1 Gas Turbine R&D and Emissions 4 th International Gas Turbine Conference Brussels 2008 Dr. Victor Der Office of Fossil Energy US Department of Energy.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Gas Turbine R&D and Emissions 4 th International Gas Turbine Conference Brussels 2008 Dr. Victor Der Office of Fossil Energy US Department of Energy October 2008

2 U.S. Department of Energy 2 2 Growing World Energy Demand Coal 27% Oil 33% Gas 26% Nuclear 5% Renewables 9% World today and tomorrow data from EIA AEO 2007, early release for years 2006 and World today and tomorrow data from EIA IEO 2006 for years 2006 (extrapolated) and QBtu or 490 EJ 86% Fossil Energy Coal 25% Oil 37% Gas 24% Nuclear 6% 8% Renewables 8% 722 QBtu or 761 EJ 87% Fossil Energy World Energy Consumption Today World Energy Consumption 2030

3 U.S. Department of Energy 3 Current US Electricity Supply Mix Source: EIA

4 Projected Future U.S. Energy Use by Fuel *2008 Annual Energy Outlook

5 Projected LNG imports to U.S.

6 U.S. Emissions Limits NO x –Emissions limits vary state to state (currently 0.98 to 75 ppmv) –Database of NO x emissions limits available at CO 2 –Not currently regulated but carbon financial instruments are traded on the Chicago Climate Exchange –May be subject to future regulation


8 Changes in Net GHG Emissions* for 17 Major Economies *Includes emissions of carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, sulfur hexafluoride, hydrofluorocarbons, and perfluorocarbons, as well as emissions and removals of carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide from land-use, land-use change and forestry activities. **2006 UNFCCC data not yet available; 2001 through 2005 UNFCCC data used. ***No UNFCCC data available for time period; 2001 through 2005 IEA data used. Sources: 2008 National Inventory Reports and Common Reporting Formats at national_inventories_submissions/items/4303.php and IEA Online Energy Services a (Accessed June ).

9 Reducing Emissions through Efficiency and Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) Efficiency –Maximizing efficiency is a major pathway to reducing CO 2 ; –At least 1.7 gigatons of CO 2 emissions per year could be avoided through steps to raise worldwide efficiency (IEA report)‏ Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS)‏ –Indispensible technology to deal with energy and climate concerns

10 Subscale Field Tests CCS Integration Demos Regional Partnerships Large Scale CO 2 Injection Demos 1MM Tons/Yr Near Zero-Emissions R&D: Advanced Low-cost Capture Efficiency Improvements Combustion and Gasification Data, MMV Modeling Risk Analysis Best Practices FutureGen Integrated IGCC-CCS Siting / Permitting Commercial Demos with Promising Advanced Technology Cost and Energy Penalty Reductions Commercial Deployment CO 2 Regulatory Framework Near-Zero Emissions Coal Sequestration R&D: Safe, Long-Term CO 2 Storage CCPI 3 W / CCS Near-Term Opportunities

11 U.S. Department of Energy Advanced Power Systems Goals (Coal-Based Power) 2010: –45-50% Efficiency (HHV) –99% SO 2 removal –NO x < 0.01 lb/MM Btu –90% Hg removal 2012: - Carbon Capture –90% CO 2 capture –<10% increase in COE for IGCC –<20 % increase in COE for PC 2015: –Multi-product capability –60% efficiency (w/o Carbon Capture and Storage) DOE Office of Clean Coal programs that address these goals: Advanced Turbines Gasification Advanced Research Fuel Cells Innovations for Existing Plants Carbon Sequestration Fuels from Coal The Low NO x Hydrogen-Fired Turbine is a Key Component of the DOE Clean Coal Program

12 Turbine Inlet Temperature Key to Efficiency

13 Advanced Turbine Program Contribution to FE Advanced Power Systems Goals IGCC –2 – 3 % pts CC efficiency improvement –20 – 30 % reduction in CC capital cost –2 ppm NO x in simple cycle exhaust 2012 – Carbon Sequestration (IGCC w/CCS)‏ –Maintain 2010 performance with hydrogen fuels 2015 – Carbon Sequestration (IGCC w/CCS)‏ –3 – 5 % pts CC efficiency improvement –2 ppm NO x in simple cycle exhaust –Additional reductions in CC cost per MW

14 Low NO x Hydrogen-Fired Turbine Technology Development Large Frame Turbine Technology –GE –Siemens Additional Combustion Technology –Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory –University Turbine Systems Research (UTSR)

15 Siemens Hydrogen Engine Design Targets Compressor o25-50 % Increased PR o1-1.5% efficiency improvement Combustor oFuel flexible o2ppm NOx oTemperature > SGT G Turbine oInlet temperature > SGT6-6000G o1-2% efficiency improvement o20-30% reduction in cooling and leakage Power Output o1.5 – 2 X increase Exhaust Temperature o10-20% increase for maximized combined cycle performance. Improved Coatings o20-30% increase in temperature capability o30-40% reduction in thermal conductivity Targeted improvements are referenced to the Baseline

16 Low Swirl Injector for Fuel-Flexible, Near-Zero Emissions Gas Turbines The Low Swirl Injector (LSI)‏ Robert Cheng and David Littlejohn Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory  Burns a variety of fuels, including natural gas, biogas, syngas, and hydrogen  Adaptable to gas turbines and heating equipment of all sizes  Could eliminate millions of tons of carbon dioxide and thousands of tons of nitrogen oxides (NO x ) from clean- coal IGCC power plants each year  Is a simple and cost-effective ultra low emissions combustion technology

17 FY08 Advanced Turbines Program Projects by Organization Industry 8 University 2 National Laboratories 5 Non-Profit 1 Total16 FY08 Budget Allocation

18 Concluding Remarks –Society challenges us with the expectation of affordable, reliable, clean electricity including the need to address climate change concerns. –World and National electricity demands and environmental concerns require timely advancements in turbine technology to achieve affordable Near-Zero Emissions electricity. –DOE FE has a successful history of working with private sector to advance technologies such as Gas Turbine Systems –Continued focused efforts of the International Gas Turbine community will be needed to achieve efficiency and emission reduction goals