1 Montana's Rocky Mountain Front just outside of Browning, Montana. September, Photo: Oil and Gas Accountability Project
2 Thanks to: Christopher Benham, Art Director GE Wind Energy
3 Drilling rig in Big Piney- LaBarge oil and gas field in the Upper Green River Basin of Wyoming Photo: Peter Aengst, The Wilderness Society.
4 Big Piney-LaBarge oil and gas field in the Upper Green River Basin of Wyoming. 166-square-mile total area of which Only 4% is infrastructures (roads, drill pads, pipelines etc). Yet, only 27% is more than 500 ft from infrastructure. And only 3% is more than 1300 ft. Courtesy: Chris Weller, The Wilderness Society, Center for Landscape Analysis. From the TWS report “Fragmenting Our Lands.”
5 Where are the important land use impact of oil sands? Bitumen Production Natural gas use Land use at Ft Mac Land use in Alberta, e.g., front range Impacts wildlife recreation etc