Défilé de mode Devoirs: Ecrivez une description complète pour votre tenue (outfit). Il faut avoir un minimum de 4 vetements 2 articles Couleurs Tissus/dessins.


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Presentation transcript:

Défilé de mode Devoirs: Ecrivez une description complète pour votre tenue (outfit). Il faut avoir un minimum de 4 vetements 2 articles Couleurs Tissus/dessins Aussi, il faut ajouter d’autres détails. Be sure to write in French!!!

In the summer, she wears blue striped shorts, a solid white t-shirt, white leather sandals and some brown plastic sunglasses. (this example is in English— You will write yours in French.) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Welcome to our 2013 Spring fashion show. We have four new looks for each season. First, Here is Catherine. Catherine is ready for the beach and for the summer. Catherine is wearing some blue striped shorts. With the shorts she has a pretty solid white t-shirt. To walk on the beach she is wearing some white leather sandals. When it is sunny, she wears her new brown plastic sunglasses. Thank you, Catherine.

In the summer, she wears blue striped shorts, a solid white t-shirt, white leather sandals and some brown plastic sunglasses. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Welcome to our 2013 Spring fashion show. We have four new looks for each season. First, Here is Catherine. Catherine is ready for the beach and for the summer. Catherine is wearing some blue striped shorts. With the shorts she has a pretty solid white t-shirt. To walk on the beach she is wearing some white leather sandals. When it is sunny, she wears her new brown plastic sunglasses. Thank you, Catherine.

Défilé de mode 1.As a group, choose a un titre for your show and write a 1-sentence introduction. 2. Decide who will read the description of your outfit. 3.Take the script that you will read and write it to reflect the following: Introduce the person. Add details about activities or place in that season, and weather. Add at least 2 more adjectives about clothes ….pretty, expensive, great, elegant, athletic…

4.You have 15 minutes to work on scripts. You will be graded for what you read. Make sure it is correct, detailed and you know how to pronounce the words. 5.You have 10 minutes to REHEARSE the show. When the person is announcing what you are wearing, you should point or emphasize the specific article. Show personality!

La note: You will receive an independent grade. You will be graded on how fluently you speak, how much Detail you use in your speech, and your pronunciation. Your independent grade will go up or down based on the Preparation / fluidness of the fashion show as a whole The model demonstrating the clothes as you mention them.

Ignore the rest of the poweroint.

Controle - vendredi Il faut savoir…. 1. Le vocabulaire des vêtements et les accessoires. 2. Le temps 3. Les verbes: avoir besoin de, porter, mettre, apporter You need to be able to 4. Express what you WILL wear when the weather WILL be ____. 5. Express what you WILL bring when the weather WILL be ____.

La Géographie du monde. Je visiterai l’Europe. Je visiterai l’Allemagne. Je visiterai l’Angleterre. Je visiterai la Belgique. Je visiterai l’Espagne. Je visiterai la France Je visiterai l’Irlande. Je visiterai le Portugal. Je visiterai la Suisse. Je visiterai la Russie.

Notes 1. Most geographical places (continents, countries, rivers) are introduced by a un article défini. Modèle: Je vais visiter le Canada. La Caroline du Nord est un bel état. 2. Exception: Cities and small islands do not use les articles définis. Modèle: J’habite à Charlotte. Paris est la capitale de France.

Observez: Le Canada Le Guatemala Le Liban Le Japon Le Portugal Brésil ??? Russie??? Le Brésil La France La Belgique La Suisse La Chine La Corée La Russie

Notes…la suite 3. Countries and other geographical places have GENDER. 4. Names of countries, states, and countinents that end in –e are generally féminin. La France, la Belgique, l’Asie, l’Italie 5. Exception: These places are masculin: Le Mexique, Le Cambodge, Le Maine, le Nouveau-Mexique

6. Other geographical names are masculine or plural: Le Japon; Le Colorado; Les Etats-Unis; Les Pays-Bas 7. Remember cities do not have gender and do not use an article défini. Raleigh est la capitale de la Caroline du Nord.

La Géographie du monde. Je visiterai l’Amérique du Nord. Je visiterai le Canada. Je visiterai les Etats-Unis. Je visiterai le Mexique. Je vais visiter l’Amérique Centrale. Je visiterai le Guatemala.

Je vais visiter l’Amérique du Sud. Je visiterai l’Argentine. Je visiterai le Brésil. Je visiterai la Colombie. Je visiterai le Moyen Orient. Je visiterai Israel. Je visiterai le Liban.

Je visiterai l’Afrique. Je visiterai l’Egypte. Je visiterai le Sénégal. Je visiterai la Tunisie. Je visiterai la Côte d’Ivoire.

Je visiterai l’Asie. Je visiterai le Cambodge. Je visiterai la Chine. Je visiterai l’Inde. Je visiterai le Japon. Je visiterai le Viêt-Nam. Je visiterai la Corée. Je visiterai l’Australie.