Carbon Footprint Study Basic Information for EuroVeneta Fusti srl (ITALY) For more detailed information, please contact Bert Himpe at p2p.Bert Himpe
Source is ‘Living Planet Report 2008’ – WWF You have to understand ‘Living planet index’ –LPI = is an indicator of the state of global biological diversity, based on trends in vertebrate populations of species from around the world In last 35 years LPI decreased 30%!
You have to understand ‘Ecological Footprint’ –It is a measure of human demand on the Earth's ecosystems. It compares human demand with planet Earth's ecological capacity to regenerate. It doubled in last 45 years! Today we consume 30% more than capacity to regenerate
You have to understand ‘Ecological Debtor’ All red countries are ecological debtors Their demand is bigger than own capacity You see more red countries in 2005 compared to 1961 Continuing like today means we will need 2 planets in 2030!
Statement: We only have 1 planet Switch to sustainable resources Recon Packaging = Sustainable!
Source: study of AT Kearney Green companies are performing better! Green companies = Sustainability companies Sustainability companies are companies listed either on Dow Jones Sustainability Index or the Goldman Sachs Sustain Focus List
Study is owned by p2p Serred has paid p2p for the copyright of it
Results is in favor for recon drums What about IBCs? use analogy with reuse of steel drums
The system boundaries used for calculating CO2 emissions for the steel drum supply chain includes: Manufacturing of steel New steel drum manufacturing Drum reconditioning Tauw did not take into account: Filling at customer Emptying at end user Mining Steel recycling Transport of raw materials & drums System boundaries of the steel drum supply chain
All excluded items would be identical for new as for recon In fact mining is extra needed for new drums! So if it was included it would be in favour for recon drums System boundaries of the steel drum supply chain
This is the logo of our campaign And that pack2care gives them sustainable solutions!