4. The addresses for the people in #3. If they share an address that is fine, if not then list as many as I should have.