a marketing view of sustainable development efficiency of insulation Francis da Silva Saint-Gobain Isover creates efficient insulation solutions to provide safe comfort for all users and protect the environment.
1/ INTERACTIVE Values Environmental challenges are interactive Climate change, Saving rare resources Responsable attitude, waste managment,. Security of energy procurement,…. Quality of living ( indoor environment)
INSULATION and CLIMATE CHANGE 1/ Climate change : major issue for tomorrow Greenhouse gases increasing of emission Burning of fossil materials for Energy CO2 as major part of Greenhouse gases Needing for more Energy Buildings : 40 % of Energy consumption in Europe Mainly old existing buildings X Energy and climate change: CO2 challenged ! Urgent ! Efficient and quick results wanted ! Security of procurement
INTERACTIVE Values Environmental challenges are interactive Sustainable solutions are interactive
Economy Social Environment Equitable Sustainable Long term Sustainable development Sustainable development : mixing benefits
INTERACTIVE Values Environmental challenges are interactive Sustainable development is interactive Sustainable solutions give interactive benefits (Win / Win positions )
2/ ACTORS and DECIDERS have their own perceived values
April 17, 2015 EmotionReason Values Environment Decision process Cost efficiency Final choice experience media additional value ? decisive impact ? Left brain read words Right brain can see colors
3 / SELLING solutions and projects INVOLVING actors and deciders Efficiency, perceived results, quick return Perceived advantages Financial interest Family comfort Future Next generation Planet The future now
3 / SELLING solutions INVOLVING actors and deciders Efficiency, perceived results, quick return Combined solutions for Win / Win benefits
Insulation : key to Energy Efficiency TRIAS ENERGETICA 3 rd : efficient use of fossil energy sources 2 nd : use renewable energy sources 1 st : minimise energy loss Decreasing the need of energy is the first step No competition on solutions
3 / SELLING solutions INVOLVING actors and deciders Efficiency, perceived results, quick return Combined solutions for Win / Win benefits Sexy offer : honey better than acid Greater comfort in residential and working spaces thermal atmosphere, acoustic, hygrometric, air quality
Process of decision Insulation is good for the planet climate change Insulation and resources Life cycle analysis Insulation bring a better quality of life Insulation is comfort Insulation is self financing Global / individual Insulation creates new jobs Renovation potential Insulation is a win win action
Efficiency first ! Now ! We need You !
EFFICIENCY Insulation : swift and radical decrease of CO 2 Significant and quick response
European potential Insulation : swift and radical decrease of CO 2 Europe (25) Eurima/Ecofys study 460 million tonnes of CO 2 could be saved by insulation, 3.3 million barrels of oil a day is the possible equivalent of CO2 savings by 2036 through the insulation of all existing buildings Existing potential
SUSTAINABLE VALUES Economy Social Environment
Lifecycle of glass wool 1 Raw material Basically it is sand and up to 80% recycled glass. Production Melting and fiber forming In average the energy needed for production and transport is compensated in less than 6 months. Transport 75% storage and transport savings due to high compressibility of the lightweight product rolls. Compression rates up to 8:1 18,8 m³ 18,9 m³ Out of 1m³ raw material we produce 150m³ glass wool insulation products 1: 150
Lifecycle of glass wool 2 Utilization 6 tons CO 2 savings per year through one tone installed glass wool. Reuse & recycling Isover glass wool is a mineral product and is free of propellants and pesticides, chemically neutral, non combustible and free of flame-retardant and free of ground water- polluting chemicals. Multi-purpose, reusable, recyclable. Installation Glass wool is safe and easy to install. Straight off the roll onto the wall. Not classified as carcinogenic under Directive 97/69/EU of the European Commission In 50 years the CO 2 caused by production will be compensated 100 times. 0,8 t CO 2 caused by production of 1 t glass wool 6 t CO 2 savings in one year by 1 t glass wool
Environment : Life Cycle Analysis contribution Global efficiency : positive balance (L C A on 50 years) IBR 200 mm : CO2 emissions (on LCA) : 2,9 Kg C02 CO2 savings per year : 5,1 Kg C02 / year CO2 savings on 50 years : 255 kg CO2: Ratio : 88 high efficiency : GR mm : CO2 emissions (on LCA) : 3,5 Kg C02 CO2 savings per year : 7 Kg C02 / year CO2 savings on 50 years : 350 kg CO2: Ratio : 100 Total used primary energy 121 MJ /m2 ( 50 years) saved prim ener MJ (return 6 months) (return 6 months)
- Environment Durable material No using rare resource Compression Recycling Waste management ( plants and building sites) PLUS …
2- Social Indoor comfort for all people Energy precarity (fuel poverty) Jobs creation Safety and easy installation Health and safety caring (LCA)
2- Economy : exclusive self financing comfort Cost-effectiveness Ecofys VI / Eurima study : E U 25 Technical potential (all buildings) 22 (2010) 39 (2030) billion/ Y 151 Billion/ Y 270 Billion/Y Return 4,28 Y Return 2,73 Y to Study 2003 Every you invest in insulation You can get 5 back Within 30 ans (return 5 Y)
exclusive self financing comfort Insulation by Isover : Saving energy by Saving Money : EXaMPLE 1 French study for new house to be built M3 type with floor and garage, climatic Zone H1, Surface : 115,6 m2. loosings 2,269 W/m2.K 0,426 W/m2.K Heat consumptions kWh kWh Release CO 2 4,1 tonnes 2,3 tonnes Heating costs euros 231 euros Non isolée Isolée RT 2005 Comparing to nos insulated house : 5,3 time less loosings, 8,4 time less heat consumption, 6,1 time less CO 2 release. Source : Etude bureau d’études Tribu 2005 France.
exclusive self financing comfort Insulation by Isover : Saving energy by Saving Money : EXAMPLE 2 Single family house (building 1960 Pettenbach Austria) Annual heating cost euros 200 euros Before After
exclusive self financing comfort Insulation by Isover : Saving energy by Saving Money :. EXAMPLE 3 Multifamily building, 7 flats on 3 levels, Renovation in Switzerland (Building 1960 Männedorf) according to Minergie program data Needing of energy for Heating 164 kWh/m2/Y 70,8 kWh/m2/Y Annual energy cost euros euros Normes nationales Suisses Standard Minergie
other economics Durable solutions Property value creation Creation of jobs PLUS …
Renovation : the key Renovation of existing Builings : RENOVATION Radical decrease of CO2 More comfort for all people Less energy precarity Value of Buildings Jobs creation Key for sustainable development
Insulation with ISOVER Saving your money, Better comfort for your family, Protecting our planet Summerizing the future now ! aujourd'hui pour demain