energy24 limited Modification Proposal 0502: Amendment to Gas Quality NTS Entry Specification at the px Teesside System Entry Point
energy24 Limited – Proposal In accordance with UNC (ref. TPD I (a)), change the current Carbon Dioxide (CO2) limit from 2.9 mole% to 4.0 mole%, through an amendment to the Network Entry Provisions in the existing Network Entry Agreement in respect of the px Teesside System Entry Point.
energy24 Limited – Background Modification Proposal 0498: Amendment to Gas Quality Entry Specification at BP Teesside System Entry Point Future content of CO2 in the CATS Pipeline expected to be higher than 2.9 mole% Without blending gas more frequent curtailments of gas to the NTS Greater risk of curtailment from 2019 onwards BP has worked with Grid on the technical analysis/assessment of an increase to their CO2 Entry Specification
energy24 Limited – Why Change? px Teesside System Entry Point Teesside Gas Processing Plant (TGPP) process the same commingled gas arriving at Teesside via the CATS pipeline as BP If the CO2 content of gas arriving at Teesside via the CATS pipeline increases TGPP may be unable to deliver gas into the NTS Hence seeking the same increase to CO2 Entry Specification as BP Subject to confirmation of no adverse impact on downstream systems/users, an UNC modification process to increase the CO2 Entry Specification at the px Teesside System Entry point is sought as an efficient and economic way to maximise gas deliveries to the NTS
energy24 Limited – Why Change? Impact on the GB Gas Market Security of supply Market stability Optimisation of existing infrastructure Maximisation of UKCS production including new HPHT developments Diversification of supply
energy24 Limited – Options? Options 1.New offshore CO2 removal (high cost and may be needed on multiple fields) 2.New onshore CO2 removal (high cost and would be needed at the two Teesside gas processing plants, TGPP and CATS) 3.Amend allowed CO2 Entry Specification at both Teesside System Entry Points Proposed Solution Option 3 – increase the CO2 limit under Both Network Entry Agreements (BP CATS and PX TGPP) from current 2.9 mol% to 4.0 mol%
energy24 Limited – Recommended next steps The Proposer recommends that this modification should be referred to Workgroup assessment to; Develop the modification Review the results of the technical work undertaken to date Agree and progress any further technical work/studies Consider and review any impacts on downstream users Due to the linkage and similarity to BP’s Mod 0498 the Proposer recommends that this modification should be referred and considered by the same Workgroup as Mod 0498 and should report back to the Modification Panel at the same time
Any questions? energy24 Limited