Diesel Hybrid Renewable Energy Eco-Home
Vocabulary Active Solar Heating System: a system that uses solar collectors to capture energy from the sun and stores it as heat for space and water heating.
Vocabulary Passive Solar Heating System: a system that captures sunlight directly and converts it into low- temperature heat for space heating or heating water for domestic use without the use of mechanical devices.
Vocabulary Energy Efficiency: percent of total energy input that does useful work and is not converted into low quality, generally useless, heat. (i.e. an energy conversion system/process).
Vocabulary Geothermal Energy: heat transferred from the earth’s underground concentrations of dry steam, wet steam, or hot water trapped in rock.
Vocabulary Cogeneration: production of two forms of useful energy, such as high temperature heat/steam and electricity, from the same fuel source.
Vocabulary Energy Conservation: reducing or eliminating the unnecessary waste of energy.
Objectives How can we improve energy efficiency and what are the advantages of doing so? We can produce heat and electricity from one source, use more efficient motors and lights, prolong the use of fossil fuels, reduce oil imports, reduce pollution, use wind power and install more effective insulation(such as spray foam or hay bales). This will reduce environmental degradation and harmful emissions.
Objectives What are the advantages and disadvantages of using solar energy? ADVANTAGES: Moderate net energy yield Moderate environmental impact No CO 2 emissions Fast construction of systems Costs are reduced with a natural gas backup DISADVANTAGES: Low energy efficiency High costs(with no backup system) Must have a backup system Must have access to sunlight High land use Disturbs desert ecosystems
Objectives What are the advantages and disadvantages of using hydropower? ADVANTAGES: Moderate to high net energy Large untapped potential Low-cost electricity Long life span of power plants No CO 2 emissions May provide flood control (dams) Provides irrigation Reservoirs are good for recreation (fishing or swimming) DISADVANTAGES: Expensive construction High environmental impact from purposely flooding areas High CO 2 emissions from biodecay (fish in reservoirs) Flooding Converts a terrestrial ecosystem to an aquatic ecosystem May collapse Uproots homeowners Decreases silt and fish
Objectives What are the advantages and disadvantages of using wind power? ADVANTAGES: Moderate to high net efficiency Moderate cost Low electricity cost Very low environmental impact No CO 2 emissions Quick construction Easily expanded Can be located at sea or on land The land around turbines can be used as cropland DISADVANTAGES: Steady winds are needed Backup systems needed for when there is little or no wind Visual pollution High land use Noise when located near high populations May interfere with migratory bird patterns
Objectives What are the advantages and disadvantages of using biomass to produce heat, electricity and to power vehicles? ADVANTAGES: Large potential supply Moderate cost No net CO 2 increase if it is burned Plantations can be located on semi-arid land Plantations can restore degraded land Can make use of wastes DISADVANTAGES: Nonrenewable if used unsustainably Moderate to high environmental impact CO 2 emissions Decrease photosynthetic efficiency Soil erosion Water pollution Plantations could overtake cropland Air pollution
Objectives What are the advantages and disadvantages of using geothermal energy? ADVANTAGES: Very high efficiency Moderate net efficiency Low CO 2 emissions Low cost Low land use/disturbance Moderate environmental impact DISADVANTAGES: Scarcity of sites Rapidly depleted CO 2 emissions Moderate to high air pollution Noise and odor pollution Cost is high unless concentrated
Objectives What are the advantages and disadvantages of using hydrogen gas? ADVANTAGES: Produced from water Low environmental impact Can be renewable No CO 2 emissions Good oil substitute Competitive pricing Easy to store Safer than gas Nontoxic High efficiency DISADVANTAGES: Not found in nature Energy is needed to produce it Negative net energy CO 2 emissions from conversion Can be nonrenewable High cost Takes years to phase in Short driving range No fuel distribution system Excessive H 2 leaks may deplete the ozone layer
Objectives How can we transition into a more sustainable energy society? We can implement subsidies, give rebates and tax breaks for sustainable practices, tax unsustainable practices, and offer public education to either promote or discourage the use of various energy alternatives.