How to answer a 6 Mark Question L.O. All of us will improve our ability to answer a six mark question Most of us will be able understand and explain what makes a level 3 answer Some of us will be able to get our work into the level 3 bracket (A*-A Grade)
Starter Answer this 6 Mark Question * A diagram of rocks under the Earth's surface is shown. Limestone is a sedimentary rock. Marble is a metamorphic rock. Granite is an igneous rock. Explain how the three rock layers were formed. (6) 6 minutes
What Level? In pairs Arrange the sentences into two answers for this question. One should be a level 3 answer and one should reflect a level 1 or 2 answer Q5. * Some processes add carbon dioxide to today’s atmosphere. Other processes remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. As a result, the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere can change. Explain how carbon dioxide is added to and removed from today’s atmosphere. (6) 10 minutes
Why? What makes a good answer? Write a couple of sentences about what makes a good answer
Answers Level 3 Answer CO2 is added to the atmosphere in 4 main ways. One, when volcanoes erupt they emit CO2 Two, burning fossil fuels. All fossil fuels contain carbon which has bee stored for millions of years and combustion releases this carbon. Combustion is generalised as Fuel + O2 -> CO2 + H2O so CO2 in the atmosphere goes up Three, deforestation means that there will be less trees to take in CO2 so the levels of CO2 in the atmosphere will increase. Four, respiration, the equation for respiration is basically the same as combustion, C6H12O6 (Fuel) + O2 -> CO2 + H2O and therefore contributes to the overall amount of CO2 in the atmosphere. Two of these ways are natural and unavoidable and two are entirely within the control of humans, but all of them are happening all over the world many times over on any one day and it all adds up to a lot of CO2 being released into the atmosphere. CO2 is removed from the atmosphere in three main ways One, CO2 is readily soluble in water and therefore many tonnes dissolve in the oceans each year, this removes it from the atmosphere. Two, The Oceans do not become saturated because CO2 is being constantly removed from the water and into the crust because corals use it to build their structures and other sea creatures use for their shells. These eventually get buried in, or as, sediments at the bottom of the oceans. Three, plants take in CO2 in order to make glucose (C6H12O6), which is the fuel for respiration. They store this in their cells as starch and use carbon for growth which means that CO2 is taken out of the atmosphere. Plants store Carbon for the life of the plant and beyond if they become buried before they rot. The differing amounts of CO2 which are taken in or are given out determine whether or not CO2 in the atmosphere increases or decreases, that is CO2 out minus CO2 in.
Level 1/2 Answer CO2 can be added to the atmosphere because of volcanic activity which has been adding CO2 for millions of years. The burning of fossil fuels for the production of electricity and heating, also the production of products from limestone for construction. The cutting down of trees causes CO2 to be added to the atmosphere, this mainly happens in the rainforests of the tropics. Breathing of living things and animals and the other waste gases produced by living things. CO2 is removed from the atmosphere by going into the ocean CO2 is trapped in the oceans because the animals breathe it in underwater Plants absorb CO2 and breathe out oxygen, this is why we have lots of O2 in the atmosphere now.
Re-Do Answer this 6 Mark Question * A diagram of rocks under the Earth's surface is shown. Limestone is a sedimentary rock. Marble is a metamorphic rock. Granite is an igneous rock. Explain how the three rock layers were formed. (6) 6 minutes