Reducing CO 2 from transport: What is happening in Europe? Vicenç Pedret Cuscó European Commission Transunion Brussels, 3 November 2011
Transport GHG emissions between 1990 and 2006 Transport sector Emission from transport accounts for 19%-24% of overall EU GHG Emissions increased of + 1.9% per year corresponding to % Road transport only Emission from road transport accounts from 71% of overall transport GHG Emissions increased of + 1.6% per year meaning two thirds of the increase in emissions from the transport sector Source: EEA
Road trasport The share of emissions among road transport modes is: Passenger cars account for about 70% Light commercial vehicles (vans) account for about 10% Heavy duty vehicles (trucks) account for about 30%
EU27 Reference Scenario Source: PRIMES modeling for EC’s Impact Assessments
Developments in EU transport GHG emissions
Transport CO 2 emissions decomposition Source: PRIMES modeling for EC’s Impact Assessments
European CO2 strategy on road transport COM(95)689 Pillar 1: volontary agreements with car manufacturers in 1998/9 to reach 140 g/km within 10 year failed. Regulation (EC) 443/2009 now sets a target of 130 g/km by 2015 and 95 g/km by Pillar 2: Taxation of vehicles proportional to emission. Commissione proposal COM(2005)261 stopped ad the council since 2005 as unanimity is required. Pillar 3: Consumer Information (Labelling Directive 1999/94)
Historical fleet CO 2 emissions performance and current or proposed standards
New car CO 2 emissions/km
Limit value curve in Regulation 443/2009
Limit value curve
Regulation on cars and vans: current status At present the Commission is: Defining the implementing rules for the Regulation, in particular the content and evaluation procedure for derogations and eco-innovation Discussing with the Council and Parliament on the features of the Vans proposal Derogation: small volume manufacturers can apply for an ad-hoc target considering their market segment and potential for reduction Eco-innovations: technologies not captured by the CO2 measurement procedure for cars can receive credits. Applications for each technology to be evaluated by the Commission. Vans: the proposal, as finally approved, has the same features of the Cars proposal with a target of 175 g/km in 2017 and 147 g/km in 2020.
Heavy Duty Vehicles state of play 28% of all road sources 5% of total EU GHG emissions Bigger than international shipping and aviation Continues to grow Rising interest by policy makers in US and Japan Interest by the EU industry in establishing a global fuel efficiency certification method
Heavy Duty Vehicles activities in the EU Gathering information Launched a contract finishing in early 2011 gathering data on HDV market structure and explore technology & policy options Certification method Currently there is no standard way to assess the emission of HDV for whole truck. Engine emission only are measured neglecting the emissions due to aerodynamic drug and rolling resistance. Launched a contract finishing in early 2012 for proposing and testing a method to measure CO2 emissions of whole tracks, single tractors and trailers.
Pillar 3 - Labelling Directive 1999/94/EC The purpose of the Directive is “to ensure that information relating to the fuel economy and CO2 emissions of new passenger cars offered for sale or lease in the Community is made available to consumers in order to enable consumers to make an informed choice.” The Directive contains four different provisions. A poster or display, showing the fuel consumption data and CO2 emissions of all car models displayed at a point of sale A label displayed near each passenger car model at the point of sale A guide on fuel economy and CO2 emissions All promotional literature has to contain fuel consumption and specific CO2 emissions data of the car models to which it refers (i.e. all printed matter including technical manuals, brochures, advertisements in newspapers, magazines and trade press and posters)
Pillar 3 - Labelling Directive 1999/94/EC Confusing information is prohibited Member States shall : ensure information on CO 2 and fuel consumption is available co-operate with car manufacturers report on the effectiveness of the Directive
SIDESKIRTS MOBILE SPOILER (inflatable solution) to close the GAP cab-semitrailer In combination with a dedicated surface on the semitrailer Chassis REAR CLOSURE (stylistic add-on with new lights) Optimized A-pillar cover Optimized fix dam No sun visor and no trap door on the roof Tractor Aerodynamics
Complete SIDESKIRTS with AIR INTAKE Optimized FLOOR to guide the flow Adaptor for cab inflatable spoiler REAR MOBILE SPOILER (inflatable solution) REAR DIFFUSER Trailer Aerodynamics Requires changes of legal requirements
Semi-Trailer Aerodynamics
Transport volume No specific EU policy objective on traffic volume. Actions mainly at Member State level May be mainly driven by other local concerns such as noise, air quality, landscape, e.g: Low emissions zones – see Sectoral lorry ban – Austria Congestion charges – London, Stockholm Promotion of alternatives to road freight Rolling road Incentive programmes eg “Marco Polo”
Economic Instruments Internalisation of external costs an EU policy objective. Eurovignette sets framework for HDV road user charges. Latest revision permits some charging of external costs Road user charges in Member States German HDV charges on main road network Plans for HDV charges on main road network in France Netherlands abandoned intended road charging system Toll motorways in many countries Congestion charging Introduced in London and Stockholm Approx 15% reduction in traffic Public support
Conclusions Wide range of policies enacted by EU to manage transport GHG emissions. Most recently implemented so too early to draw conclusions on their impact. Most analysis suggests further policy action needed to reduce emissions in line with EU goals. Further work underway in a number of areas e.g. shipping and HDV.
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