L2 trigger: chi2 tuning (includes changes/comments discussed in the meeting) Carmen Diez Pardos Silvia Goy López CIEMAT Madrid 11/01/2012 1C. Diez Pardos.


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Presentation transcript:

L2 trigger: chi2 tuning (includes changes/comments discussed in the meeting) Carmen Diez Pardos Silvia Goy López CIEMAT Madrid 11/01/2012 1C. Diez Pardos

Check effect of changing chi2  ValidHits distributions: # of L2 with none validhits  Effect on resolution (compared to offline pT)  Data: 2011RunB Zskim (~55K events) (/SingleMu/Run2011B-ZMu-PromptSkim-v1)  SELECTION: events with a good offline Muon: Tracker&Global, chi2 10, ValidMuonHits>0, MatchedStations>1, pixelHits>0, abs(eta)< Resolution: hltL2MuonCandidate matched to the closest (smallest DeltaR) offline muon 2C. Diez Pardos

ValidHits with different chi2 3C. Diez Pardos chi2 #0Valid Hit /Total #0ValidHit /Total L2MuonCandidates matched to the CLOSEST offline muon For chi2>300 rather small difference

1/pT resolution 4C. Diez Pardos distributions: ValidHits>0

1/pT resolution 5C. Diez Pardos No cut in ValidHits

1/pT resolution chi2 RMS (ValidHits>0) SIGMA RMS (All L2) SIGMA (All L2)

pT resolution 7C. Diez Pardos PT distributions: ValidHits>0

pT resolution 8C. Diez Pardos No cut in ValidHits

pT resolution chi2 RMS (ValidHits>0) SIGMA RMS (All L2) SIGMA (All L2)

Efficiency (HLT_Mu24, HLT_Mu40) 10C. Diez Pardos Efficiency for positive charged muon 0.2% higher than for negative muons Tag+Probe pairs Mmumu (60,120) GeV + criteria Slide1 pt> 30 GeV (40 GeV for HLT_Mu40) chi2 HLT_Mu24 (%) (stat error ~ 0.002) (no cut in ValidHits) HLT_Mu40 (stat error ~ 0.003) HLT_Mu24 (%) (stat error ~ 0.002) (no cut in ValidHits) HLT_Mu40 (stat error ~ 0.003) (92.230) (91.530) (92.230) (91.530) (92.253) (91.530) (92.253) (91.530) (92.546) (91.733) (92.546) (91.733)