OIL #27 Number of tests Status report 14th of January, 2015 WLTP rev1e
Status At Pune meeting, proposal from Japan and EU were explained. There were some possible controversial aspects, e.g. worst case emission testing, whether a declared or measured CO2 value should be used. EU was requested to clarify the future situation in EU legislation regarding the declaration of the CO2 value. Japan had a discussion for this issue after Pune meeting, and decided to keep current proposal at this moment. Recently Mr. Steininger gave 2nd proposal from EU and will be explained at Geneva. Next step, Update discussion points (slide#5). TF telcon at February.
Japan proposal at Pune Tested with emission worse case mode Retest for CO2 is possible.
EU proposal at Pune Tested with predominant mode No retest for CO2.
Discussion points for number of tests #Points EU proposal at Pune Japan proposal at PuneNote 1Is emission worst case testing necessary, when predominant selectable mode is not emission worst case? No. Emission test with predominant only. Yes. Emission test with worst selectable mode. Manufacturer must comply with emission standard with emission worst case regardless. 2Should retest to be allowed when the CO2 or FC result was not reasonable? No. Retest can be happen only when triggered by criteria pollutant results. Yes.Can we always expect reliable CO2/FC result from one test? 3a.If “Yes” on #2, what would be the trigger of retest? N/A. No retest trigger by CO2/FC. Comparison result between test result and declared value (e.g. within x %). other option? Current 4% is too big shall be lower. 3b.If “Yes” on #2, what would be the final CO2 or FC? N/A.Use the declared value when the deviation is small enough. Use the only test results? or other option?
Concept from Mr.Steininger’s proposal at #9th IWG at Geneva First test R1 <( Declared – dp1) (R1+R2)/2 <( Declared – dp2) (R1+R2+R3)/3 < L Second test Third test (R1+R2+R3)/3 Declared value accepted Rejected (R1+R2+R3)/3 value accepted yes no Pollutants no CO2 CO2 test result (or averaged results) has to be better than declared value. No tolerance at worse side.