Global Change Biology…
Global Change Biology…How natural ecology changes by human actions.
Species introductions…
Invasive species and role of herbivores
Invasive vs. native herbivores in the control of plant species…
Emerging diseases and disease ecology…
Fungal disease and global decline of amphibians.
Biodiversity threatened with extinction…
Areas with high levels of endemism and species diversity = targeted for conservation
Identifying biodiversity “hotspots” for targeting conservation efforts.
Changes in CO2 concentrations in atmosphere over time…
Plant productivity responses to elevated CO2.
Experimental evidence of effect of elevated CO2.
Species differ in their response to elevated CO2.
Greenhouse effect --> global warming
Increase in global temperature since 1850
How has flowering time changed over 150 years?
Response of first flowering date to mean spring temperature.
Temperature increases since 1852 in Mass., including springtime temp that correlate with flowering time.
Bottom temperatures in North Sea over past 30 years.
Have species expanded their ranges northward?
Species richness over time…and its correlation with temperature changes.
What is effect of elevated temperatures on releasing C stored in boreal forest soils?
Elevated temperatures accelerate decomposition (respiration by microbes), reducing C pool in soil.
Environmental degradation began with changes in uses of energy and resources, coinciding with our major increase in pop. size.
What is the earth’s carrying capacity for humankind?
Ecological footprint, a measure of our standard of living. USA uses 10.3 ha per ind. but has only 6.7 ha per ind. available. Globe has 1.7 ha for each of us 7 billion people. Can our current ‘habits’ of energy and resource use be sustained?
Global ecology results from cumulative actions of individuals, including ourselves!